Damn...almost got the bastard. Cheney targeted by Taleban bomber

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Oct 14, 2004
2-0-Sixx said:
Let's all hope next time it's not a miss....


At least nine people have died in a suicide bombing at the main US base in Afghanistan during US Vice-President Dick Cheney's stay, US officials say.

Mr Cheney, who was unharmed, was staying at the Bagram base near Kabul.

The US military said the bomber was also killed. Some reports say 14 people died - more than 20 others were hurt.

The Taleban said they carried out the attack and that the attacker was trying to get to Mr Cheney, who was on an unannounced visit to the region.

A US spokesman described it as a "direct attack" on the base, which was put on red alert for a while.

Mr Cheney was said to be safely inside the compound at the time. He described hearing a "loud boom" and told reporters he had been briefly moved to a bomb shelter.

One US and one South Korean soldier were among the dead as well as a US government contractor who was a US national.

The others killed were Afghan civilians, many of whose distraught relatives gathered later outside the base.

Base operations commander Lt Col James Bonner said the bomber could not have got inside the base, 60km (40 miles) from Kabul.

"Our security measures were in place and the killer never had access to the base," he said in a statement.

"When he realised he would not be able to get onto the base he attacked the local population."

Talks delayed

Mr Cheney had breakfast with troops at the base and left about 90 minutes after the blast.

He held talks with President Hamid Karzai in Kabul on the deteriorating security situation before flying out of the country. It was "never an option" to scrap the talks, he said.

Shortly before the Bagram blast, there was another suicide bomb in the southern city of Kandahar, killing at least one person.

Elsewhere, Nato said it had killed three civilians in clashes in the south.

One person was shot dead by Nato troops in "self defence" near Kandahar on Tuesday, while two others had been hit by mortar fire in Helmand province a day earlier, a statement said.

The BBC's Charles Haviland in Kabul says Bagram is one of the most heavily guarded sites in Afghanistan and such incidents there are extremely rare.

The surrounding territory is heavily mined and people, including children, have frequently been injured by such devices.

Officials said the explosion occurred between the outside security gate and an inner gate guarded by US troops, some distance from living quarters at the base.

A trader in a market outside the base described the explosion as "huge", saying it shook market stalls.

Tough message

Mr Cheney's visit came amid increasing concern about insurgent activity in several areas of Afghanistan.

here are fears of a spring offensive by the Taleban and its allies as the snows clear.

There are 27,000 US troops in Afghanistan, the highest number since the invasion of 2001, to combat any offensive.

Mr Cheney arrived in Afghanistan on Monday after holding talks with Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf during a brief stop in Islamabad.

He urged Pakistan to do more to combat the Taleban near the Afghan border, but also praised its role in the "war on terror".

His visit comes as the US seeks to send a tough message to Pakistan that aid to the country could be cut unless efforts to catch militants are stepped up.

Afghanistan and Pakistan share a 1,400-mile (2,250km) border, and many Taleban fighters operate from bases on the Pakistani side.

You're a real ignorant person. You claim to want change but you are all right with death. Violance begets more violance. Go on with this ignorant thread. This just shows that all views you hold are a waste of time.
Dec 8, 2005
Deadpool said:
What matters is; what the terminology is describing.

If using mercenary forces is legitimate wartime tactic and does not violate anything the U.S. stands for then there is no need to hide the fact that they are being used.

If we hold this to be true and they aren’t doing anything wrong then it would be nice to be honest and just say, “We’re using mercenaries”.

When something good happens does the government normally try to hide it? When something bad happens does the government normally tell everyone about it?

When they do something wrong they hide it. And when they want public approval to do something wrong they change it’s name and try and give it a positive light.

Which is why I used the example of crack dealers. If they are what they are, why not just call them crack dealers? But if you are trying to cover up the fact that what they do is wrong and legitimize the fact that you work with crack dealers you might want to call them “urban pharmacological small business owners”.

This can only lead people to believe that using mercenaries is bad. If it were good or even just “not bad” then they would just be called mercenaries. Instead we get contractors.
i see what youre saying, i just dont agree. the US doesnt want to appear to condone the use of mercenaries because we dont want them used against us. we want the advantage of using these tactics, like nukes, and if other people employ them, you just tossed your advantage out the fuckin window i also dont think they hold it to be true that they arent doing anything wrong. nobody proclaims killing people and warring are cool things to do, but when in a position of power and leadership, you have to make decisions that are less than optimal.

youre looking it at it from your posistion of course, the citizen, meaning you want the government to be more forthright and honest about their doings and let you know whats going on.

from the position of the government, having all of your actions be transparant in times of war and conflict rgeardless of whether they are good or bad is not only asinine, its insane.
Oct 14, 2004
2-0-Sixx said:

Get back to reading your violent, death-filled bible.

