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Jun 24, 2004
jay deuce said:
I'm astounded everytime I hear G Dumbya speak. I really just don't see how ANYONE (aside from the few millionaries in the world) could vote for him.

I understand the whole vote for your party thing but this has gone a little too far. The man is an absolute jackass.

And kerry's not?
Dec 25, 2003
(on a side note, I'm voting Nader)

Anyways, Kerry is nowhere near half as bad as Bush is. In no fucking way, shape, or form could you argue that somehow Kerry is a worse pick than Bush. Dayton let's hear the Bush argument. Honestly....what has Bush done well?

Edit: mis-worded
Jun 24, 2004
Ive been looking at John Kerry.com for awhile now and it really doesnt say much. Same old political bullshit. He will say all this crap to get in office and sit on his hands when he gets in. Once he gets in he wont try and do anything that he said instead he will be like Bush and be in some big business's pocket and do what they want. Does anyone know what's Kerry's plan for the ever increasing problem with our southern border? What we need to do is to station our national gaurd there to try and stop them. They have caught over 500,000 mexicans trying to cross the border in the last 6 months, prolly even more manage to sneak there way into the country. Also we need is to get rid of these bullshit Humanitarians putting water stations out in the desert. Why arer they encouraging people to cross illegally into our country. The only position i agree on with Kerry, is that he believes that are military is undersized and needs to be increased. His rekindle our alliances plan is horrid. The U.N. is a joke, oil for food program was a corrupted program. And Kerry wants to rekindle our relations with some of these nations involved? Bush has been in office already so i say let him stay, the war with iraq was a good move no matter what democrats try to say. Hopefully bush does something about all the illegal aliens pouring in.
May 17, 2002
@ Dayton Family...You are an insane piece of shit and if you ever waste my time again by writing bullshit like that I will blow up the fucking world just to make sure that you are no longer living you piece of shit!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jun 24, 2004
J Pusha said:
@ Dayton Family...You are an insane piece of shit and if you ever waste my time again by writing bullshit like that I will blow up the fucking world just to make sure that you are no longer living you piece of shit!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Apr 25, 2002
J Pusha said:
You are funny to me...If you were my cellmate you would be washing my draws and cooking my ramen noodles. :dead:

Dayton, your reasoning for keeping Bush in is stupid. The War in Iraq is good? FOR WHO? Halliburton? Bush? Do you see any of that money? Are you in the Bush or Cheney family?

Jun 24, 2004
jay deuce said:

Dayton, your reasoning for keeping Bush in is stupid. The War in Iraq is good? FOR WHO? Halliburton? Bush? Do you see any of that money? Are you in the Bush or Cheney family?


The fact that the oil-for-food program was exposed as what it was, a corrupted program used by our "allies" in europe. Not to mention we took a homicidal manic out of power, who in the past has been known to have access to WMD, and there was a good chance that he still had them. Anybody who think's Sadaam should of been left in power is a fool. Bush was just amending for his father's mistake. This war would of been unnecessary if we would of finished the job back in the early 90's. And on the plus side we liberated many iraqi citizens who were crying for our help. Whats your point about Bush making money? What Clinton didnt make any money along his way to lying to a grand jury and getting blowjobs? And people have the nerve to say he was a good president. If taking a murder who has access to WMD out of power and freeing oppressed people isnt good enough to go to war, I ask you what is?
Apr 25, 2002
George Bush to the Ultra-Rich "Some call you the haves, some call you the have-mores. I call you my base." How the fuck can you not see the obvious pandering in that statement? How does the Republican party trick poor minorities into voting for them? I am astounded by this daily.
And i am astounded by the pure CONTORTION you use on the daily. Nice of you to mention that this was COMPLETELY OUT OF CONTEXT, and used for a COMEDIC EFFECT, repeat....COMEDIC EFFECT. But you're too much of a fucking prick to realize that, or rather, to tell the TRUTH.

I swear to GOD, someone is putting you up to coming around these forums (these forums full of MINORITIES) and trying to get people to vote against to Bush. I SWEAR TO GOD.
Apr 25, 2002
DaytonFamily said:
What Clinton didnt make any money along his way to lying to a grand jury and getting blowjobs? And people have the nerve to say he was a good president.
Yeah, lying to the grand jury about some head is much worse than lying to a whole country about why we are going to war. Give me a fuckin break.

Clinton didn't start a war for his own financial gain. He got some head, big deal. Are you a faggot? What the fuck does his personal life have to do with how he runs the country? Typical Republician.
Dec 25, 2003
tadou said:
And i am astounded by the pure CONTORTION you use on the daily. Nice of you to mention that this was COMPLETELY OUT OF CONTEXT, and used for a COMEDIC EFFECT, repeat....COMEDIC EFFECT.
Out of context? It came from his own mouth...lmao. tadou do you or do you not concede that the Republican party/Bush works in the interests of corporations and the ultra rich? Yes or no?

Bush's tax cut...43 percent of which went to the richest 20 percent of all people. I guess that's "working for the common man" eh. Bush's "Clear Skies" initiative, the attempted rollback of the Clean Air Act, Bush's several, several pro-pollution policies, rollback of environmental and worker safety standards...that's all good for America!

