IPM you're trippen if think that the forums dont MAKE this site.
The updates on the homepage of this site are fucking HORRIBLE.
i dont come here to read their articles, i come here to look for info posted by OTHER USERS and ARTISTS. I know about all the latest bay music because of other people that post about it, not because siccness.net updates me on the regular about it.
siccness is just the medium we use to communicate with, just slap on some gangsta-branding on the pages and call it a bay area rap board and boom you have the siccness.
it is WE that provide the traffic that they base their ad revenues on, no one else. they make money off us. We could EASILY go to another forum, but we stay based off the relationships we've built with other people and we enjoy the interface this forum provides, and once they fuck that up then whats the point?
Im tired of the moderator politics, they are just like us, no better, no worse. A good website informs its users and responds to feedback, thats the key to maintaining a good website. We keep this board relevent through our knowledge of Bay Area Rap and everything else pertinent to the respective forums on hear. WE MAKE THIS SITE, SO YES THEY DO OWE US. THIS SITE IS OURS.