understand your fight.
this isnt aimed at the people in this thread responding intelligently. my response is in regards to the non-sense being typed in this thread.
ultimately society and its ways have been set since the original decision to form a central(federal) government. we have evolved as a society, no doubt, but selfish individuals in the begining promoted their selfish interests at the expense of society as a whole, therefore, there has never been a fair judicial system. crucifying officers for unfounded reasons promotes the kinda of ignorrance that keeps you petty criminals and so called gangsters at the bottom of the todem pole. open your eyes and mind. a man/woman going to work for an agency providing him with all the benefits society has to offer isnt at fault. understand, in no way shape or form am i a supporter of law enforcement because i understand why they are here to begin with. unfortunately what we see today is the product of the blind leading the blind so to speak. if you feel strongly and disagree with the state and federal system, as a u.s. citizen, thats your right. but supporting an obvious act of unrightousness isnt gonna move your cause forward. saying "fuck the police" sounds good in the streets, but anywhere else you are the minority, not the majority. my point is this: rather than contributing to negative elements/incidents that keep unpropertied individuals at the bottom, slow down, listen, and educate yourself with the facts, not myth. power is in the people. the people need to realize it and act in a civilized/intelligent manner. in this day an age all minorities should be inspired by the man in the white house, he is your leader.
just something to think about.