Bush's healthcare plan that forces the elderly and the poor to pay for HMOs instead of receiving medical care they deserve...that's looking out for the common man! Also included in that bill, a 450 billion dollar subsidy to pharmaceutical companies over ten years, but hey, those poor pharmaceuticals only made a combined 200 billion last year, they deserve some cheese from Uncle Sam.

Who needs workplace safety anyways! Workplace safety is just a catch phrase for TRIAL LAWYERS, as Mclean so eloquently capitalized, to make money. Who cares if people die on the job? Bush has made sure that people no longer worry about things like "safety", "pollution", or "chemical hazard". Under the Oil, Energy, Coal, and Mining administration oops I mean the Bush adminstration, slashing to the EPA has led to 5,000 less jobs and 50 percent less EPA inspections every year. Goooooo, Dubya! He's like a little redneck money-making machine!

But you're too much of a fucking prick to realize that, or rather, to tell the TRUTH.
I swear to GOD, someone is putting you up to coming around these forums (these forums full of MINORITIES) and trying to get people to vote against to Bush. I SWEAR TO GOD.
Truth? Since when have you said something truthful about Bush? All day you sit here on the defensive, talking about the left-leaning libbie lib media, the "overexposed" and "out of context facts", the "Dem conspiracy to stop minorities from voting Bush". I'll tell you who is stopping minorities from voting Bush; it's President Bush himself! Crazy man, crazy stuff. All day here I post facts about Bush, "Truth", as you like to call it, and you sit back and allege conspiraces, call me an idiot, blab about Tadou world nonsense....it never ends.
Apr 25, 2002
**falls asleep for the 57th time**

First to bitch about Republican vs Dem scorecards.....first to list out the things Bush has done "wrong", knowing we could all care less about listing 15 things Clinton did wrong, or 15 things Kerry did wrong (as if it actually makes a fuckin difference....it doesn't.)

Talking out of the left side of your mouth....talking out of the right side.....does that ever get old to you?
Dec 25, 2003
gjlbnhh klnhhngfklhh


"Hey everybody, Bush shot me in the face!"

Oh you're just a tool of the Dems buddy. Don't come around here with all that anti-Bush talk. We all know you're a tool of John Kerry!

"Hey everybody, Bush is going to detonate a nuke in St. Louis!"

Oh you big left-leaning libbie lib! Get out of here with that liberal media bias why don't you turn on Fox News and learn what is REALLY going on in the world. Liberal.
Dec 25, 2003
tadou, you are like a fucking obstinate 4 year old who wants his bottle. You won't listen to SHIT unless you agree with it. Do you deny all the setbacks, cuts, and fuck-ups Bush has done to the environment/environmental regulations in the US? Do you not give two shits about "worker safety" and "corporate accountability"? I guess you think poor old people should have to pay out their asses for medical care? What the fuck kind of mental debris passes for your brain? I'd really like to see a CAT scan or something.
Apr 25, 2002
Indeed, you can keep saying your "Anti-Bush doesn't mean Pro-Kerry" rhetoric all you want, but we all know what your agenda is here. Whether 100%, 80%, or 10%, your support for Kerry trumps that of your support for Bush. Stop beating around the Bush, like i don't notice your behind-the-back, between-the-legs, backdoor, rabbit-hole logic.
Dec 25, 2003
I'm voting Nader you fucking twat. You are hilarious. What the fuck else should I talk about?

"Hey everybody, here is what Bush has done while in office"

What the fuck kind of pro-Kerry shit is that? God you make me fucking laugh. You call me and others conspiracy theorists yet you insist on this shit.

So everything Bush has done is useless or irrelevant right? You like lead tadou? Do you like breathing and eating lead? Well Bush cut by 60 percent the administration that protects children in schools and employees in the workplace from lead. Eat away!

How about Sulfur? You know, that noxious "egg" smell? The Bush Administration's "Clear Skies Initiative," announced in 2002, allows 125 percent more sulfur dioxide, 68 percent more nitrogen oxide, and 420 percent more mercury air pollution than existing laws.

Of course I have no support for Bush, he is a fucking idiot. He asked the president of Brazil "if they have blacks there"...lmfao. How can you support someone who so blatantly and willfully fucks up everything they get their hands on?

Oh wait, he's sending 15 billion in AIDS money to Africa. Oh man, what a huge sum! How about the 450 billion he's paying out to pharmaceutical companies over 10 years? I guess those guys, with a combined profit of 200+ billion yearly, need it much more than a bunch of Africans with AIDS. Hey, how about instead of giving 50 billion to the rich in tax cuts, he could have taken half of their exorbitant tax breaks - 100,000 per millionaire - and given that to the AIDS victims. That sounds about right, 25 billion, ten billion more than he's currently giving.

Give me a fucking break. You have nothing to base support of Bush on - absolutely nothing. Bush has done little to nothing for America/Americans. If anything, the impact of Bush's presidency has been extremely negative, and you refuse to see this because you want to feel like a rebel. Watch me, I can defy all logic, reason, and intelligence in support for Bush. You are intellectual punk rock tadou.