@ figure you out. I just did.
Great it took you long enough.
bones to gnaw? you don't even know what you gave me. arrogance.
but what i was looking for you gave it unwittingly. the absense of what you comment on is just as important as what/how/when/where you do say something. if you don't understand that then "OK".
You could have easily saved bandwidth and said: "what you leave out is just as important as what you do or say."
have I asked you for your number??? if i wanted it wouldn't i have asked??? that comment was almost gay, like you want me to ask for it or something. nasty narcissism. in all my comments about meeting you I've been consistent in "if paths were ever to cross" I never was on some "I'm going to meet you someday lemme get yo number" LMFAO!!!! loony toony
I'm not talking about my phone number! You are joking right? When I say you will not have my number I'm talking about you don't have the ability to pin me. You don't have the ability to control ME as you control OTHERS. Are you with me here EINSTEIN? Would it have been better if I said you don't have my card? LMFAO!!!!!!!
Yeah you're smart pal!
@ my degrees does your ironic paying customer have anything to do with this post?
You found something ironic (read what you posted) and I found it ironic that I was wasting time replying to you while I was about to handle my business.
@ educated fool - how about a smart dummy (apply that how you will. I did
That will work I guess.
@real things - educated in non-theological things. that wasn't hard to figure out
Art college and internship in a million dollar spot. Real things=real according to you.
what I wanted from you you couldn't/wouldn't tell me if i asked you (and I have in some MANY words). the lack of the answers I wanted were answered from situational stimulus. your information is USELESS. your conversation is priceless.
Listen...LOL! I understand you don't want theism, deities, doctrines and dogma. I'VE UNDERSTOOD THAT FROM DAY ONE. What YOU fail to realize is I DON'T answer YOU how you want me to answer. I've already gave you possible scenarios as to why I don't do it with you. Couldn't tell you? More attempts to squeeze the lemon. Wouldn't tell you? Why wouldn't I tell you? Because I don't know what you ask? Is that it?
you do go the extra step in "proving". I don't have the interest, patience, or the the time. if I did you'd be surprised. but my interest in you has never been that deep. neither do I feel obligated to prove anything to you. i'm sure you feel likewise.
BINGO! Someone needs to give this man a parting gift! BTW I only go the extra step IF I feel the person is a "challange" or needs me to go an extra step. I can tell you right now 99.8% of this board can read this convo and think one of two things.
1.Both these guys are rambling on like crazed lunatics
2. I don't understand what in the hell these guys are talking about.
YOU and I know exactly whats going and when we brush aside all the jargon, rhetoric and opinions it simply boils down to that.
if god isn't in the abyss god isn't absolute. BTW that's my "own" opinion.
So "god" is found in "nothingness"?
the real deal is i can say a thread full of real shit but you focus on one error and intentionally discount the rest.
Nope not true. What you do is say a thread full of "shit" and CONTINUE at attempts to validate it after it has been shown to you. Let me direct you back to your debate with V. I understood BOTH sides saw errors on BOTH sides but didn't feel obligated to step in and correct the parties. The only time I really say anything to you is when you type bull shit or direct your words to me. If these two elements never came into play we would NEVER speak.
i can say something you don't understand and you shrug it off as bullshit or you give me an the "ok" like you get what i said or it gets your approval LOL.
X you haven't said ANYTHING I don't understand. I don't shrug it off as bullshit or give you the ok. How many times have I given you the ok and did you look at iit as sarcasm? Here let's throw you another bone. Let's play your "see he doesn't understand what I'm saying I'll get him to show his hand he'll answer me" card:
from what you posted i think you get it. in previous posts i did say bullshit and endorse it as fact (thoroughly). that was the point (then). i.e. to show the fallacy of theological data. it can be manipulated to fit any context. in other words it is imperfect alone and can be strongly defended (even in error).
You could have simply said "data can be manipulated to fit ones agenda so I placed myself in error to prove a point."
I simply choose not to tell you I understand and type OK. OK? got it lets move to another one:
the errors can be justified and explained even richly contextualized. but as an end result it avails nothing (except amusement and manipulation). (reminds me of previous post about my semantics ) When I'm bullshitting at the end I admit it. I stopped doing that because it was a joke that only i got to laugh at. some things you HAVE corrected me about. other things you think you corrected me either because I was bullshitting from the get go or your uninformed opinion about me afforded you that position.
You could have easily said:
"Explaining the errors mean nothing in the end because they will still be availiable for manipulation. I was playing a game that someone else understood but he refused to play so I switched it up. I gave him ammo when I was bullshitting and now he has formed an assessment and believes I'm stupid.
Did we save the board any bandwidth? Are we "OK" now? We are? OK!
i enjoy your answering of people because it shows character. but it also shows something else. Intention.
Your words bro...not mine.
you can laugh and tell yourself whatever you want. I bet you think it's safer that I don't know or understand you.
I'm very easy to know or understand but I don't perceive you as a threat. No need to feel safe. What you fail to realize is YOUR hand in ALL of this. If someone had came at YOU bullshitting and joking you would have typed five paragraphs, laden with words they couldn't even pronounce and told them to shut the hell up.
I have NO time for THAT.
you really aren't that complex.
None of us are and if I convey complexity to you I'm incapable of providing an apology.
I'll reiterate I never cared what you had to say. your information is garbage to me.
I understand this. You aren't after info, dates, deities etc etc etc.
I wanted to comprehend your knowldge base (the root of your belief system), mettle, intention, and motivation. something you've never told me directly or in full.
Now here is something you continue to overlook.
When you think about that think about XIANEX. Firt impressions.....just something to think about.
something like a "psychological profiles on human prototypes in american sub-cultures" *wink* thank you for your indulgence. experiment complete.
And if you were able to fully complete your experiement you would have my "number" and classify me according to your warped ideologies.