first off i hate pop corn second i dont sit indian style. and third im not facinated with wrestling like i was as a kid only reason i still watch the bullshit is bc i watch it with my son he luvs it its called being a parent spending time with my kids something you wouldnt know about bastard.
no for the rest of your mumbo jumbo nobody trying to be cool u just a cm punk groupie. i dont gotta impress nobody on this site who the fuk is anybody on here anyway. if u really knew me like some on this site do then you would know im a real azz nigga thats outspoken keeps it real and i speak my mind no matter what. this cm punk promo shit is overrated on the net im not saying he sucked im saying yall giving him more credit then what it deserved he didnt say shit that we dont already know and it was fake promo bc if it was real he wouldve talked about beniot, screwjob, owen, steroids, xfl and left the building etc. that shit was 100 percent work. vince tellz them in these type angles like these to go out there and push buttons but dont over do it i seen him on them behind the scene footage say it. this is nothing different from wat austin, the rock, triple h, hbk, hawk, piper, bret has done