I never watch boxing, but watching alot of these UFC matches where they dry hump each other for 15 minutes straight isn't entertaining to me, and if it is to anybody they need to come out of the closet!
See these types of comments shows you know nothing about MMA.
Anyway on with the thread. I am trying to get more into boxing, I like it, but like 206 pointed out if you don't have HBO or Showtime(I think) then it's hard to keep up with it. 206 turned me on to the FNF's.
I enjoy boxing, MMA is still getting big and their popularity is still rising. I prefer MMA but have respect for both and enjoy both. I feel that MMA will start to drop in popularity when more MMA fighters become elite. There has been some really good technical matches that people have not liked. The casual fan just likes to watch a brutal KO and once more elite fighters come in there will be less wild style and the casual fan might lose interest.
Also everyone and their mom is trying to be an MMA fighter, I can see this changing as well when fighters become more elite. Boxing is at a level that everyone realizes that a couple months or even a year or so training will not get you anywhere close to a proffessional boxer, with MMA still being so new and people still having not got the whole grasp of it, it is appealing to the casual guy more. I believe one day that guys like GSP and Anderson Silva will be closer to what every fighter will be like (to a point that is and many years down the road). If the majority of MMA fighters had the skills or even 3/4 the skill of those 2 guys you would see a lot less "joes" trying to fight, thus taking away the casual fan.