Coming from myself who shot & edited an entire film I can say I learned a whole lot from it.
What I at the time thought would be a quick project ended up being a 5 year mission (that includes the 14 months of editing.) Many things got in the way. Life issues, being a perfectionist, your own worst critic etc. Yet I did finish my project.
What I learned from others who actually went to school for film is that when editing a film, it can get personal. Too personal at times where it never ends up being right in the editor's eyes. Many give up and set the project aside because it does become overwhelming. All of the above in time causes the editor to set it aside and lose & regain interest in his / her project.
Many have the misconception because they've seen or have shot & edited music videos that it's the same thing. An entire film is a completely different animal. It involves a whole lot of timing and pace. And keeping the viewer interested is a biggie. I'm talking a large margin between a music video and a full length feature film.
The game has changed from putting out independent DVD's that involve pasting a whole lot of home videos together for the sake of filling up some time. I've sat back & re-watched a few and thought to myself halfway through, "What the hell am I watching?" Most of those DVD's have no story line, no structure etc.
A lot of them expose a whole lot. "Hey, look at me I'm slangin'. Look at all the drugs in my possession. This is my hood (and stupid enough to show locations & shout out street names & blocks.) I pack pistols, I smoke weed. Hey, look at me I'm drinking straight out of a bottle. A fight broke out and I recorded it!"
And in the Homeboy realm it's even more difficult. Some G's up in the video footage are now D.O's and no good, so there goes that clip. And it may have a been an excellent clip that's vital to the film, but due to that getting cut changes the whole film.
My hat off to Bugsy for holding back on something so valuable to him that he wants it to be timeless, but he needs to put the personal issue aside if he ever wants to finish it. When I spoke to him as I was filming my documentary he told me, "Yours will probably be out before mine." and laughed about it. I later learned the huge task of editing and saw his point. The dude has a good attitude about it, so if and if ever he releases it I'm sure it will be worth the wait.