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Sep 13, 2002
^^^^ i was thinking the same thing.

no one works hard and goes to school to invent products because it will make everyones life better. they do it for money, and anyone who says different is a lie.
Apr 25, 2002
Someone's frustrated because I merely express, in general terms, actual relations springing from an existing class struggle, from a historical movement going on under our very eyes. Because I understand, both the system you profess to love and the system you profess to hate, better than you do.
Sep 13, 2002
and you cant prove that this shit would be good.


because the fact is i dont see many people inventing new products group by group. i see individuals or a group of smart individuals doing it. making a patten and becoming rich off it. amazing how that works.

1.) there smart.
2.) they work hard to educate them selves.
3.) they work hard in putting what they learned to usc.
4.) they make the product.
5.) there RICHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

stupid and lazy people cant do it. niether can average people. and that means about 5 percent of the US has a chance at making money and becoming rich.

fuck off and die starving................................

Sep 28, 2002
Invention has nothing to do with capitolism. Invention is the quest for novelty/discovery in physical form do not try to relate your immoral greed to manifestations of genuine genious. B/c you end up looking like what you are a dipshit.
May 11, 2002
I am aggainst communism for the simple fact I don't want the government controlling, me. In America's "democratic" society we have already seen the powers abused by our governement. Just imagine if we give the government soverign power over our lives. Also what if a communist nation falls under the power of a evil dictator. There is not garuntee that this dictator can be taken out of power.

Communism has the ground work and idealism of Christianity, however is only a pipedream.
May 13, 2002
BaSICCally said:
I am aggainst communism for the simple fact I don't want the government controlling, me.
This statement shows that you are ignorant on the subject. In a true communist society, the government will not be controlling you.

Listen; because I know you personally, I can say that I believe that if you truly understood what Communism is all about, you would be for it. Wouldn’t you want to see the end of classes? No more rich, no more poor. No more disadvantages. No more competing with someone who has it so easy, while your working your ass off just to get by.
Socialism is democratic or it is nothing. The people have control. When I say “democratic” I’m not talking about the shit we live in today, where I believe Coldblooded said it best, “we don’t live in a democracy, the rich do”. I mean a democracy where we all play a full and active part not just in voting but also in actually running our communities, our workplaces, and our society. Eventually, pointless jobs would be extinct. Working hours, shorter. More free time. But I guess your against this all?!?

In America's "democratic" society we have already seen the powers abused by our governement
Yes, this is Capitalism at it’s finest, a minority of a minority controlling the country. This will never change. It’s too late, you cannot stop this.

Also what if a communist nation falls under the power of a evil dictator. There is not garuntee that this dictator can be taken out of power.
Well, you can say “what if” about anything, comrade. “What if” Bush bombs another country. “What if” another evil man such as Bush comes to power. “What if” etc. etc. etc. In a true communist society (unlike USSR’s Stalin) a dictator cannot stay in power.

Communism has the groundwork and idealism of Christianity, however is only a pipedream.
Why is it only a pipedream? Is it because America wont allow it any where? What happens when America crumbles? You don’t think a communist society has a chance of emerging?

Have you read what Coldblooded has written on this thread? If not, I suggest you go back and read. If you would like to lean more study Marx. I suggest the Portable Karl Marx
Sep 13, 2002
fuck this bull shit.

if you work hard you will have a good life. if you stick with mc donalds or pick fields or bag groceries you wont go any where in life.

i will make money be succsesfull and i wont give a fuck about the people who arnt plain and simple.

is it really that hard to own a house and 2 cars?????? its not. you dont have to be a genius you dont have to have control over things.

be realistic. communism ========= sharing welth. right?????????????

why should i share if im the one who earned it???????????????????????


you want shit get shit and stop crying.

sicx yall some confused ass people. you wanna mail me 50 percent of your pay check every week????????? then mabey well be equal and we can start your ideas.
Sep 13, 2002
heres a reality for you sicx

there are always going to be lazy people

stupid people

people that cant take care them selves

people that have 8 kids and then try to depend on others. FUCK THEM STOP HAVING KIDS

and people who just cry and complain.

