Call Of Duty: Black Ops **discussion thread**

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Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
yo, wheres the cheapest place i can get this game and possibly some microsoft points for the new maps?

i got a few homies offline who either recently got xbox's or i been fuckin' w lately and found out they got a xbox live account and black ops..ima just buy it fuck it i got some extra cash saved up..not from no tax return tho fuck the irs i owe them $$$..

bout to go on vacation and im the type that brings his xbox with him and plays video games high as shit 3am with a blunt in my mouth in a hotel..

i really dont even like black ops that much but ima get it cuz its the most common shit played online right now and sometimes i wanna get some games in on the headphone w the goons...youd tihnk i wouldnt get it after selling it, renting it twice and not wanting to buy it, but ima go head and cop it.

gettin that fight night 5 tho offtop niggas is gettin goobed

im just not tryna spend 80 with the combination of the game and xbl points
Oct 9, 2008
I don't think you ps3 dudes got the patch yet but it already dropped on 360 and they replaced Merc. TDM with Merc. Moshpit cuz all these fags on the COD boards kept crying about playing objective game modes against parties... So now everytime i play TDM by myself i can get shit on by giant parties over an over again! SMH Treyarch= FAIL! MW2 i'm comin back home, hope these fools didn't get to comfy without me around to shit on em!!!