Do YOU Fear DEATH???

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Dec 18, 2002
JoMoDo said:
Back to the philosophy I mentioned earlier, I picked it up from a modern philosopher Carlos Castenada. His sentiments on this topic express that we should use death as an advisor and that our death is always on our shoulder right with us, and since it is inevitable, do fear it, rather learn to live with it, and keep in mind and how you live your life accordingly...
Wow, i need to start reading his work, thats almost exactly how i feel on the subject. it started about six months ago, i would ask myself "what if i died tommorow and had to live with the accomplisments of today", that got my ass in gear real quick.
May 15, 2002
My fear of death is what'll happen after Im gone. Nobody knows what happens when we leave this earth because nobody has came back and told us. My other fear is what happens while you're dying...what is it like. Things like that cross my mind when the thoughts of death come up.
Apr 26, 2002
i dont fear death, i jus fear not knowin wut tomorrow will bring when i'm dead. aint that some shit, u ALWAYS expect tomorrow, but if u die, u wont kno wut it's like.

if there isn't a heaven or hell, i think death will feel like before u were born, can ya'll remember how it felt? fold.
May 15, 2002
BaSICCally said:
There are worse things in life then death.

So am I scared of death? no. In a lot of ways I look forward to it.

However I do a fear a long and suffering death.
I feel you on that. I often wonder how I'm going to die also; heart attack, drowning, old age?? That's one reason I look foward to death. I'm also curious what happens after death. I don't personally believe in an afterlife, but you never know until you die...or not.
May 11, 2002
Carlos Castneda writes well but I read the Power From Within he had me throughout the book, but it seemed to me that he was just repeating the same thing over and over.
Jan 21, 2004
not really scared of dying cuz if you dead what can you worry about????

but i do fear that my last statement may be wrong and ill end up stucc somewhere in a constant worry or state of misery or pain as punishment for being the human that i am in this world.....
Apr 1, 2002
Fuck yeah I'm scared of death, because who knows if there's life after death. Once you die, your existence is gone, what if there's no heaven nor hell? I mean, how do exist without a human body w/a much needed brain in heaven or hell? I don't really believe in heaven nor hell, I don't believe we have souls neither, it's all about our brains that make us think, feel and what not, not our souls. So if you die and you have no body, where are you to go? However I do believe in reincarnation....As for 40oz. you need a girl friend dogg, and stop consuming alcohol maybe that's why you feel that way, alcohol doesn't hide the pain it makes it worse....
Dec 2, 2004
^^^Actually we do still exist after death. Nothing ever really dies, only breaks up and becomes something else. You are made up of cells that were once part of other living things, we eat dead things to stay alive.

The creation of our existence isn't a creation because everything we are made up of was once something else. You are made up of other living things, other human's cells and DNA, the plants and meat that you eat. And when you die, you will still exist, you will become many other things. When you you die it's not like you just disappear, no, you will become part of many other things and still exist.

Our bodies are static, in a sense we die everyday, from cutting hair, to sweating, to shedding off skin cells. But these things still exist, everything you are made up of will ALWAYS exist, it will be passed on to be other things.

From reproducing and passing your cells onto other humans to dying and being consumed by other living things(bacteria, maggots, plants).

It's a cycle... nothing ceases to exist...nothing is created. This is what science tells us. In a sense we are all immortal.
Apr 1, 2002
1/2 On It said:
^^^Actually we do still exist after death. Nothing ever really dies, only breaks up and becomes something else. You are made up of cells that were once part of other living things, we eat dead things to stay alive.

The creation of our existence isn't a creation because everything we are made up of was once something else. You are made up of other living things, other human's cells and DNA, the plants and meat that you eat. And when you die, you will still exist, you will become many other things. When you you die it's not like you just disappear, no, you will become part of many other things and still exist.

Our bodies are static, in a sense we die everyday, from cutting hair, to sweating, to shedding off skin cells. But these things still exist, everything you are made up of will ALWAYS exist, it will be passed on to be other things.

From reproducing and passing your cells onto other humans to dying and being consumed by other living things(bacteria, maggots, plants). It's a cycle... nothing ceases to exist...nothing is created.

This is what science tells us, nothing ever really ceases to exist, only becomes something else. In a sense we are all immortal.

