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Apr 25, 2002
Indeed, you can keep saying your "Anti-Bush doesn't mean Pro-Kerry" rhetoric all you want, but we all know what your agenda is here. Whether 100%, 80%, or 10%, your support for Kerry trumps that of your support for Bush. Stop beating around the Bush, like i don't notice your behind-the-back, between-the-legs, backdoor, rabbit-hole logic

Besides....you already said you were voting for Nader only because the state you live in isn't a swing state, and is almost guranteed to go to Kerry.
Apr 25, 2002
Because they are miniscule, friend, and not a one of them has effected me, my family, or anyone i know. "Bush voted to increase allowed Mercury emissions by X percent!"--yes, and if its proven that that specific rise caused a Siccness, the victim will be justly compensated. Until then, businesses will reward us with a lower overhead. Whats the big fuckin problem? (And spare me your whole BushCo/Business rant, because i JUST SAID the victim would be JUSTLY compensated)
Jun 24, 2004
jay deuce said:
Yeah, lying to the grand jury about some head is much worse than lying to a whole country about why we are going to war. Give me a fuckin break.

Clinton didn't start a war for his own financial gain. He got some head, big deal. Are you a faggot? What the fuck does his personal life have to do with how he runs the country? Typical Republician.

How did Bush lie to our country about going to war? Please tell me. Clinton didnt start a war for his financial gain, he started a conflict to take the media heat off him.
Dec 25, 2003
tadou said:
because i JUST SAID the victim would be JUSTLY compensated)
Oh no no, because that victim would have to work through a TRIAL LAWYER, And the Republicans have let us all know what a bunch of scammers those guys are.

And the victim being justly compensated? Bullshit. How is someone going to pick out, from the 9,000,000,000 pollutant sources out there (BBQs, Factories, Cars, Hairspray, Fireplaces, cologne, etc) exactly the right person or entity, as well as the relevant source, to sue? It's impossible. The only time these type of lawsuits have worked has been in cases where people have lived directly adjacent to factories and could prove that emissions/dumping/waste caused some health problems.

The rest of us aren't going to have that luxury. The effects of pollutants and emissions might not directly kill you tomorrow, but they have been proven to increase risk of cancer and other assorted general illnesses. Global warming or pollution's effects aren't necessarily instantaneous and immediate, but they have an effect nonetheless. We have touched off a heating cycle which can be directly traced to the beginning of the industrial revolution which is absolutely unprecendented historically, geologically, and in terms of rapied ascension.

Of course, since it won't kill you tomorrow, tadou, it obviously isn't a concern. Believing that all victims will be justly compensated based on the justice of the Bush administration and the complete and utter infallibility of our legal system is puerility beyond reason. And with the slahed EPA under bush making 50 percent less investigations, pollutors and industrial abusers of law and environment will not be pursued anywhere near as vigiorously as before.

Case in point: Koch industries. Indicted on 2000 97 charges of fraud, environmental regulations violations, and obstruction of justice charges including spewing carcinogens and benzene into the air knowingly and willfully. But they had an ace in the hole; the Koch brothers were the largest private contributors to the Bush campaign, co-founders in the conservative John Birch society, and large donators to Republican thinktanks in America.

Georgie Porgie came in and whittled their charges down to one felony count. No one served any jail time, and they were fined 20 million dollars, instead of the originally proposed 500 million.

How is this due compensation? What, is anyone in Texas who gets cancer going to be able to sue Koch? Fuck no...they have no direct link. Yet Koch spewed an insane amount of benzine and other carcinogens into the air. Will justice ever be served? Of course not...they got Bush in the white house!

This is just one of several examples of Bush justice. So please, don't ever say shit like "just cause" or "just compensation" when referring to Bush. 50,000 black voters got their "just compensation" when they were illegally removed from the voting rolls in Florida. Koch industires got their "just cause" when 97 federal counts became 1. The Rich got their "just cause" when the average millionaire recieved 100,000 dollars or more from the Bush tax cuts, and the average Middle-Class worker recieved 75 bucks, and many people with low incomes were completely ignored in the Bush tax cuts. This is Bush justice. You have nothing to back your claims tadou, only rhetoric from a nonexistant reality where big business really cares about the people and Bush is a good president.
Feb 9, 2003

Hmm. And I'm guessing Kerry is asking blacks to vote Republican? Hahaha. fuck em both.
Edit: Either party can buy my vote for a nite with either Karry's Daughter or the Bush twins.
Apr 25, 2002
The Rich got their "just cause" when the average millionaire recieved 100,000 dollars or more from the Bush tax cuts, and the average Middle-Class worker recieved 75 bucks, and many people with low incomes were completely ignored in the Bush tax cuts. This is Bush justice.

