Bush Gives the CIA More Power to Kill

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May 13, 2002
Monday, Dec. 16, 2002.

Bush Gives the CIA More Power to Kill

By James Risen and David Johnston
New York Times Service WASHINGTON -- The Bush administration has prepared a list of about two dozen terrorist leaders that the Central Intelligence Agency is authorized to kill if capture is impractical and civilian casualties can be minimized, senior military and intelligence officials said.

The previously undisclosed CIA list of targets includes top leaders of al-Qaida, like Osama bin Laden and his chief deputy, Ayman al-Zawahiri, and other principal figures from al-Qaida and affiliated terrorist groups, the officials said. "It's the worst of the worst," one official said.

U.S. President George W. Bush has provided written legal authority to the CIA to hunt down and kill the terrorists without seeking further approval each time the agency is about to launch an operation. Some officials said the terrorist list was known as the "high-value target list."

A spokesman for the White House declined to discuss the list or issues involving the use of lethal force against terrorists. A spokesman for the CIA also declined to comment.

But Bush has not waived the executive order banning assassinations, officials said. The presidential authority to kill terrorists defines operatives of al-Qaida as enemy combatants and thus legitimate targets for lethal force.

Bush issued a presidential finding last year after the Sept. 11 attacks on New York and Washington providing the basic executive and legal authority for the CIA to either kill or capture terrorist leaders. Initially, the CIA used that authority to search for al-Qaida leaders in Afghanistan. The newer list represents an expanded CIA effort against a larger number of Qaida operatives outside of Afghanistan in countries like Yemen.

The president is not legally required to approve each name added to the list, nor is the CIA required to obtain presidential approval for specific attacks, although officials said Bush had been kept well informed about the CIA's operations.

In November, the CIA killed an al-Qaida leader in a remote region of Yemen using a pilotless Predator aircraft. Qaed Salim Sinan al-Harethi, also known as Abu Ali, died along with five other people. Harethi is believed to have been on the list of al-Qaida leaders that the CIA had been authorized to kill.

Intelligence officials said the presidential finding authorizing the agency to use lethal force against terrorists was not limited to those included on the list. The president has given broad authority to the CIA to kill or capture operatives of al-Qaida around the world, the officials said. But officials said the group's most senior leaders on the list were the primary focus of the agency's efforts.

The list is updated periodically as the intelligence agency, in consultation with other counterterrorism agencies, deletes those al-Qaida leaders who are captured or killed, or adds names when intelligence indicates the emergence of a new leader.

The precise criteria for adding someone to the list are unclear, although the evidence against each person must be clear and convincing, the officials said.

Counterterrorism officials prefer to capture senior al-Qaida leaders for interrogation, if possible. They regard killing as a last resort in cases in which the location of a Qaida operative is known but capture would be too dangerous or logistically impossible, the officials said.

Some national security lawyers said the practice of drawing up lists of people who are subject to lethal force might blur the lines drawn by government's ban on assassinations. In the view of some lawyers, the prohibition applies not only to foreign leaders but to civilians.

American officials have said that Saddam Hussein would be a legitimate target in a war, as he is a military commander as well as Iraq's president.

Jeff Smith, a former general counsel of the CIA and now a lawyer in Washington, said it was important for the United States to keep the assassination ban intact. "We don't want to create a situation where assassination becomes an accepted form of behavior," he said. "We have to have clear criteria for the use of lethal force."
Jul 24, 2002
Damn this is what I've neen tellin people for weeks now!
You gotta read between the lines though, Bush just hasn't given the CIA rights to kill terrorists, he's also given them the right to kill US citizens.
And the scary thing is that the CIA can kill them with out anyone's authorization.

Nice work for the son of the former head of the CIA....
May 8, 2002
miggidy said:
You gotta read between the lines though, Bush just hasn't given the CIA rights to kill terrorists, he's also given them the right to kill US citizens.
And the scary thing is that the CIA can kill them with out anyone's authorization.
he has given authorization to the CIA to take out the 24 top terrorists heads most of them from Al-Quida including Osama.

you know at the rate you are stressing you probly wont live a long healthy life, so relax a little bit and have some fun
Jul 24, 2002
THat's not true.
It isn't exclusive to the top 24 top terrorist suspects.
That's the misconception that everyone is falling for.

And as for me stressing, not here.
I stay away from anything that is harmful to my health.
May 8, 2002
miggidy said:
THat's not true.
It isn't exclusive to the top 24 top terrorist suspects.
That's the misconception that everyone is falling for.
it also includes Sadam

miggidy said:
And as for me stressing, not here.
I stay away from anything that is harmful to my health.
maybe on the outside, but if you really believe most of the stuff youve been typing in here and the East Co Co then you have to be really stressing from the inside
May 17, 2002
miggidy said:
Damn this is what I've neen tellin people for weeks now!
You gotta read between the lines though, Bush just hasn't given the CIA rights to kill terrorists, he's also given them the right to kill US citizens.
And the scary thing is that the CIA can kill them with out anyone's authorization.

Nice work for the son of the former head of the CIA....
YES Ex-fuccin-actly

what a dicc. IMPERIALISM @ ITS FINEST. people are so stupid that they would just allow that shit. next goes freedom of speech
Jul 24, 2002

I was stressin when I started researching this shit almost a year ago.
It first started with the Dark Alliance skandal and how the CIA was linked to the murder of 2 teens who witnessed the CIA exchanging money for drugs.
Well that lead to everything I've been postin as of late.

