Bush Gives the CIA More Power to Kill

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May 8, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:

do you think this is a good or bad thing?
good because if they can get him before a war is called for it can save the lives of Americans and Iraqies

oh and by the way i hear Iraq will be in material breach tomorrow, but we'll have to wait and see
Jul 7, 2002
Mcleanhatch said:

not always, if some1 rushes into your house and kills all your family and you have a gun near by are you going to try and peacefully ask them to stop and turn themselves in or are you going to take them out
i alway laugh are u'r logic...lol

this isn't excatly what happen on 9/11..the attack was provoke
by the someone (some nation)
Jul 24, 2002

Are you doing this just to disagree with me?
Poeple like you are a trip, the type with a rebellious nature.
Any how I'll proceed to tear your last post apart;

1) I guess you really don't get it do you?
Have you heard people say "For every roach that you see in the kitchen, there's hundreds behind your kitchen walls"?
This can be applied to Lott, his words and his actions, can tell you a lot about his heart. Deep inside he is a racist, or at least once was. That is why I say that we cannot have people like him in politics because of the huge implications his hand can have in our lives. Regardless of that, we know there's many racist politicians any way, but at least they keep their mouths shut....

2) You know, for a Mexican you sure fell far away from the tree.
How can you compare some murderer coming in my house with what Bin Laden did?
Hey If I know the murderer fled to your house to hide, I'm gonna take you out in the process of taking him out? That's what Bush did.
Even though you gave him shelter, I will hold nothing against you.
I would ask you to turn him in to me, and you asking him to leave your house would be good enough.
But in Bush's case, that wasn't good enough. He bombed the entire house and killed innocent civilians in the process.

3) Of coarse the Taliban still exists! But do they exist as their nations leaders? The Afgan leaders are good friends with the US now..... So again, what's your point?
Man some people love to let their ass's do the talking....

4) No that is why you capture him when you had the freakin chance. You make an example out of him and end the source of it all. And what's the source? The US government....
Their actions is what got us here in the first place....
Instead of helping the war against terrorism, we are adding more fuel to the flame by going to a premature war with Iraq.
We as the people can no longer let our government put us in danger. We the people lost 3 thousand lives to someone else's beef. It's time we make those responsible, pay for their actions by not just killing Bin Laden but by killing the source....
May 8, 2002
miggidy said:
Are you doing this just to disagree with me?
Poeple like you are a trip, the type with a rebellious nature.
Any how I'll proceed to tear your last post apart;
rebellious nature???? i am happy with this country and got no quarrels with what is happening here.

but you do every post you post is anti-government. so tell me who is the one with rebillion in thier nature?????
May 8, 2002
miggidy said:
Are you doing this just to disagree with me?
1) This can be applied to Lott, his words and his actions, can tell you a lot about his heart. Deep inside he is a racist, or at least once was. ....
he still didnt say anything that was RACIST, his words could be perceived by a sensitive person as insensitive, and for that he has apologized

miggidy said:
2) You know, for a Mexican you sure fell far away from the tree.

2A. But in Bush's case, that wasn't good enough. He bombed the entire house and killed innocent civilians in the process.
2. whats that supposed to mean that i should be a robot and be anti government just becausae i am Mexican, or i should vote democrat just because all the other robots (blacks and Hispanics) do it at a 90% clip.
i am proud of this country and for the opportunities i have been given here. and i would never trade it for anything. and i didnt fall far from the tree. most of the family is conservative, both of my grandfthers served in WWII (and they volunteered to prove their loyalty to America), i also have three uncle (1 marine, 1 airforce, and 1 navy) 2 of which also volunteered for Vietnam.

2A. by the way America was bombing Al-quida and the Taliban and most of the bombs were hitting mountain areas. where they were hiding in the mountains and caves.

miggidy said:
3) Of coarse the Taliban still exists! But do they exist as their nations leaders? The Afgan leaders are good friends with the US now..... So again, what's your point?
and the Taliban leaders are the good guys and we are the bad guys uhu?

the same taliban that would cut off thieves hands an thier first offense, hang people in public places in front of thier family and making thier family do the hanging for minor offenses, they also wouldnt let women leave the house uncovered so they are basically slaves, they cant go to school or work.

yes the new leaders are friendly with the USA they are also friendly with the international community and were placed in power through international nations.

miggidy said:
We the people lost 3 thousand lives to someone else's beef. It's time we make those responsible, pay for their actions by not just killing Bin Laden but by killing the source....
the source??/ should we nuke the entire middle east (i donk think that would be wise). cause thats the source. they hate the west and America. period. and nothing will ever change their mind.
Jul 24, 2002

1) Excuse me if I seem to be anti-governmental.
I'm just postin facts, it's not my fault that I appear to be anti-governmental...
I've yet to post a lie about the US government......

2) Lott has admitted himself to vote against a Martin Luther King Jr. holiday? What the fuck for?
What does he have against King if he's not racist?
He admitted to being pro-segregation!
What kind of non-racist person is that?
He can fool you, but he won't fool us!

3) "most of the family is conservative, both of my grandfthers served in WWII.
i also have three uncle (1 marine, 1 airforce, and 1 navy) 2 of which also volunteered for Vietnam."

My god! You did fall far from the tree! I grew up watching GI Joe, I always wanted to be a man of honor.
Shit, I almost joined the navy myself.
THat is until reality slapped me in the face!
And I can see that reality missed your folks.
They are racist torwards us, then they want us to die for them?
I ain't nobody's fucking dummy!
Consider this, they reffer to second generation Italians and Irish as Americans. Not Italian Americans or Irish Americans.
But Americans only.
Why not us?
No, we're Latin Americans!
Because we're not fucking white! That's why!
I ain't fightin shit for these fuckers until they give us the respect that we deserve.
We've helped them fight wars, pay our taxes, work the jobs that they don't want, and they still treat us like the red headed step child?
Fuck that!