Yet, tadou still thinks that the Bush comment "Some call you havemores, Some call you have plenty, and I call you my Base." was just a joke and we shouldn't have taken it out of context.

I'm sure I'm not perfect on the quote, but you know what one I mean. I remember tadou saying that it was only a joke. Bullshit.
Sep 9, 2003
the demos no more take the black vote for granted than the republicans do the religous vote. its just spin people wake the fuck up and smell the sound bites
Apr 25, 2002
You are fucking boring. All you ever do is flood-type, like anyone gives a fuck. You need to learn how to keep things in proportion, instead of acting like a bitch.

jay deuce said:
I'm sure I'm not perfect on the quote, but you know what one I mean. I remember tadou saying that it was only a joke. Bullshit.
Did you ever SEE the clip, friend? I don't mean read, bitch, i mean, DID YOU **SEE** THE CLIP? The man was fuckin grinning ear to ear before he could even finish the sentence.
Apr 25, 2002
tadou said:
Did you ever SEE the clip, friend? I don't mean read, bitch, i mean, DID YOU **SEE** THE CLIP? The man was fuckin grinning ear to ear before he could even finish the sentence.
Yes, I did SEE the clip, faggot. I did SEE his SHIT EATING GRIN while he telling the joke. Thats what makes it so fucking disgusting. I cannot believe you're defending the man on this statement. Do you really think he didn't mean that? Oh I forgot, you were at that dinner with Uncle Phil and you two went and played racquetball with Dumbya afterwards. Of course you will defend the rich man's president.
Dec 25, 2003
Well tadou...you don't know, and you don't wanna know. That's the real issue. You've come to the Gathering of Minds already in a state of complete and utter completion of knowledge. Why would someone read someone else's post when they know everything? I'm sorry for taking up so much of your time. Unfortunately, some of us are here with the intent of debating and learning. Maybe soon one of us will be at your level.

You frown on me for stating examples, and posting articles, instead of using the tadou method of automatically discrediting anything I don't believe in, or arguing about some random, insignificant small piece of someone's post, or calling names, etc.

It has become self-evident, at least on this board, that the more conservative you get, the more angry-mob-like, emotional, simplistic, puerile the posts become.
Dec 25, 2003
I killed it? You never participated in it. Nitro, mothafuckin "Sarcasm ruins everything". I know it must hurt your head to read something that doesn't mean exactly what it says, but I always have and will continue to use it. It is seriously odd to me why you run your little "anti Sarcasm" campaign.
Mar 18, 2003
I killed it? You never participated in it.
I didn't participate... because you killed it.

Nitro, mothafuckin "Sarcasm ruins everything". I know it must hurt your head to read something that doesn't mean exactly what it says, but I always have and will continue to use it.
Continue to use it all you want, it doesn't bother me one bit. This wasn't a complaint, merely an observation. I never said sarcasm ruins everything, but if you feel you have to put words in my mouth to save yourself, then so be it. Lastly, it doesn't hurt my head one bit, it just baffles me to see you act as if you are some, mental giant as you would put it, yet make no sense in many of your posts. If anything I'm trying to help you. Continue to use sarcasm all you want.

It is seriously odd to me why you run your little "anti Sarcasm" campaign.
Did you gain the understanding of my "anti Sarcasm campaign" by this single reference in the past month or so, or are you under the assumption that I have bothered you about in on a daily basis? I pointed this out in the beginning (a while ago) because I thought it was odd for someone to debate almost entirely in that manner, but I accepted it. But when I opened this thread and started reading the posts I saw your sarcasm, over and over and over, until I actually questioned if you were being serious or not - because I thought I actually saw people debating your sarcasm as if it was what you really wanted to say. It looked all messed up, so I didn't participate. So I said you killed it.

Does this clear things up? Did I hurt you're feelings? If I did, I truely apologize. And there is no sarcasm in that. I'm really not trying to attack you.
Dec 25, 2003
Tadou if you remove the big business grease that turns the wheels of conservatism you don't have much to roll with. A party that simply promotes Republican ideals without Government subsidy handouts, pork barrel spending, et. al is fucking ludicrous...the largest part of compassionate conservatism is making sure DOW, Koch, Schroeder, etc., run overhead, lawsuit, and regulation-free.

If you honestly tried to support honest conservatism simply on an ideal basis, Republicans would boycott you, call you part of the liberal media, hatch conspiracy theories, turn Fox News against you, etc. You will really see what "free thinking open minded people" the Republican constituency are.