California police: Four officers shot in Oakland

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Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
one thing ill say about these threads that i love is alot of yalls TRUE COLORS come out on this shit..for better or for worse...and im always suprised on whos views come out all of the sudden...they always seem to be singing a completely different tune in threads like these..

im amazed how many people have those views at a site like this..where all the sudden they seem to be damn near cop lovers amidst a makes me wonder how many different some of you are from the rest of us, yet you can blend in perfectly until a thread like this seperates you.

i bet we actually have people who work for the police who post here or have parents that are, that say nothing about that fact. even if they arent here to snitch or bust or anything i really wouldnt doubt it.


Long live the KING!!!!
May 7, 2002
well why did they storm the apartment? they didnt know who was in it, he could have been surrounded by babys, it was about revenge, they wanted blood, do you think storming it guns blazing, is whats safest for the other people who lived in the building? they could have waited him out, but nope, they wanted revenge, cause the police are nothing better then a gang, except the police are like the priest who gains everybodys trust, and then rapes there children behind there backs, but they do the exact same type of shit, and operate the exact same type of way, with zero professionalism whatsoever. They rushed in there thirsty for blood, hoping to pounce on a suspect they assumed was under armed compared to them, and boy oh boy did those mother fuckers get blood, and are you gonna find me feeling sorry for them? fuck no, I feel sorry for the suspects little sister who was struck with a flash grenade and burnt, she is a true innocent, but the swat team? hell fucking no, I dont feel sorry for there familys who profit and live off the police blood money either. To serve and protect? yeah serve and protect each other, what the fuck is callin the cops gonna do if somebody is in your house attacking you? maybe they will come clean up the body, or arrest you for shooting the mother fucker in your house(like they did a member of this message board), all while acting like they where there to help him, then taking a innocent statement, then arresting him, and putting lies about him in the newspaper, and if anybody here believes what they put in the newspaper, i feel sorry for you really, any lawyer will tell you police are professional liars, takes one to know one right? coondogg fuck you, jazz fuck your trader grand father, fuck the opd, and may the dead burn in fucking hell forever, Im glad this thread shows some cats true colors, yall getting stomped if you ever show up to a bbq..


Oct 2, 2007
one thing ill say about these threads that i love is alot of yalls TRUE COLORS come out on this shit...and im always suprised on whos views come out all of the sudden...they always seem to be singing a completely different tune in threads like these..

im amazed how many people have those views at a site like makes me wonder how many different some of you are from the rest of us, yet you can blend in until a thread like this seperates you.
I love this thread cuz I can say what I want how want and not have to worry about gettin banned. I was talkin on KRON.4 live blog and if you use cusswords and shit, or seem like your glad the pigs got off'd, they won't even post your shit.I had to talk and reword my shit in a whole different way but I made my point though


Long live the KING!!!!
May 7, 2002
I love this thread cuz I can say what I want how want and not have to worry about gettin banned. I was talkin on KRON.4 live blog and if you use cusswords and shit, or seem like your glad the pigs got off'd, they won't even post your shit.I had to talk and reword my shit in a whole different way but I made my point though
media censorship at its finest, they dont want anything that makes the people more powerful, or informed leaking out.

Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
i mean its not a win because a mans life was taken, had he been alive and gotten away id count that as a win...the police getting killed well thats part of duty..the dude who gave the police officer cpr, hats off to him cuz i wouldnt have, i would have ran and then felt guilty about not trying to save their lives but thats what i would have done.

but you will see alot of racist caucasian views on sites like that because they tend to know how to word it better...


Oct 2, 2007
i mean its not a win because a mans life was taken, had he been alive and gotten away id count that as a win...the police getting killed well thats part of duty..the dude who gave the police officer cpr, hats off to him cuz i wouldnt have, i would have ran and then felt guilty about not trying to save their lives but thats what i would have done.

but you will see alot of racist caucasian views on sites like that because they tend to know how to word it better...
I wouldve taken their guns.


Oct 2, 2007
media censorship at its finest, they dont want anything that makes the people more powerful, or informed leaking out.
When I see post like yours and Gas Ones It makes it worth being up at 4 am. I'm glad I ain't the only one speakin out on this shit.


Long live the KING!!!!
May 7, 2002
lol@taken there guns, i would have faked cpr, and suffocated em, then fake cried when there back up showed.

Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
and i dont look at it like 4 cops dead one man dead we won..i dont think cops have a worth..even if the man was considered to be 'a criminal' i put worth on the criminal more than the we lost because a black man was killed whether it was innocent or guilty...

my chances of getting killed by that dude in comparison to the cops, or having a run in with him in comparison to the cops is far less


Oct 2, 2007
if their guns were on the floor, yeah....but they might have been in the holster..dunno if i woulda been thinkin like that if i worked right there tho yknow

i prolly woulda been tryna get the fuck outta there seein all that
I feel you. Even if I wouldn't be able to get to em easily the thought surely would have crossed my mind.


Long live the KING!!!!
May 7, 2002
The cops want people to be against each other, and be racist, so they can sit back and watch the fireworks, and laugh. I used a fuck a fine all latina coke head back in the day, i would always go to her house, when her folks wernt home and fuck the shit out of her, well one day i come to find out her step dad is a cop, and she tells me he has a photo album of murdered black men, that he looks at and laughs all the time, shit made me sick to my stomuch to even hear, i also went to his super bowl party, and all the dude ever did was make racist, and homophobic jokes all day, dude was major piece of shit, i kept fucking his slut, and laughing to myself that she was doing tons of coke all day in his house, just shows you how pigs really are.

Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
it sucks that you have to be on key when you see cops. and then whats the first thing they say? "calm down" and then start treating it liek its some sort of stand off. then when you tell then youre calm, it becomes a big ass issue to them.

i remember i got searched and patted down by two sherrifs while i was looking for a garbage can to throw trash away in at the gas station...i 'looked suspicious'

shit is so fuckin stupid

no one else looked suspicious tho


Oct 2, 2007
The cops want people to be against each other, and be racist, so they can sit back and watch the fireworks, and laugh. I used a fuck a fine all latina coke head back in the day, i would always go to her house, when her folks wernt home and fuck the shit out of her, well one day i come to find out her step dad is a cop, and she tells me he has a photo album of murdered black men, that he looks at and laughs all the time, shit made me sick to my stomuch to even hear, i also went to his super bowl party, and all the dude ever did was make racist, and homophobic jokes all day, dude was major piece of shit, i kept fucking his slut, and laughing to myself that she was doing tons of coke all day in his house, just shows you how pigs really are.
Man u tellin me that makes me wanna kill that mutha fucka. Well at least you got 2 kill his bitch's pussy. Got Damn I can't stand them faggot ass pigs

Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
the worst part about it is cops are usually big fucking hypocrites..theyre like the rest of us...they drink and drive, do drugs here and there, are guilty of losing their tempers and abuse authority like a normal person might...the sad thing about them is they act as if they arent human when they have a badge on but act like humans when they dont have a badge on.

cops lie in everyones faces all day

you ever go to traffic court and just trip out how many stories there are

i cant stand listening to cops make up bullshit just to fuck with you


Oct 2, 2007
How come the 1st thing they asked me when they pulled me over is "So are you on probation or parole?" Then "Have you been smoking marijuana" Iwas like maaan it's 2:30 in the mornin and I'm tired that's why my eyes are red. I was keyed though lol. But they didn't give me a ticket or nothin cuz I didn't do shit they just be tryin to find a reason to take a brotha down.

Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
cops always play little games with you. this cop was going through my pockets by feeling them and he stops at something and hes like 'whats that?' im like how the fuck do i know what your holding in your fucking hand? you act like were fuckign siamese twins and i can feel what you feel..hes all you dont know whats in your pocket? i was like that wasnt the fucking question!!

this other cops all trying to figure otu why i have a bat in my car, and i stopped him and was liek damn dog are you a psychologist or a cop? youre doing alot of shit that cops arent trained to do.

fools all 'youre right....'

no shit im right idiot
fuckin cant stand cops...i treat them cool most times but theyre like little gnats..

fool took a bottle from my car and held it up and i was like 'so what..its dry..whats your point' hes all 'i know' why you show it to me then fool like i was gonna get all fucking scared about a dried out patron bottle

if they didnt play so many punk ass word and mind games i prolly wouldnt be as bothered

i didnt even pay that traffic ticket. they hella wanted to lock me up that night too...he gave me hella lil citations for extra shit talking...i was just like man write up what you wanna write so i can go home

bought a 40 right in front of them and went home..and i was drunk as fuck that whole time arguing with them i just breathed downwards and not in their face lol


Oct 2, 2007
The other day they pulled my chick over . She told me they had their hands on their guns and was lookin like they wanted a confrontation. When they got close enough to see that she was dressed business like and that there were car seats in the car they felt stupid but that was after they looked her up and down which had her kinda spooked. Needless to say the didn't even write her a ticket cuz she didn't do shit wrong. Good thing I wasn't in the car cuz I probly woulda went bad on they punk asses. ....And people wonder why cops get popped at routine traffic stops.