can u trust your gf enough 2 let her go 2 a rave and drop x?

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Aug 9, 2005
she's gonna get you mad when she arives home with cum stains on her trousers ..and you gonna put hands on her and be doing labor like chris brown here...



Long live the KING!!!!
May 7, 2002
A bitch who had any love you, wouldnt even pose such a disrespectful question, just like you wouldnt ask her if it was cool, for you to go to the movie with your ex bitch, or on vacation with your baby mama "for the kid".


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
shit, it's a true story...i was 16, she was 18....then we met back up, popped 2 1/2....fucked around for a month until she acted funny and i told her no go.

and this was the first female i really cared guess that's kind of why i am how i am....

don't take shit from your girl. fuck that. it's a two way street.

If you told her you were goin to a rave and taken E with your homies and some females, I guaran-fucking-tee she'd flip out. And if she didn't, it's cause she's already cheating.
lol...hella old...

but another true story...

i'm fuckin that girl again that i was talkin about. hahahaha....i saw that i got props in this thread...and i was like what the fuck is this? then i looked at the date and i was talking about fuckin her before summer...then 2 months later i saw her at 7-11 with her hadn't seen her in 3 years.