Now I feel better and the stress has been expelled from my body because this search also lead me to the bible....

You see, when you have a "personal" relationship with God, nothing else matters....
May 8, 2002
miggidy said:

Now I feel better and the stress has been expelled from my body because this search also lead me to the bible....

You see, when you have a "personal" relationship with God, nothing else matters....
good for you maybe something good has come of this then
Jul 24, 2002

Bush has already been the worse president that I have lived under for, in my entire life.
Like Macmall said, "He's a coke head son of a bitch"....

I can't believe America put a coke dome inside the White House.

Did you know that the over taking of the Taliban was premeditated?

Remember how persistant Bush was when he asked the Taliban to hand over Bin Laden?
He gave them absolutely no chance, war with Afganistan was inevitable. Just like it is right now with Iraq.

The Taliban where caught like a rock in a hard place.
If they handed over Bin Laden, they were afraid that Al Qaeda would attack them in retaliation.
But if they didn't hand him over, then the US would attack them.
So the Taliban came up with their only solution and decided to back off. They asked Bin Laden to leave their country. They asked him to leave at his convenience so that they wouldn't piss off Al Qaeda.
But when the US put even more pressure, they decided to put themselves out in the open and offered to turn Bin Laden over. But the catch was that Bin Laden would be turnned over to an Arab country.
But that wasn't good enough for Mr. Bush-Shit.
What do you know? Bush went after Bin Laden and attacked the Taliban as well.
The Taliban were forced to unite with Al Qaeda for the sake of survival....

Now the Taliban is no more.....

Why was this premeditated?
Did you know that Clinton wanted to put a pipe line in the middle of Afganistan for oil?
Yup, you heard it.
We had a good relationship with the Afgans after the USSR left.
We wanted to transport oil through Afganistan from, ummmm.... I forgot the name of the small country. Anyways....
Shit went sour when Bin Laden blew up the US embassy in Kenya.
Then the US's pipe line dreams were shattered.

The beef grew between Bin Laden and the US....
Until that is, Bin Laden hit the US where it hurts!
He took out the capitol of capitolism in the World Trade Center, hurting our economy.

Thinking what I'm thinking?
Bush said, now's our chance to take out those old dusty plans for the pipe line!
They got antsy and couldn't wait to install their own puppets in Afganistan....

And there you have it, pipe line dreams are now a reality!
Woo hoo!
*White man's victory cry*

Wait till they get to network petrolium to and from Yemen and Iraq. With the help of the newly installed pipeline in Afganistan.

Now the question to ask is?
Is war with Iraq premeditated?
From the looks of things, heck yeah!
May 8, 2002
miggidy said:
Remember how persistant Bush was when he asked the Taliban to hand over Bin Laden?
He gave them absolutely no chance,
if 2 months for you is no chance then i guess he gave them no chance

miggidy said:
Now the Taliban is no more.....
who told you that lie?

miggidy said:
The beef grew between Bin Laden and the US....
Until that is, Bin Laden hit the US where it hurts!
ya 3000 innocent civilians

miggidy said:
Thinking what I'm thinking?
Bush said, now's our chance to take out those old dusty plans for the pipe line!
no, actually i am thinking its time to get payback and to bring bin laden to justice for what he did to 3000 innocents in NY

miggidy said:
And there you have it, pipe line dreams are now a reality!
Woo hoo!
*White man's victory cry*
and to think Senator Lott is getting hung for much less
Jul 7, 2002
Mcleanhatch said:

if 2 months for you is no chance then i guess he gave them no chance

who told you that lie?

ya 3000 innocent civilians

no, actually i am thinking its time to get payback and to bring bin laden to justice for what he did to 3000 innocents in NY

and to think Senator Lott is getting hung for much less

your replies are awful
Jul 24, 2002

1) I stated facts.
There's always time for peace....

2) Who runs Afganistan now?

3) True. Now what's your point?

4) That's what they want you to think. But the truth is that there is more than meets the eye. Killing Bin Laden won't do anything but satisfy the American public, and you know that.
That's all we'll get from it because another Bin Laden will emerge.

5) Senator Lott gettig hung for less?
Really? My remarks might hurt "your" feelings.
Lott's mentality affects us minorities in our every day lives.
You cannot fathom what responibilties a racist politician has. And how his racial mind might affect millions.
May 8, 2002
miggidy said:
5) Senator Lott gettig hung for less?
Really? My remarks might hurt "your" feelings.
Lott's mentality affects us minorities in our every day lives.
You cannot fathom what responibilties a racist politician has. And how his racial mind might affect millions.
they dont hurt my feeling i am not white i am Mexican.

now as for Lotts mentality, how do you know what he thinks has he told you. no. you are inferring what you think he meant from what you are hearing from leftists in the media who are out to geet him.

have you heard his exact words, i have and they arent what you going told by the liberal media.

miggidy said:

1) I stated facts.
There's always time for peace....
not always, if some1 rushes into your house and kills all your family and you have a gun near by are you going to try and peacefully ask them to stop and turn themselves in or are you going to take them out

miggidy said:
2) Who runs Afganistan now?
the taliban does not run Afganistan but they still do exist and do still have power.

miggidy said:
4) Killing Bin Laden won't do anything but satisfy the American public, and you know that. That's all we'll get from it because another Bin Laden will emerge.
so because another bin laden will emerge we should just let him go and say fuck it wont wont eliminate you because another will just take your place