Are you doing this just to disagree with me?
Poeple like you are a trip, the type with a rebellious nature.
Any how I'll proceed to tear your last post apart;
1) I guess you really don't get it do you?
Have you heard people say "For every roach that you see in the kitchen, there's hundreds behind your kitchen walls"?
This can be applied to Lott, his words and his actions, can tell you a lot about his heart. Deep inside he is a racist, or at least once was. That is why I say that we cannot have people like him in politics because of the huge implications his hand can have in our lives. Regardless of that, we know there's many racist politicians any way, but at least they keep their mouths shut....
2) You know, for a Mexican you sure fell far away from the tree.
How can you compare some murderer coming in my house with what Bin Laden did?
Hey If I know the murderer fled to your house to hide, I'm gonna take you out in the process of taking him out? That's what Bush did.
Even though you gave him shelter, I will hold nothing against you.
I would ask you to turn him in to me, and you asking him to leave your house would be good enough.
But in Bush's case, that wasn't good enough. He bombed the entire house and killed innocent civilians in the process.
3) Of coarse the Taliban still exists! But do they exist as their nations leaders? The Afgan leaders are good friends with the US now..... So again, what's your point?
Man some people love to let their ass's do the talking....
4) No that is why you capture him when you had the freakin chance. You make an example out of him and end the source of it all. And what's the source? The US government....
Their actions is what got us here in the first place....
Instead of helping the war against terrorism, we are adding more fuel to the flame by going to a premature war with Iraq.
We as the people can no longer let our government put us in danger. We the people lost 3 thousand lives to someone else's beef. It's time we make those responsible, pay for their actions by not just killing Bin Laden but by killing the source....