No shit buddy I know all that already. I'm talkin about your mind, it's gone, it's who you are.....Explain to me where that goes?
Dec 2, 2004
Mean Mugg said:
No shit buddy I know all that already. I'm talkin about your mind, it's gone, it's who you are.....Explain to me where that goes?
Haha, all your mind is is an exchange of chemicals between synapsis in the brain. This will also exist when you die, only it will change.
When DNA is passed onto other humans this can make up alot of how those chemicals are going to exchange in your brain.
The way your mind functions is probably alot like how your parent's minds function. I'm not talking abouts vews, beliefs etc. I'm talking about how it is structured and reacts to the exchange of chemicals.

Stop looking at it in an individualistic way. We are all made up of the same things, all molecules, everything in the universe is made up of the same atomic particles. These particles can't be destroyed or created. Your mind won't cease to exist.
Apr 1, 2002
1/2 On It said:
Haha, all your mind is is an exchange of chemicals between synapsis in the brain. This will also exist when you die, only it will change.
When DNA is passed onto other humans this can make up alot of how those chemicals are going to exchange in your brain.
The way your mind functions is probably alot like how your parent's minds function. I'm not talking abouts vews, beliefs etc. I'm talking about how it is structured and reacts to the exchange of chemicals.

Stop looking at it in an individualistic way.
lol come on now bro, I want an individualistc answer so stop answering in a scientific manner. Answer me this, what's your religion?
Dec 2, 2004
^What u mean? I gave you the answer. I'm agnostic, but i find shin buddhism to be interesting, i think all religion is interesting. What's your religion?
Apr 1, 2002
1/2 On It said:
^What u mean? I gave you the answer. I'm agnostic, but i find shin buddhism to be interesting, i think all religion is interesting. What's your religion?
I mean what I mean, what do you think will happen to you when you die? excluding all that scientific reasoning please. I don't really have a religion, parents' religion is theravada buddhism. Anyway back to the question what do you think will happen to your spirit????
Jun 24, 2003
me-personally-i don't fear death, it's what death brings afterwards. Heaven or Hell, I'm going to one or the other. I DO BELIEVE THIS. EVERYBODY IS GOING TO ONE OR THE OTHER. these are just my two cents, everybody has their beliefs, and i do think and hope GOD will have mercy on everybody's soul. Life is a bitch, but it's how you treat her, is how the outcome will be. It's your choice if you want to make the best of it or not. I got me a son, at age 18, it's hella hard, specially when my son is gonna be 2 already! FUCK, i dont even have any money for lil dude yet to go to college. Most kids my age are tryin to afford for their own college, but me, shit, i gotta work double harder and make ends meet for me, and him. and to the people who say they have nothing to live for......wether you take my advice or not, i could care less, but I'm tryin to live for Jesus because he died for me. ONE!
Dec 2, 2004
Mean Mugg said:
I mean what I mean, what do you think will happen to you when you die? excluding all that scientific reasoning please. I don't really have a religion, parents' religion is theravada buddhism. Anyway back to the question what do you think will happen to your spirit????
I honestly dont know man, i'd like to think that my spirit would still exist in a happy place, like many other people i'd like to think that i can control what happens to me after i die.
But i honestly don't believe that this is the way it is. I think my spirit will only exist in the memories of other people. Cuz as far as i can see, thats all that will happen.
But what do I know about it? What do any of us know of it? Maybe we over-analyze, maybe it is as simple as science says.

What do you think?
Apr 1, 2002
1/2 On It said:
I honestly dont know man, i'd like to think that my spirit would still exist in a happy place, like many other people i'd like to think that i can control what happens to me after i die.
But i honestly don't believe that this is the way it is. I think my spirit will only exist in the memories of other people. Cuz as far as i can see, thats all that will happen.
But what do I know about it? What do any of us know of it? Maybe we over-analyze, maybe it is as simple as science says.

What do you think?
I hate thinking about all this shit too, but what do I think will happen? REINCARNATION, maybe not on this planet, maybe in another planet since there's billions of galaxies containing millions of planets in the universe which as far as we know could be an infinite amount of galaxies....Out of those numbers, I really don't believe Earth is the only planet containing life....But what I really believe is you reincarnate into one of your son's or daughter's seeds....or their seeds seeds, kinda like that movie, is it Joy Luck Club? I don't remember it was some Chinese American flick. I like to think positively after death, that way I'd have a feeling of something to look forward after it, I hate thinking negatively it's just unhealthy.