4) No! The Taliban were assholes!
Islamic extremists! I'd rather get my hand cut off then my dome being split by a bullet hailing out of a handgun being held by a racist cop!
Who are you to judge the Taliban?
The US is no better!
As a matter of fact, the entire system of governning is bad.
You probably think that I only think of the US government as being evil. Wrong! Every government is evil!
They are after money and power and don't give a fuck about the peasents. It's always been that way.......
Money & power!!!!

5) You have no idea what the source is then....
Why do they hate the US so much?
Watch the people who run this country, it is because of them that the Islamic world hates us.
They didn't just started hating the US for no reason.
We're after their gold.......................................................................
Apr 26, 2002
Good point Miggidy....if they hate us simply because of our "freedom" then why don't they have a problem with nations such as germany and holland that are just as free as we are if not more.
May 17, 2002
on saddams news shows the opening song say he makes teh americans and jews tremble.
not the UK
not the Russian
or the Japanese
or the Indians
etc. . .etc. . .

americas gov't is full of bigots and "in the closet" neo facist muhfukas.

the war we are about to fight now is a clean up job. its a

"oop's G Bush Sr. didnt do the job so sorry, Jr. will have to steal an election fucc up the economy with his "new math" and destroy half the world with the WW3 coalition put together to change the regime of Iraq"
Jul 24, 2002

Holland has more freedom than we do.
And there is more muslims in this country than any other country in the rest of the Americas, Europe, and Australia.

So their hatred towards has nothing to do with Freedom.
That is what Uncle Sam wants you to think.
But Uncle Sam himself knows why they hate us....

You and I can see that, but the rest of the nation eats what Uncle Sam feeds them....
May 8, 2002
miggidy said:
2) Lott has admitted himself to vote against a Martin Luther King Jr. holiday? What the fuck for?
What does he have against King if he's not racist?
ya, and alote of senators have admitted to voting against that holiday. and Lott gave his reasons, 1st he said it would be expensive for Mississippi and for the rest of the nation, 2nd he said that he believed that there were others more deserving, and to be quite honest i would have to agree, (people like Grant, Franklin, FDR) could have a case made for them that they are more deserving. he also lead the push and pushed very hard to combine the 2 days that were given to Washington and Lincoln to combine them into 1 holiday so that MLK holiday isnt the only holiday he voted against.

miggidy said:
He admitted to being pro-segregation!
that a bold face lie, he NEVER admitted to being a segragationist, NEVER
May 8, 2002
miggidy said:

Who are you to judge the Taliban?
The US is no better!
who are you to judge the cops and to say that they are all or that a majority of the are racist???

how can you compare the taliban who cuts peoples hands off for stealing consistantly to a crooked cop which are rare.
Jul 24, 2002
Crooked cops rare??????????????????????????????????????
Wake up!
They are everywhere!
Every police department has them!
What are you telling me?
I have cops on video jackin drug dealers for money and drugs!

As a matter of fact I got a close friend/relative who was jacked with 5 pounds of meth.
But the court charged him for the possession of 5 ounces!
He wasn't going to get up and say, "Your honor, I believe that is incorrect. It was 5 pounds"....
Where did the rest go?
You decide.

No one has ever pointed a gun at me threatenning to kill me.
And I live in EPA!
No one has ever done that to me.
And cops have done that to me in 2 occasions.
Hand cuffed my grandmother and shoved my mother!

THat's who the fuck I am to judge these vipers!

Wake up from wonderland boy.
The Earth doesn't revolve the way you think it does.

I know home boy after home boy who's been killed in the hands of an itchy trigger finger cop!
The Taliban ain't done shit to me!

It's better to be mutilated than to be shot dead from the blind side by a racist cop any day!
At least you have a chance to outrun a blade....

And last, win did I say the majority of cops are racist????

Now about Lott,
I know he's not the only senator who is racist.
So what's the point?
Does that make his racist ways any less evil?

And what the fuck?
He admitted to being pro-seggregation in national TV!
What are you talking about.
Once again, do you your homework before you make a fool out of yourself....
Apr 26, 2002
Mcleanhatch if Lott did not believe in segregation then why dont you explain to us the reason for him not wanting to racially integrate the college he was attending.

And how the hell are those presidents more deserving than MLK?

But I will say, the democrats have no position to talk either...Byrd is a an ex-member of the KKK who was caught saying nigger not too long ago, and bill clinton praised Fulbright who has a past similar to Thurmonds...so niether party has clean hands in this situation.
May 8, 2002
miggidy said:
Now about Lott,
He admitted to being pro-seggregation in national TV!
What are you talking about.
again you obviously dont know what you are talking about, LYING, or believe lies that others have told you. i seen all 3 interviews that he did in their entirety

miggidy said:
Once again, do you your homework before you make a fool out of yourself....
i did do my homework.

1. i seen footage of the speech at Strom birthday aprty where he spoke and i heard woed for word what he said!

2. i listened to in its entirety his first interview that was with Sean Hannity on Seans radio show.

3. i listened to his press announcement in Mississippi where he spoke for nearly 1/2 of an hour and took question. and i heard that in its entirety also.

4. i saw his interview on B.E.T. with Ed Gorgon also in its entirety.

so that is why i stress that when you say that he is a racist and that he admitted to being a segragationist or pro-segregation that either you didnt do your homework, or you got bad information or you are lying.
May 8, 2002
miggidy said:
As a matter of fact I got a close friend/relative who was jacked with 5 pounds of meth.
he should be happy that they only charged his with 5 zips. he should also know that somebody snitched his ass out, and what the hell is he doing selling water to people he doesnt even know anyway!