Tell it to you straight
To XXMrSur...
You never heard of strength in numbers? It's nice to know you and yours can go it alone without no one else's help. Pick on someone who cares, cuz you don't have to look far around here to see most families and neighborhoods here are greatly mixed. If staying with your one ideology suits you, fine. Mine are about knowing not to limit against down people from a variety of backgrounds. What matters is what's in people's true hearts and minds today, not what DNA came out of their mama's egg or their pop's sperm. You are isolating yourself from the help of all us spread out underdogs struggling against this unfair government system. Why fight each other now when we are all oppressed family in the incarceration generation? Hate elsewhere, my friend. I have blood from different Native tribes (Cherokee, Apache, Creek, & Navajo), plenty of Irish and Norweigian genes, and I grew up in the heart of a bangin' East Bay barrio with bikers, but I refuse to be at war with myself and my kindred hearts regardless of past ancestral troubles. Likewise, I could turn on my own Mama if she ever turned truly scandalous against the just and righteous. (I heart you for teaching me that Mama!) La Raza can't stay strong unless we all realize the fact that mixed households, marriages, and neighborhoods will continue, diluting La Raza and other power structures based on race through the generations no matter how hard you try to deny it. Opposites attract, or as the French put it, "Vive la diference!" We all need to have respect for natural law in order to plan a future as educated masters, not provincial slaves. There IS a way to do things Norte style that doesn't need to be discussed on an open public forum here anyway, and baiting others to prove their knowledge and experience on this board is nailing yourself and others in the foot in more ways than one. Recognize that combinations of unexpekted skills will leave room to grant a wealth of new ideas from many other oppressed cultures that can help all exploited people organize beyond racial ties to stay strong, including us poor and disenfranchised whites and mixed blood Mexicans cut off by an unfair government from the wisdom of their homies. Without knowing this, you are nothing but a racist and a classist who will not be lonely at the bottom. California is a battleground not between races on not much other than a surface level. In reality, whether you realize it now or not, we endure the exponential burdens of an economic war between the controlling puppeteer industrialist "haves" and the misled, disinformed, separated, left behind "have nots." Any self-started divisiveness among us plays right into the hands of those power elite that profit from our misguided set tripping. Don't hate on those who seek to bond. Light a candle for your future brothers and sisters still trapped in the dark. Opening your mind as well as your heart to new ideas will increase your individual potential, reveal whole new community paradigms, and introduce you to an undeniable strength words couldn't describe.
Some say I have a polished knack for changing people's views. Did I change yours yet? Hit me back if I did. If I didn't, Oh well. Y hablo espanol, tambien, amigo. Con mucho amor...