Danish man fights for State paid sex

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Legal prostitution?

  • I pay for sex on a regular basis, so I don’t care either way

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May 13, 2002
One more poll for today. Should prostitution be legal in Amerika? If so, should the state pay in some circumstances? What are the advantages/disadvantages of legal vs. illegal prostitution?


Dane fights for state-funded sex

A disabled Danish man is fighting for the state to pay for him to have a prostitute visit him at home.

Torben Hansen, who has cerebral palsy, which severely affects his speech and mobility, believes his local authority should pay the extra charge he incurs when he hires a sex worker - because his disability means he cannot go to see them. His case is currently being considered.

In Denmark, local authorities compensate disabled people for extra costs incurred because of their disability.

"I want them to cover the extra expenses for the prostitutes to get here, because it's a lot more expensive getting them to come to my home rather than me going to a brothel," Mr Hansen told BBC World Service's Outlook programme.

"It's a necessity for me. I can't move very well, and it's impossible for me to go there."


In Denmark, prostitution and other forms of sex work are not illegal so long as it is not a woman's sole means of income.

Mr Hansen started seeing a prostitute after attending a course at a social centre.

There, he and other disabled people were taught that if they had needs, they "could do something about it".

"I had a strong desire to have sex, and I think I gained the confidence around that time to get the call girls to come to me.

"Since then I've had a lot of escort girls coming to see me - but I've also had girlfriends."

He had been with his last girlfriend for six months, but she died in 2003. After that, Mr Hansen began arranging for visits to begin again.

He also said there had been "much research" into people in his situation, and that it had showed that not being sexually fulfilled can lead to "frustration and aggression".

"It's unfair to deny people with disabilities the right to a sex life," he added.

Mr Hansen said the reaction to his campaign had been "very mixed."

"Most of it's been positive, but I've read some very angry letters and comments in the papers... a lot of politicians have been critical, especially women politicians against prostitution."

Kristen Brosboel, a Social Democrat member of the Danish Parliament, is among those who have argued against Mr Hansen.

"Obviously I recognise that he has a problem that people without a disability may not have - but I disagree with the fact that we should support his visits with a prostitute with tax money," she told Outlook.

"We also spend tax money on trying to prevent prostitution, helping women out of prostitution - and we have a clear policy that this is a social problem that we want to solve.

"So I think that's very much in contradiction with spending tax money on requiring prostitutes."
Jul 10, 2002
If whoresand whorein' were legalized, ideally it would be easier to regulate and require tests for STD's (either gov't or private sponsored, like there's a difference)...

It's a huge source of revenue that can be taxed (maybe to have the funds reinstitute or increase some of the depleted social programs BushCo has eliminated or neglected)...

It's a virtually victimless crime (especially if all safety measures are taken i.e. proper probylactics (sp?))

Doesn't affect me either way, but really, its the oldest profession in the world, how's it gonna be outlawed? Especially when half these politicians are bangin' harlots left and right behind their families back....
May 14, 2002
Amerikans should all come here and spend their money on hoe's in holland, where prostitution is legal.

So we're having a blooming tourism industry!
May 13, 2002
Prostitution is illegal, but manipulating and taking advantage of workers all around this country isn't. The rich in this country use people their whole life and suck up everything that they can from them and that is legal. I don't see too much difference between that and selling your body.
Aug 31, 2003
i think prostitution should be legal but i don't think it should be paid for with taxes. if so how would it be regulated? would it be like a prescription where he gets to call a prostitute once every 2 weeks or just whenever he gets the feeling?


Oct 5, 2005
why the fuck should prostitution be legal? this entire world already can't even handle the cost of sex related diseases, it's fucking disgusting and it destroys people's lives not to mention the economy...if anything prostitution needs to be shut down as much as possible, it is the bane of our existence
May 13, 2002
Hans said:
why the fuck should prostitution be legal? this entire world already can't even handle the cost of sex related diseases, it's fucking disgusting and it destroys people's lives not to mention the economy...if anything prostitution needs to be shut down as much as possible, it is the bane of our existence
Well, as JoMonDo stated, “ideally it would be easier to regulate and require tests for STD's.” I think the argument could be made that with regular STD testing there would be a much lower risk of getting a disease compared to non-regulated sex-industry, which you have to admit does exist at a gigantic level in the US and across the globe. People will always pay for sex and this will probably never change.

