What were they thinking and who thought of this?
Yes, I bought 3 copies of killer, because i wanted to support Strange and help with album sales to get some recognition, and its cool other fans have done this to.
But to ask us to go and buy numerous copies? wtf? Its cool that devoted fans want to spend their hard earned money and get your sales up, but when the only promotion you have at this point is a ridiculous attempt to up sales by "begging" your fans to buy multiple copies, its pathetic. I can just see this backfiring and all the retalliation and hate Strange and Tech are gonna get from people who listen to mainstream, want to check Tech out and see that vid.
Hate on me all you want, I support Strange and will continue to, but it doesnt mean I have to agree with their actions. Its hard to see your favorite artists and their label do
not so smart business moves. It like watching your favorite team play badly and make bad trades. i will still support them, but doesnt mean I cant scream and get pissed off a little.
Its aggravating,really. theres so much potential there, but bad decisions keep holding the whole Strange Roster back.
T.O., do you know how us fans feel about some of the decisions you make? Do you take into consideration any of our thoughts or opinions we express on this forum? I know you dont have to, and you could prolly care less about mine and others rants on here, just know that im not happy and a lot of your loyal fanbase has felt the same for some time.
You aint gotta agree with me, get pissed all you want, but it truly makes me mad to know that an artist that has so much potential, an artist that has inspired me in so many ways, an artist whose music has helped me through some of the darkest times in my life, prolly wont get the recognition he deserves and keeps getting held back.
Just my opinion, dont mean to come off as disrepectful or show hate towards anyone, just stating how i feel @ 1:30 in the morning. Im tired man