tadou said:
because i JUST SAID the victim would be JUSTLY compensated)
Oh no no, because that victim would have to work through a
TRIAL LAWYER, And the Republicans have let us all know what a bunch of scammers those guys are.
And the victim being justly compensated? Bullshit. How is someone going to pick out, from the 9,000,000,000 pollutant sources out there (BBQs, Factories, Cars, Hairspray, Fireplaces, cologne, etc) exactly the right person or entity, as well as the relevant source, to sue? It's impossible. The only time these type of lawsuits have worked has been in cases where people have lived directly adjacent to factories and could prove that emissions/dumping/waste caused some health problems.
The rest of us aren't going to have that luxury. The effects of pollutants and emissions might not directly kill you tomorrow, but they have been proven to increase risk of cancer and other assorted general illnesses. Global warming or pollution's effects aren't necessarily instantaneous and immediate, but they have an effect nonetheless. We have touched off a heating cycle which can be directly traced to the beginning of the industrial revolution which is absolutely unprecendented historically, geologically, and in terms of rapied ascension.
Of course, since it won't kill you tomorrow, tadou, it obviously isn't a concern. Believing that all victims will be justly compensated based on the justice of the Bush administration and the complete and utter infallibility of our legal system is puerility beyond reason. And with the slahed EPA under bush making 50 percent less investigations, pollutors and industrial abusers of law and environment will not be pursued anywhere near as vigiorously as before.
Case in point: Koch industries. Indicted on 2000
97 charges of fraud, environmental regulations violations, and obstruction of justice charges including spewing carcinogens and benzene into the air knowingly and willfully. But they had an ace in the hole; the Koch brothers were the largest private contributors to the Bush campaign, co-founders in the conservative John Birch society, and large donators to Republican thinktanks in America.
Georgie Porgie came in and whittled their charges down to one felony count. No one served any jail time, and they were fined 20 million dollars, instead of the originally proposed 500 million.
How is this due compensation? What, is anyone in Texas who gets cancer going to be able to sue Koch? Fuck no...they have no direct link. Yet Koch spewed an insane amount of benzine and other carcinogens into the air. Will justice ever be served? Of course not...they got Bush in the white house!
This is just one of several examples of Bush justice. So please, don't ever say shit like "just cause" or "just compensation" when referring to Bush. 50,000 black voters got their "just compensation" when they were illegally removed from the voting rolls in Florida. Koch industires got their "just cause" when 97 federal counts became 1. The Rich got their "just cause" when the average millionaire recieved 100,000 dollars or more from the Bush tax cuts, and the average Middle-Class worker recieved 75 bucks, and many people with low incomes were completely ignored in the Bush tax cuts. This is Bush justice. You have nothing to back your claims tadou, only rhetoric from a nonexistant reality where big business really cares about the people and Bush is a good president.