We should also consider the safety of the prostitutes who run a high risk of being beaten, raped or murdered on a regular basis. Prostitutes who are assaulted or robbed rarely ever report to the police since what they're doing is illegal in the first place. Whether or not you agree with their lifestyle, you must acknowledge that they are indeed humans and deserve human rights.
Nov 24, 2003
Great thread...I absolutely believe prostitution should be legal. Who the fuck is the government to tell me I can't pay for sex? Not to mention the industry would be easier to regulate, and essentially safer as JoMoDo pointed out.
Feb 9, 2003
I think the state, or my community, should sponsor me for life. I'm tired of working and if my talents continue to be monetarily underappreciated I just might go mentally unstable and take human life. In order for the government to prevent this they have the simple choice of satiating my every ludicrous demand. Unless of course they want the hands of innocents on their hands.


Sicc OG
May 14, 2002
hell yah it should be legal it would clean up the whole industry.
Hell no the state should not pay for it ...sex is not a neccesity to stay alive
Apr 25, 2002
In the U.S. as it is now depraved, focused on decadence, capitalistic, sure prostitution might as well be legal, so should all drugs and the casino business too. The state should not be involved in any of it except as a way to keep it legit and ensure fair business practices amongst casinos, brothels, drug houses and to collect taxes from them.

But ideally, no it should be illegal along with drugs and gambling, that is if this country were really trying to be about equality, fairness, and freedom. Which it isn't so fuck it, legalize the whores.
Dec 25, 2003
State-funded heroin would go along well with the prostitution subsidy costing me 24 dollars a year. As a matter of fact, since gun battles in the streets take the lives of thousands yearly who could have been saved if an ambulance were nearby, we need state-funded shootouts in a regulated arena. This way ambulances would save on gas, and hospital ERs which typically get swamped by cases of violence could have a sort of on-site triage to deal with the victims. The state-funded stabbings could happen later on...after the gun battles, but before the brass knuckles, mind you.
Nov 24, 2003
ColdBlooded said:
prostitution might as well be legal, so should all drugs and the casino business too. The state should not be involved in any of it except as a way to keep it legit and ensure fair business practices amongst casinos, brothels, drug houses and to collect taxes from them.

^^^^^One can only hope...

And FULLY abolish prohibition while their at it!!!
Aug 31, 2003
State-funded heroin

why not? it seems to work well in the UK. plus the fact that they put heroin addicts on a methadone program which has proven itself to be more addictive and have worse withdrawls than heroin itself ..


Oct 5, 2005
yes, although hundreds of thousands of people do drugs and are involved in prostitution despite the fact that its illegal, it doesnt make it right. Sure, whores need their money, but theres plenty of other ways to get it other than spreading their legs and smoking dicks...STDs are literally wiping out the nation not to mention the world and although the fact that its illegal doesnt stop majority of people, it stops some and that's a whole lot better than nothing
May 13, 2002
I don’t understand how you can argue that illegal prostitution slows down the spread of STDs. There are hookers in every city, there always has been and probably always will be. There is no regulation, no STD testing. If prostitution was legal, there would be testing and it would be regulated. If anything, illegal prostitution increases the spread of STDs.

BTW, what makes prostitution wrong? Society? Religion? What? Why should I judge another man or women for paying for sex? If two consenting adults engage in sex and money is transferred afterwards, why should you or anyone else care?

Most all of us pay for sex in some sort of way or another anyways. You ever take a woman out for a date or two who you wanted to have sex with? Did you treat her nice, buy her dinner, be a gentleman, listen to her problems, etc.? Basically just for sex right? Maybe you didn’t realize it consciously, but the fact is men and women are motivated by sex. It’s instinctive, it’s part being human. We do things we wouldnt normally do for sex.


Oct 5, 2005
You're right on the money. Yes, sex is no doubt instinctive and it's 100% naturally human. I totally agree with you on that;

However, I cant agree with you legal prostitution ish. You make a valid point when you say that there would be STD testing etc, but do u really think if some whore's got an STD and she needs money that bad shes gonna respond to a positive STD test, or even get one? No, she'll do whatever she's gotta do for money and if that means spreading herpes or whatnot to other ppl just to make a couple bills they'll do it, garunteed