Dropping like flies: 9th helicopter downed in Iraq

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Jul 22, 2006
It is good to see you edited your post to spare us all the use of your favorite cliché. I don’t think anyone can bear another kettle black reply from you. We’ve had enough to last a life time.

Why did you even post in this thread in the first place other than to act as a cheerleader/bandwagon jumper? And when you get called on it you get extra salty? Your fury over your picture is actually a reflection of YOUR hypocrisy.

Keep up the cheerleading, but don’t’ give up on your true passion as my number 1 fan.

P.S. Fanboy I was in this thread long before you.
May 9, 2002
Deadpool said:
It is good to see you edited your post to spare us all the use of your favorite cliché. I don’t think anyone can bear another kettle black reply from you. We’ve had enough to last a life time.

Why did you even post in this thread in the first place other than to act as a cheerleader/bandwagon jumper? And when you get called on it you get extra salty? Your fury over your picture is actually a reflection of YOUR hypocrisy.

Keep up the cheerleading, but don’t’ give up on your true passion as my number 1 fan.

P.S. Fanboy I was in this thread long before you.
Actually, my first post was a FACT. When people dont have their facts right, I put it out there. Phil then came at ME. I only defended myself.

I have nothing against phil. Whether it was 2-0 or YOU that he was going at, I still woud have said what I did. If the poster wants to take it a step further, then ill post a reply becuase thats what you do when someone directs somthing at you.

MY hypocrisy? Wow, way to use some sort of elementary reverse psychology when YOU get called out for doing something that YOU, yourself, accuse ME of doing. Are you fuckin retarded?

Further more, I have no idea what YOU have against me. I find it oddly strange AND flattering that you have such a deep rooted despise for someone you dont know. Humor me, young one.

The fact that you have to defend you hypocrisy is a huge flaw in your thinking. Your self-fallacy is expected and not uncommon. When someone gets "caught slipping", like you just did, its natural for you to bring your thinking down a notch to some kiddy shit, but in turn, try and make it sound as if youre one some critical thinking tip and that you "told me so". Cmon bro, you aint fooling no one.

In all reality, I really dont give 2 shits what you, or anyone else for that matter, thinks about me on this message board; a message board in which i use for entertainment purposes only. I get on here while im at work, getting paid to do, well, nothing. So in my downtime, i get on here and watch little kids act a fool and people like you that thinks their shit dont stink becuase they have some sort of short wit and some knowledge they get from CNN.com. What are you like in real life? Most of the time, people are the exact opposite on the internet and real life. My guess is that youre a huge nerd that has very few friends; youre love of comic books seems to show this. I might be wrong in making that assumption, but it is my assumption and i can live with that.

So keep it up. If you want to keep going back and fourth for the rest of our exsistance on this board, I have no problem with that. It is what it is.

MataSkonkas said:
Hmmm...the irony in this post is sad.
Jul 22, 2006
If you didn't care you wouldn't follow me around from forum to forum on this site acting like my number one fan. You would not devote multiple paragraphs to try and defend yourself if you didn't care that people think you're a bitch.

You have no idea what I have against you? You've come at me sideways from the second I got here. You get bested in intellectual jousting and revert to personal attacks and infantile remarks. When you get publicly shown up at that game; you cry like a baby and scream hypocrisy.

Keep up your cheer leading and keep bumping my posts.