@heresy - You HAVE said what you're theologial position was before and it was a christian derivative. review your old posts. (I'm not going to bring up your son of god divine prophet bullshit from the past with yeshua and etc) one of my ensnarements to get you to talk. you did
I have LEARNED from THE SOURCE. You can throw theology out the window.
yeah you didn't say solely but that seems to be the inference.
NO it is NOT the inference. I said you look at it from -->the<-- "
"and if you think my perspective is the christian one you need to crack your books again."
Your perspective that you believe is NOT a christian one. The perspective that you ATTACK ***IS*** the christian one. Please spend more time READING instead of typing. I'll type it again for you Stevie...oops I mean RAY.
When you DROP the "christian" perspective of god being "omni" (a perspective I don't and never endorsed but a perspective you constantly attack) I'll allow you to stop chasing your tail.....
How could I say
your perspective is christian when I said
"a perspective you constantly attack"?????
Simply put stop coming at me like I hold the "omni" christian position because it's something I don't adhere to. Once you do that you'll understand part of my position.
I answered your questions simply and directly. you just don't get it.
any belief in an "omni" kills theism. so if you aren't a theist you get it and my perspective. if you are a theist then you're . . .
No. Any belief in OMNI does not kill theism because some forms of theism do not endorse "OMNI" by your definitions/standards. A theist who does not believe in the "omni" by your definitions (I'm not talking about me) is at liberty to ask "is creating a rock a logical impossibility"?
if the "god" you are refering to is the figurative/speculative/subjective/theological one which is by definition virtual or unreal yes "god" can do anything you make him to do in virtual reality. but no he can't do anything in reality. if that's the page you're on that's then we've been on the same page if not oh well.
Your getting warm

I'm almost proud of you. Seriously. Thanks for showing part of your deistic perspective I appreciate that. Yes you can make a virtual or unreal god do anything you want just like you can manipulate facts to further your agenda. You can have this "god" chanting "ambamaba bababababababababa" and transforming pigs into butterflies but if he can't transform those pigs in
reality or you can't SEE or HEAR him chanting whatever the hell it was he was chanting guess what? He exists in your perspective and your realm thus making him real to you and not to the next man. Now the question is can this deity do the logical impossible and if it can't do what is logically impossible is it still "OMNI"?
if this is where you're at again I'll say we're speaking the same language but across purposes.
figuratively speaking, the purpose of me questioning "god khiller" was to see if you have found the page of when i put the book down.
"God" cannot be found in "the book". "God" is found IN *YOU* and AROUND *YOU*. If you believe it has something to do with atheist being forced to convert to agnosticism thats not my take. "god" imho Experience is found in that....EXPERIENCE.
you say that we aint on the same page and that you don't need to catch up. sometimes that is indicated. i probe you to gauge your evolution (and you have in areas). your behavior of propogating fiction is what perplexed me.
I don't propogate fiction I simply explain what I myself have learned from THE SOURCE (and no I don't mean the magazine). To spread fiction is something you're average "preacher" will do and it's something I find to be of NO value.
if you know the distinction between real and fake and you propogate it you are either creating a cult,
LMAO! Thats a good one! I can see it now HAIREISTHAI OMNI....Hmmmmmmmm "the cult of kefka" lol!!!!
"trying to ensnare folks in theism"
No. I myself am not ensared with theism. Theism/theology could be considered an area of interest or hobby of mine but "god" is not limited to what you will read from tablets and writings. God is revealed by learning and experience.
"or you don't know how to get out and you are bartering data from others."
You would be shocked if I told you were I've been, who I've sat down with, what we discuss yadayadayda. It's of no importance but the worst thing one can do IS stay "inside".
"but i get it now. anything other than that is pure kindness (the 'character' i mentoned before) by letting someone solve the problem for themselves. which is still harmful and a problem in itself."
Lets say teh above were true. Which would be worse for them. Misleading them with BULLSHIT (something you openly endorse and have admitted to) or telling them to research and form your own assessment?
"@ your dumber response to 916 - if people didn't have the technology to recognize shit that we recognize today HOW THE FUCK WOULD THEY KNOW ABOUT SPOOKS IF THEY TRUELY EXISTED. if they "are" REAL WE could ASCERTAIN them NOW. LMFAO. virtual reality and fiction facts homie."
I didn't make a response to 916 about spooks is your comment directed at me or 916? If it's not directed at meno problem. If it's directed at me start READING what is being posted and WHO it's directed at. I'll simply say they may not be able to study or evaluate "yet" because the equipment or technology
may not be around. When you DO see people studying for "spooks" they are 9 times out of 10 studying ENERGY and have energy gauging equipment. So how would they know about spooks and the existance? How did man know the sun is a star? How did men in different areas know to build temples and buildings and align them to the stars? Maybe the methods were "unconventional" but I'll say this. WE are FAR from our ancestors and how they lived. 2-0-6 posted a thread about the small tribes of natives who KNEW about the tsunami and MOVED before it hit. WE are out of tune and out of touch with what we really are. Just because we don't have the means doesn't mean THEY (the ancients) didn't. Btw what if the means involved more "spookism"?
"I'm not agnostic. I use uni-deism as rhetoric that is similar to my belief but is flawed because of it's subjectivity."
Your approach is at times agnostic, uni-deistic is something I've already tagged you with (see previous posts) and your monist belief is what I mean by "your own".
"I'm atheist because I don't believe in "god(s)"."
ok........LOL! I'm not laughing at what you believe you are entitled to that, but it seems kinda weak coming from a person such as yourself. Strong athiesm or weak athiesm? Do you label your atheism as a belief? Do you believe your disbelief in god is the same as god not existing?
"I do believe in a source that is devoid of personification, but you believe in a source that is personality at the source."
you're logic is flawed.
apply this to yourself and take a hint before you take a slander:
Theists - those who believe in a transcendental God - are simply in a more confidential position than the monists in the same way the man who gets a close up view of a green bird resting in a green tree is in a more confidential position than the man who sees the bird enter the tree from a distance and thus concludes that the two merged homogenously together. The man who views from a distance may attack the knowledge of the other man by saying that what he sees is merely an illusion, but what value does the monist's judgement have when he himself is only semantics away from incorporating "nothing" into "all things"?