Once again your ignorance clouds over. The main focus of the Bible is Love. God said love your fellow human. Is violence part of life? Yes. However you claim to want to change things. Your change is ridden with violence. I hope you understand your just like Bush and Cheney.

Good Night.
May 13, 2002
Rob S4 said:
Once again your ignorance clouds over. The main focus of the Bible is Love. God said love your fellow human.
Gods Love?

Whoever strikes his father or mother shall be put to death. (Exodus 21:15 NAB)

A priest's daughter who loses her honor by committing fornication and thereby dishonors her father also, shall be burned to death. (Leviticus 21:9 NAB)

everyone who would not seek the Lord, the God of Israel, was to be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman. (2 Chronicles 15:12-13 NAB)

Fuck off, your bible is more violent than any 80's action hero movie.

Your change is ridden with violence. I hope you understand your just like Bush and Cheney.
So what if I hate Cheney, a man who brought us to war and is responsible for the lives of thousands? Just like your god killed sinners, Cheney should die for his as well. No different.
Oct 14, 2004
^^Look at you all mad now.

You still dont understand. Its alright one day you and God will talk face to face. Then like the rest of us you will fall to your knees. Humble yourself. You tell me to fuck off. I think someone has abandonment issues. Jesus said love thy enemy.

Who are you to act all high and mighty? Your just some kid on a internet message board. Are you mad at God for something. Thats what it seems like to me.
May 9, 2002
Rob S4 said:
^^Look at you all mad now.

You still dont understand. Its alright one day you and God will talk face to face. Then like the rest of us you will fall to your knees. Humble yourself. You tell me to fuck off. I think someone has abandonment issues. Jesus said love thy enemy.

Who are you to act all high and mighty? Your just some kid on a internet message board. Are you mad at God for something. Thats what it seems like to me.
Jesus also got his ass kicked, whats your point?

And how can any atheist face god when atheists DONT BELIEVE IN A HIGHER POWER???

Your logic is flawed.


Apr 25, 2002
Jesse fuckin' Rice said:
Jesus also got his ass kicked, whats your point?

And how can any atheist face god when atheists DONT BELIEVE IN A HIGHER POWER???

Your logic is flawed.
No YOUR logic is flawed. If we all must "face god" (meaning god exists and we have to answer for our transgressions etc) it doesn't matter what the atheist does or doesn't believe. So if we apply your logic, God can exist but atheist would be exempt from facing him simply because they don't have faith in a higher power or believe that a higher power doesn't exist?
Mar 12, 2005
HERESY said:
So if we apply your logic, God can exist but atheist would be exempt from facing him simply because they don't have faith in a higher power or believe that a higher power doesn't exist?
Jesse fuckin' Rice said:
Yet, "god" kills millions upon MILLIONS of people in the bible. Is "god" a hypocrite? I would say YES.
Look Above
2-0-Sixx said:
So what if I hate Cheney, a man who brought us to war and is responsible for the lives of thousands? Just like your god killed sinners, Cheney should die for his as well. No different.
I think he meant your mentality towards the war is like that of Bush and Cheney's.
I still don't understand how an atheist can say God is a hypocrite and that he's a killer, yet they don't believe in his existence. Amazing!
May 9, 2002
HERESY said:
No YOUR logic is flawed. If we all must "face god" (meaning god exists and we have to answer for our transgressions etc) it doesn't matter what the atheist does or doesn't believe. So if we apply your logic, God can exist but atheist would be exempt from facing him simply because they don't have faith in a higher power or believe that a higher power doesn't exist?
What? My logic is that if there is no GOD to face, then an atheist wouldnt be facing anything. How can you face something that is believed NOT to exsist?


Apr 25, 2002
Thats NOT the question you should be asking.

My logic is that if there is no GOD to face, then an atheist wouldnt be facing anything.
Now compare that to what you previously stated:

And how can any atheist face god when atheists DONT BELIEVE IN A HIGHER POWER???
You said how can any atheist face god when atheists DONT BELIEVE IN A HIGHER POWER. If there IS a god to face atheist WOULD be facing something, and it doesn't matter WHAT the atheist believes because belief would be tossed out the window if they faced god. Your post was about the LACK of belief in god and how this would make an atheist exempt from facing him and NOT about the actual EXISTENCE of god.

