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Oct 15, 2004
phillipphilemup never paid for item and left me negative feedback. sellers this guy is a bitch watch it. ebay says there gonna remove feedback
Apr 10, 2008
Took six weeks to send the CD and the CD was scratched. Lied about the condition Buyer:
Member id: cwh-070

Reply by dopeseller59 (Jun-14-10 11:28):

Yeah it tooks me 4 weeks to send the cd because I shipped his cd to the wrong adress so I had to get back the cd before to shipp him his cd, but I informed himw about the situation before he start a his paypal claim and the cd of Boondox & Propaganda didn't have any scratch when I shipped it:
May 14, 2002
Yep, I second that. He tried to get me too.
I knew I wasn't the only 1 who knew the wigger's a straight phony on here. That's why I didn't even try to make a deal with him in the 1st place, but I didn't want to say anything until I knew for sure he was phony w/the biz' too.

How do I checked my blocked list? I think I only got 1 head on there, but yall probably don't got to worry about him unless you sell the stuff he sells & it ain't music from what I've seen. All the other users that didn't come thru for me are no longer users or maybe actually made an honest mistake.
Apr 10, 2008
actually, cwh-070 is a member here so you guys can get things situated here if need be
Hehe, didn't know that he's a member here. I'm 100% agree that I was long for the shipping but I directly informed him for the problem I have with his package. But why to say that the cd was scratched if it's not wrong.

Can you put a scann of the back cd here to see how the cd looks when he received it. Here is the scann I done before to ship the cd:
Jan 6, 2003
Another French that didn't feel like paying for the auction they won, why is it always the damn french that are fucking up ebay:

Ebay ID = thallia38000

Name = jessica rozand
9 chemin des sources
38240 meylan
It's because the French soccer team fucked up at the World Cup in South Africa a couple of weeks ago. They are mad at the rest of the world, especially the US since the US team got to the 1/8 finals.
Jul 7, 2005
Add this...

Add this guy to the list as well:


He's actually trying to rip me off via Pay Pal right now! Every time I do business with him he's always trying to get around my Registered Mail Fee. This is why I ship with registered mail, because I never know when somebody is going to go bad on me. Well, he did. Little does he know Pay Pal can easily see that he got his items, so if he follows through with it; his account will be under scrutiny by Pay Pal every time he opens a claim. They scrutinize peoples accounts once they file a claim with evidence/a verifiable proof of receipt. He hasn't escalated it, but once he does; he's fucked unless he closes it on his own. That will be the only way to avoid his account being placed on Pay Pals watch list. Some people just don't get it. Watch him leave me some messed up feedback too, just cuz he's made. It never fails.

I strongly suggest that everybody block's him.

Oh, yeah...his package arrived at 11:59 AM on June 30th of 2010. He's so crazy that he'll try to rip me off anyways. How stupid can one be. Check out this tracking number: RE502128065US

You can track it via

Sometimes it does take time for tracking to show up on the US Postal site, but Pay Pal can verify it through foreign sites quicker then the US most of the time. That's why it's call "Registered Mail". Lol! Oh well, he has $45 of mine on hold right now, but I'll get it back sooner then later.

Why would somebody file when it's shows delivered? Why would you file almost a week after the package arrive to you house?

People...somehow show me that I have not seen it all. Lol!

He used to be a good customer, but I don't know what got into his brain.
Dec 8, 2006
^^^ many ebay usernames/accounts, here are the ones I know of from past and present:

og_lodi_dodi, g-funk-music76, djredalert76, nabil500_2,
california_shit, laidback_g-funk

This person is a piece of french shit, so everyone block this low life from ever buying from them, or they will be just jerked around or never get paid in the end. Luckily when he bought cds off of me in the past and paid for the cds, he never ended out claiming on me, since I made the FUCK pay for registered mail. Any way if anyone has other ebay usernames for this FUCK, please post them up so we all can add him/her to your block bidder list.
almost 100% that this retard got a new account, og-c is his account name, block him if you dont want any shit.
Apr 10, 2008
Don't understand how people can bidd on an item even if the description say that they can't if they have less than 50 feedbacks.

thos 2 guyz got 0 feedback and bidd on my items:

I deleted the bidds from the first account and blocked him, then I get some bidds from the second account (which was opened today and in the last seconds) which bought Lower Dec & Camp Crisis.

I directly asked him for an extra to put a tracking number for the package but I don't really know what to do. To keep the cds or to shipp them.
May 28, 2002
Don't understand how people can bidd on an item even if the description say that they can't if they have less than 50 feedbacks.

thos 2 guyz got 0 feedback and bidd on my items:

I deleted the bidds from the first account and blocked him, then I get some bidds from the second account (which was opened today and in the last seconds) which bought Lower Dec & Camp Crisis.

I directly asked him for an extra to put a tracking number for the package but I don't really know what to do. To keep the cds or to shipp them.
Thanks for blocking my new account "jvfconsulting"! Thats my new work account that I'm trying to beef up for some IT sales.
May 1, 2002
my updated block list 8/5/2010:

!1776pete!, !needthat, $myballz$, *therecordman*, 10anu000, 14nene209, 2kikin9, 6anu12, acidgorilla, batman69006, bayriderz69, benjamin_gates1776, boogalo187, breitner85, brendagp0032, cdkingpin72, cesarcesar12345, chris03051983, dosoul, drewhuge, dz904, g-funk-music76, ganxta-funk, ice-kold, iwannabe101, jeffsmusic-84, johnnykronic187, kota0211chee, krazypooh415, leaderoftheunderground, legal_hustla_number_one, magiclamp247, mamabaybee, mellejuju2, mercedes-brabus, mrazt3ca1, phillipphilemup, riverdale17, skanone87, skiric, sweetsweat00, thallia38000, the-catacombz-distro, thomson94086, trustyvelvetbox, vodafone0668, xberyex, young-dre