On Kurt Angle's Twitter account, following CM Punk's worked-shoot on Monday, Angle posted the following unusual statement:
“CM Punk had classic promo last night. Good for Him. But if U ever say another word about Me again, Ur toast! If U don’t believe Me, try Me!”
Angle took to Twitter again today, this time explaining his remarks.
“To all the fans who MISUNDERSTOOD my old tweets toward CM PUNK. He mentioned me on twitter a while back. It didnt cross my mind until i heard he did a good promo and I just wanted to be the bigger man and tell him he did a good job and for now on if he has something to say, call me up like a man instead of tweeting his personal feeling towards me. So I am sorry to my loyal fans who misunderstood what I ment. – K”
The above refers to the incident this past spring, when Angle was arrested on suspicion of a DUI, and was caught in a lie regarding the incident. Punk tweeted about Angle's lie, through a veiled insult.