How can you face something that is believed NOT to exsist?
Read the bold and underlined S-L-O-W-L-Y:

If we all must "face god" (meaning god exists and we have to answer for our transgressions etc) it doesn't matter what the atheist does or doesn't believe. So if we apply your logic, God can exist but atheist would be exempt from facing him simply because they don't have faith in a higher power or believe that a higher power doesn't exist?
Do you understand now? If god DOES exist and we have to face him the belief or lack of belief of an atheist does NOT matter because that belief would be proven FALSE by the EXISTENCE of God (facing him). So no, you aren't using any logic here.
May 9, 2002
HERESY said:
Thats NOT the question you should be asking.

Now compare that to what you previously stated:

You said how can any atheist face god when atheists DONT BELIEVE IN A HIGHER POWER. If there IS a god to face atheist WOULD be facing something, and it doesn't matter WHAT the atheist believes because belief would be tossed out the window if they faced god. Your post was about the LACK of belief in god and how this would make an atheist exempt from facing him and NOT about the actual EXISTENCE of god.

Read the bold and underlined S-L-O-W-L-Y:

Do you understand now? If god DOES exist and we have to face him the belief or lack of belief of an atheist does NOT matter because that belief would be proven FALSE by the EXISTENCE of God (facing him). So no, you aren't using any logic here.
Are you fucking serious?

THe fact that 2-0 doesnt BELIEVE in god erases Rob's statement entirely. "god" is not an ocean, we cant see "him". You can fall in an ocean.

Rob: you will have to face god

2-0-Sixx: i dont beleive god

Me: 2-0-Sixx cant face what, TO HIM, does nto exsist.

Maybe "logic" wasnt the right word to use. We are talking belief here, and belif isnt so much logic as it is "what you think or dont think."

Perspective is key here, nothing more nothing less. You believe one thing and someone believes in another. Espcially when it comes to things that canot be proven.

Im not gonna sit up here and argue over a moot point. But thanks ayways.
Oct 14, 2004
HERESY said:
No YOUR logic is flawed. If we all must "face god" (meaning god exists and we have to answer for our transgressions etc) it doesn't matter what the atheist does or doesn't believe. So if we apply your logic, God can exist but atheist would be exempt from facing him simply because they don't have faith in a higher power or believe that a higher power doesn't exist?

Exactly. The fact is that if you believe or do not believe, he exists. If someone like 2-0 Sixx does'nt believe in God then God does'nt exist. If I stop believing in gravity does that make any less real? I think not. What about people who believe in certain practices and can perform things that no ordinary man can not?

@Jesse- You could never go through what Christ did. After the first flogging they gave you, you would be crying like a bitch to make them stop. Jesus is a G for real. I would'nt want such punishment for humans who are just going to spit in my eye (2-0 sixx). Then again Iam just a human so Iam flawed.


Apr 25, 2002
Are you fucking serious?
Yes I am serious, which is why several people here actually understand what I am conveing and why no one is actually defending your position.

THe fact that 2-0 doesnt BELIEVE in god erases Rob's statement entirely.
Not it doesn't because I believe Rob is talking about facing god AFTER death, and if he is NOT talking about facing God after death, if God were to appear before 206 and say "Here I am!" That would erase 206's "belief" that god does not exist and would sink your position.

If God DOES exist 206's belief does NOT matter.

Rob: you will have to face god

2-0-Sixx: i dont beleive god

Me: 2-0-Sixx cant face what, TO HIM, does nto exsist.
No 206 CAN face to him what does not exist if god is REAL. 206 can believe that god doesn't exist and he can hold this belief 24-7, 365, but if he finds out that god DOES exist and he faces him it doesn't matter WHAT he believes--its in his face.

Maybe "logic" wasnt the right word to use.

We are talking belief here, and belif isnt so much logic as it is "what you think or dont think."

Perspective is key here, nothing more nothing less. You believe one thing and someone believes in another. Espcially when it comes to things that canot be proven.
What does this have to do with 206 facing god if god exists?

Im not gonna sit up here and argue over a moot point. But thanks ayways.
I'm not arguing, and if it is a moot point it is because you introduced it.
Mar 12, 2005
RobS4 said:
@Jesse- You could never go through what Christ did. After the first flogging they gave you, you would be crying like a bitch to make them stop. Jesus is a G for real. I would'nt want such punishment for humans who are just going to spit in my eye (2-0 sixx). Then again Iam just a human so Iam flawed.
You didn't really have to say that, but like you said you're only human and emotions get the best of us. I've realized after all of my zealous posts, that no matter what you say to try to convince a straight minded atheists, it's almost close to impossible to have them sort of conform or try to believe what we believe. I feel you bro, but you can't judge a man the way God can. The give and take is that we present the Word of Jesus, according to the bible, they will go to hell if they reject, but as far as we can understand, God may intervene in their lives. If they reject Jesus, that's up to him to decide, although we may know, and THINK we know, only God knows. Peace