"Chiligrrl's 10 steps to rape a rap artist"

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Mr. D-Sane

Sicc OG, muthafucka
Apr 25, 2002

YAY! Is it my turn to turn this back around and point the finger back at the resident lesbian?

"I've been talked about the molestation on this site before".....good for you. Do you want a cookie now? Are you special because you're a "survivor" like Destiny's Child? You just won a double-ended dildo and some Astro Glide! Actually I didn't go to work on shit.....I check up on you periodically and just happend to have checked the station website before this shit even popped off. But of course you would jump to conclusions and ASSUME that I was talkin' about some incest shit. That alone proves that you're wrong about me. Obviously I don't keep that close of tabs on you. Damn......I failed the "Know Karlie Hustle Inside and Out Game." I think enough men already won though.

Stop being a fuckin' drama queen. You're not gonna get the last word. You're not gonna make me "see the light" and listen to you. I'm not gonna wake up tomorrow and say "you know....Karlie is right" and go get some AA brochures to send to Chili. I don't give a fuck about that slut. Just like I don't care about my ex-artists who tried to run my name through the fuckin' mud when I didn't do anything wrong. I don't befriend people and then turn on them in the public eye. I love how you take a couple isolated incidents and all of a sudden that's "how I am." I don't "NEED" to be better than anything.....I just need to be ME. Do YOU and I'll do ME. This is ME......you don't like it? I don't give a fuck.

This is a fun little game we're playin'......but it's gettin' boring. So start clownin' me about Heather or somethin' and let's really get the funk goin'. Oh wait.....but you already know that's what I want you to do. Or is it?

If you really wanna make a difference.....why don't you go to the middle east and try preachin' your "Turn the other cheek" and "We are the world/can't we all just get along" bullshit to somebody that will listen.........YOU'RE WASTING YOUR TIME HERE.

Lastly.....I don't think I'm better than you. Actually I think we have alot more in common than not and are too much alike. You're just better at frontin' like Pharell.

Oh......and don't even talk to me about the NW scene. You ain't even a part of it anymore.....you're a spectator now.

Apr 25, 2002
sgt hustle is a dumb ass ...she is an attention whore..and its true she jumps in here actin like she's tryin to defend chili but in turn she is keepin this thread alive with her multiple replies..if she practced what she preached..she wouldnt have made a single post in this thread or any other thread she disagreed with..TURN THE OTHER CHEEK RIGHT??
May 5, 2002
@ Mtown Criminal

You are so smart!

@ D-Sane

Yes, we are a lot alike. That's the only reason why I said shit to you about this situation. It doesn't matter...like you said, you don't care. As for Heather, I'd never bring her up. She has nothing to do with this. Neither does Syko or who I have or have not slept with or what type of lube I use. Those are all low blows and I won't stoop to that level. I have a certain level of respect for people in general and for you specifically that I wouldn't go there. It's too easy and I hold myself to a higher level than that which is why I enjoy a lot of personal successes.
Nov 30, 2002
whoa i been out of it...
@sergant hustle.. i read something about you sleeping with your brothers.. uhh.. is that true? i didnt finish the rest of the post.. just trying to clarify things..


Mr. D-Sane

Sicc OG, muthafucka
Apr 25, 2002
Sergeant Hustle said:
Yes, we are a lot alike. That's the only reason why I said shit to you about this situation. It doesn't matter...like you said, you don't care. As for Heather, I'd never bring her up. She has nothing to do with this. Neither does Syko or who I have or have not slept with or what type of lube I use. Those are all low blows and I won't stoop to that level. I have a certain level of respect for people in general and for you specifically that I wouldn't go there. It's too easy and I hold myself to a higher level than that which is why I enjoy a lot of personal successes.
Why are you wasting your fuckin' time????? I'm just a childish liar who is on a constant mission to get close to people, discover their faults and weaknesses, and then go on a public tirade about them as soon as we have a disagreement. Oh yeah.....and then add my own shit to it to spice it up.

Karlie.....I have friends that I've had for 15 years. Good friends.....best friends. People that know me better than you EVER possibly could and would laugh at your preposterous psychoanylization of me. If that's how I really was.....I probably wouldn't have ANY friends, right? Much less any long term friends, right?

I had alot of respect for you until you went talkin' shit about me for no reason in the OPEN forum making invalid and inaccurate statements of how I supposedly get down. You don't know me like that!!!! Regardless of how you see me interact on here or what you have been told. You wanna get to know me? Let's exchange phone numbers and we can chop it up sometime.

The only fault that I have is that I'm a vengeful person. I'm a head for an eye type a guy. If you disrespect then 9 times out of 10 I'm gonna go all out to destroy you any way I can. If people would just act right and not do the things they do.....we wouldn't have any problems. I have been sent here by a higher power to destroy these people......deal with it and accept it because you can't change it and neither can I. It's my destiny. lol
May 5, 2002
You're right about me not really knowing you. We are all different off the board. I get ganged up on here, when in real life every man on the planet thinks I'm the coolest chick alive. I have wonderful, positive working relationships with every man I've ever come across and tons of cool male friends. Certain facets of our personalities tend to rear their ugly heads in the internet world. On here, it's exaggerated that I'm some raging butch bulldyke when really I'm a femmey broad who has a ton of social skills and a great career. It's easy to get pigeon-holed. Other people have done it unfairly to me, so I shant continue doing it to you. But I do think there is truth in everything I said, and vice versa with what you said.
Apr 25, 2002
sgt in all honesty i think u would be alot cooler in real life outside the boards but on here the way u address things and the things u address in general get on my nerves..i say alot of shit but the shit i say to SGT HUSTLE are directed to sgt hustle not karlie..cuz i could say ina sense i know some shit about sgt hustle but i really dont know shit about karlie..people say shit to mtown criminal and i really dont take it personally(aside from certain instances where im forced to)...so keep that in mind
May 5, 2002
i understand...it's easy for all of us to talk shit and pop off at the mouth. it's fun in most cases...but it can turn ugly if it gets personal. however, i consider my life sort of an open book...i touch on a lot of issues about myself on here, but they are the same issues i've discussed with thousands of listeners in the past due to my job. i'm prepared for not everyone to like me or feel what i say or dig the way i conduct myself but i think other people can learn from me and i can learn from them. i don't take anything you say to heart and some of the stuff you do say is correct and witty and i laugh at it. then there are other times when you can't spell humanitarian and i laugh again. and then there are other times where i'd like to kick your alter ego mtown criminal down a street made out of daggers and fire. good times.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
^^I agree with you on that, but what you said makes you seem pretty certain that she was willing...Either way that shit is disgusting, but you seem to be clownin on her cause some fucked up shit happened to her....that's pretty immature in my book.