just a become a communist society, doesnt someone *not necessarily the current gov't* have to install that system? that in itself seems to be a contradiction....b/c how does a person rise to power to install the communistic system when the system itself preaches equality on all aspects
just a question, im not saying im against it....ive agreed with everything Coldblooded has said
There is a concept called the "Withering Away of the State".
I'll try and break it down for you from my knowledge of the subject. If i don't do it good enough you should read into it by checking out, Lenin's "State and Revolution", the communist manifesto, etc. Being that we all live in capitalistic societies it is hard for us to discuss/understand something as foreign as communism without a good deal of study. Also ask questions if it doesn't make sense, i just woke up so it might not be all that coherent. It is also a complicated subject. But this should also answer some of the questions other people brought up.
"the revolution", where the workers take control of the means of production and attempt to eliminate class, government is formed to administer the transition and secure the gains of the revolution. (This is a main point where you will see a difference between a real communist society and the fake ones people like to list off in this country USSR, China, etc). This is a huge
majority of the population of a given country which will have already organized itself democratically bringing control of the government to the majority from the hands of a minority. The only thing being installed is democracy. The majority bringing to power the system and people (themselves) it deems most fit.
Because this is a government which is now an instrument of the
majority it does not need a heavy apparatus of full-time soldiers,police,guards,etc and certainly needs no heavy apparatus of repression (prison system, corrupt judicial system, etc) to defend the people from a small minority that may oppose it. Where as in Capitalism there is a minority in control and they need all of said jobs/institutions of repression to hold down the majority.
So already from its inception the state (the government and its institutions) has started to wither away.
Such a state which starts to wither away from its inception, begins to devolve more and more of the traditional state functions to self administrating bodies of citizens, to society in its totality. So there is no need for a dictator because the people are controlling their government much more democratically than ever before seen in capitalism, since so many like to call capitalism democracy.
This withering away of the state goes hand in hand with what i said before about the withering away of commodity production and of money, accompanying a general withering away of social classes and social stratification(of the division of society between administrators and administrated, between ‘bosses’ and ‘bossed over’ people, or the governors and the governed).
As the need for state withers away more and more control goes directly into the hands of the people and the state is eventually eliminated because it is no longer needed. True democracy goes hand in hand with true communism.
The state will be able to wither away completely when society adopts the rule: "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs", i.e., when people have become so accustomed to observing the fundamental rules of social intercourse and when their labor has become so productive that they will voluntarily work according to their ability. Capitalism, which compels one to calculate with the heartlessness of a Shylock whether one has not worked half an hour more than anybody else--this narrow horizon, will then be left behind. There will then be no need for society, in distributing the products, to regulate the quantity to be received by each; each will take freely "according to his needs". It will all
Wither Away.