those people ultimetly will be the lower class. its there fault. they will work as janitors, gas station workers as liqor store clerks as people who pick food in the field and people who take welfair.

people that dont make money are lazy. so you think by giving them more free money. IE increased wel fair and food stamps. and giving them everything free and more money to do less.

they will work harder and become smarter in this world???????

you wanna be a doctor shureeeeeeeeeee we cant say you cant be. because that wouldnt be "fair" how many people will die because of that statment.
Sep 4, 2002
I dotn see the point of communisum just for the fact that u can't work your self up higher then anyone even tho u deserve it. Its stupid. We would all be fucking zombies everyone doing the same thing make the same wages. Yeah i want communisum to tell me that the fucking drunk stupid motha fucka is still gettin paid the same as i am. FUCK THAT SHIT. I dont think people understand how Good we got it living in the U.S.
May 13, 2002
proppa said:
heres a reality for you sicx
stupid people
People like you? Coldblooded broke shit down for you and you still can’t comprehend the basic idea of communism.

people that have 8 kids and then try to depend on others. FUCK THEM STOP HAVING KIDS
This seems like an American problem. You know, other countries have came up with an easy solution for this problem.

those people ultimetly will be the lower class. its there fault. they will work as janitors, gas station workers as liqor store clerks as people who pick food in the field and people who take welfair.
Damn comrade, I usually don’t point this kind of shit out, but use a spell checker. It’s hard to figure our what the hell you are talking about. Remember, a “U” always follows a “Q”.
So, what do you do for a living? Have you finished school? How do you plan on being so successful?

people that dont make money are lazy. so you think by giving them more free money. IE increased wel fair and food stamps. and giving them everything free and more money to do less.
So everyone who is broke is lazy? Tell that to the millions of Americans who are working their asses off just to get by. Damn, you really think it’s that easy? Where the fuck you from? You don’t see people struggling?

you wanna be a doctor shureeeeeeeeeee we cant say you cant be. because that wouldnt be "fair" how many people will die because of that statment.
What the fuck are you trying to say here? Man, you speak so poorly of “lazy” people and “stupid” people, but you’re the one who appears stupid.
Sep 13, 2002
break it down for me.

your idea is to share the wealth.

well i dont want to.

you dont need education to move up in the world and make more money.

shit you can go work for sdge, cox calbe, sbc and make 30 an hour with out even ever graduating from high school.

you make it seem so tufffffffff

here ill break it down once again.

get off ya ass! dont have kids at a young age when your not prepared! if you do have kids at a young age work your ass off and make something of your self. dont complain that you work in a horrible job when you dont even apply at other places or do things that would help you out when you do apply at other places. mc donalds is a job, if you work there and dont want to get federal aid go back to school and get the fuck up out there.

sicx. i bussed tables at a resturant. been there a month ive been prmoted 2 times and have gone from 8 an hour to 10.50 an hour plus tips.

im having a kid. due in june. with my wife. we been together 3 years. she is currently going to school to be a doctor. obgyn to be more specfic.

im getting a second job at a grocery store making 10 an hour. i will reciver benifits from both places. im going to school next year to get my realistate license. then hopefully go and get my contractors license. mabey even take classes to become an eletrician or plumber.

all make good money and all are affordable and accesable to anyone and everyone living in the US.

i do struggle right now. but i got 2 cars nice apartment and dont have to worry bout how to pay the rent. i dont worry because i married a hard working women and im hard working my self. i wont allow my self to be held down. to not make money, to not succed in life.

regaurdless of the fact i cant spell.

oh and heres something for you. there has been a girl at this place for 3 years who bussed tables. she hasnt been prmoted i have been promoted twice. the reason is i show up, work hard, take extra shifts, and dont complain.

i move up, she dosent. thats whats great about the US.