I’m seeing some problems within this discussion.
First being the bastardized reasoning that is attempting to be applied. Much of what is being talked about is terminology popularized by groups like the black panthers as rationalization for them organizing previously established criminal gangs and other general criminal elements and integrating them into their organization.
The black panthers (using them as an example because much of the theory you pro gangsters are espousing comes from them, yet I believe you lack understanding of it, but I digress) looked toward the third world liberation movements around the world, and specifically the areas where they were having success (Algeria, China, Cuba, etc) and attempted to apply the ideas and actions of these successful anti-colonial movements toward their goal of first world minority emancipation. Central to their interpretation of third world struggle were the writings of Frantz Fanon and specifically his text “The Wretched of the Earth”.
In wretched of the earth Fanon advocates for the organizing of a class segment known as the lumpenproletariat. The lumpen in Marxist thought is a sub class of society; the criminal elements. As Marx would say the “refuse of all classes”. Marx and Engles considered the lumpen to be unproductive and a regressive force upon society and especially on organizing the proletariat and developing its power. These are the extreme criminal elements that lacked class consciousness and by attempting to buck their status as members of the proletariat were a scourge of their fellow class and were just as reactionary as the capitalists. Fanon used the term differently.
Fanon, similarly to Mao and Guevara, advocated the organizing of the peasant masses. Fanon used the term lumpenproletariat to describe non-city dwelling inhabitants of the colonies, those who are not involved in industrial production, the peasant masses. Within the colonial system Fanon argued the industrial proletariat was too endeared to the colonialist and was not sufficiently independent from the colonialists to make a revolution against them. His definition of lumpen (the peasants) were. This is where the panthers made a misinterpretation.
The panthers took Fanon’s endorsement of lumpenproletariat organizing and attempted to apply a third world solution to a first world problem. The panthers combined the Marxist definition of the lumpenproletariat with Fanon’s definition. The panthers viewed the colonized countries of the third world in the same light as they did the black population of the United States. But since there was no peasant class or no rural non-city dwelling mass to organize they looked to the down trodden city dwelling lumpenproletariat – manifested in its Marxist form – criminals. We all know how successfully that worked out for them. Many argue this to be their fatal flaw; more to their determent even than cointelpro.
Let’s talk about another term, popularized by the panthers, which has been tossed around in this thread, vanguard. It is important to discuss the dictionary definition of this word as well as how it is applied in Marxist ideology and by the black panthers.
Webster’s defines Vanguard as:
1 : the troops moving at the head of an army
2 : the forefront of an action or movement
This could be an appropriately used word when discussing gangs, yet, again the question would arise, “What are they the vanguard of?”. For vanguard to have positive connotations, it would require that this vanguard be at the forefront of a constructive or positive movement. This is often how the terminology is applied within Marxism-Leninism.
Typically Marxist-Leninist ideological groups refer to the vanguard in terms of a political party or grassroots organization. This vanguard positions itself at the front of the revolutionary movement taking the brunt of the force and inflicting the maximum damage. Lenin developed the vanguard theory because of the structure of modern capitalist society that prevented labor from organizing itself beyond basic trade union status as well as prevented any kind of in-depth study of Marxism that would be required for a true Marxist revolution to take place. The vanguard, being the Marxist intellectuals, would position themselves at the front of the movement knowing only with informed consciousness could revolutionary socialism be formed. The panthers again adapted this terminology to fit their needs.
The panthers positioned themselves as the vanguard party for the first world emancipation of the inner city black colonies. They were fond of the metaphor of a spear. The panthers were the head or blade of the spear. The part which does the cutting, the damage, the blood letting. But a spear head is virtually useless without the shaft of the spear. The people were the shaft of the spear, the part of the spear that puts the weight, the effort, the force behind the spear head. Without both pieces the revolutionary spear is virtually useless and certainly not powerful enough to fell an imperial power. But together they form a potent weapon one capable of striking the death blow. When analyzing a vanguard in respect to the panthers and other Marxist-Leninist groups one must apply the criteria “Is this vanguard truly revolutionary or progressive?”. This can be compared to other groups who by Webster’s definition would be known as vanguards.
Other vanguards include the police, the military, gangs, etc. The question which arises is again “Is this vanguard truly revolutionary or progressive?”. The police and the military are the vanguard for the elite capitalist imperialist class. So these vanguards in their essence are reactionary and regressive. Are gangs a vanguard? It is possible, but who are they a vanguard for and are they revolutionary or reactionary or are they progressive or regressive? Gangs could be considered a vanguard for the lumpenproletariat they are positioned as an organized group at the forefront of criminal activity. But criminals are not revolutionary or progressive. They are a reactionary force within society that only acts to do further damage to the working class. So those who form the vanguard for such a movement should be held with even greater distain. And as we can see from history it is this vanguard of the lumpen that worked against the panthers and against other revolutionary and progressive groups.