Do YOU Fear DEATH???

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Dec 2, 2004
Mean Mugg said:
I hate thinking about all this shit too, but what do I think will happen? REINCARNATION, maybe not on this planet, maybe in another planet since there's billions of galaxies containing millions of planets in the universe which as far as we know could be an infinite amount of galaxies....Out of those numbers, I really don't believe Earth is the only planet containing life....But what I really believe is you reincarnate into one of your son's or daughter's seeds....or their seeds seeds, kinda like that movie, is it Joy Luck Club? I don't remember it was some Chinese American flick..
I agree with you, theres so many planets in the universe so many possibilities, and so much we don't know.
Never seen that movie man, sounds crazy. Is there any buddhist sects that believe reincarnation happens through the seed of your offspring?

Could you see how this thought could tie into what i was saying? hate to get scientific on ya...but you ARE reincarnated into your offspring. A part of you becomes them, every cell in your son/daughter's body contains YOU (DNA). Maybe this is what the concept of reincarnation was supposed to mean.

The thought that you could be another living thing after you die isn't only stated in reincarnation but science as well.

Its all the same, just the way you interpret it. You say ta-mae-toe I say toe-mah-toe.

Mean Mugg said:
I like to think positively after death, that way I'd have a feeling of something to look forward after it, I hate thinking negatively it's just unhealthy
Looking forward to an afterlife may help you be ready for death. But I tend to think that consuming yourself with such hopes is unhealthy, looking forward to something that may not be there. I believe in a different sort of afterlife, but really it's actually all the same.

So much to do (my fulfillment), so much to learn (my seeking truth), so much to pass on (my reincarnation) and so little time (my life)........ once again, you say ta-mae-toe I say toe-mah-toe.
Apr 1, 2002
1/2 On It said:
I agree with you, theres so many planets in the universe so many possibilities, and so much we don't know.
Never seen that movie man, sounds crazy. Is there any buddhist sects that believe reincarnation happens through the seed of your offspring?

Could you see how this thought could tie into what i was saying? hate to get scientific on ya...but you ARE reincarnated into your offspring. A part of you becomes them, every cell in your son/daughter's body contains YOU (DNA). Maybe this is what the concept of reincarnation was supposed to mean.

The thought that you could be another living thing after you die isn't only stated in reincarnation but science as well.

Its all the same, just the way you interpret it. You say ta-mae-toe I say toe-mah-toe.

Looking forward to an afterlife may help you be ready for death. But I tend to think that consuming yourself with such hopes is unhealthy, looking forward to something that may not be there. I believe in a different sort of afterlife, but really it's actually all the same.

So much to do (my fulfillment), so much to learn (my seeking truth), so much to pass on (my reincarnation) and so little time (my life)........ once again, you say ta-mae-toe I say toe-mah-toe.

My interpretation of reincarnation and the movie was not about the passing of DNA. It does in a sense but it means to be reborn in a future life from your DNA which has been passed over years and years of breeding. It's not so much as the cells being passed on it's the spirit/soul that is reborn again. I'm terrible at explaining it. How can looking forward to the afterlife be unhealthy? It's not like I'm ready and wanna die, I just don't want to fear death as if it's the end of my existence. And after you die, how can you know if it's not there or not? You no longer have a brain to think with....
Dec 2, 2004
^^But the thought of no afterlife allows you to put everything in your life into perspective, makes you realize how important and limited your life is. It keeps you on your toes, allows you to LIVE knowing that the end could come anytime. You look forward to what you're going to do next in your limited life.

It's kinda like if a doctor told you you had 2 months to live, stop and imagine what you would do in those 2 months. It would put your whole life into perspective knowing the inevitable end is near right? Now how real and alive would you feel if you had your life in that perspective all the time?
Would you worry and waste it away or would you try to experience great things, feel alive and try to pass something on?

This is why I think it is healthier to assume that your life is limited, and the inevitable end could come anytime. It allows you to put everything into perspective and feel real and alive, it makes you want to get out and do things.
But i guess it makes sense that some people, with this same thought would worry and waste away their life. They are uncomfortable with the thought of no afterlife, believing in an afterlife puts them back in their comfort zone. But whatever works for you.