dawun said:
White people have been pulled up from poverty by the oppurtunities that other white people have made for them and openly allowed them to have, where as they wouldn't offer the same oppurtunities to a black person, the only reason it happens now is cause of Eqaul Opp laws and shit.
The Civil Rights Acts are not being enforced.For every act of discrimination that goes to court,millions of others go unnoticed.Everyday,millions of blacks(and other minorities) are discriminated against on all levels of society.Employers ''just so happen'' to prefer whites-judges ''just so happen'' to sentence blacks to longer jail terms-blacks ''just so happen'' to get pulled over (with no probable cause) at rates several times that of whites-etc
The mere fact that these laws are on the books gives whites a comfort.....even though the laws are not enforced.Most whites will pretend that they are,and will expect you to do the same.They will get uncomfortable,defensive and irratated if you do not play along with thier sick fantasy.Some even believe that because of Affirmitive Action,that minorities have it easier than whites.
You have to understand just how sick and disconnected from reality most whites are.....60% of whites polled in the early 1960s,before the civil rights acts of 1964,believed that blacks were treated equally in thier communities.And this was during Jim Crow times.So imagine how many think ''everything is fine'' today.They ease thier own consciences(the so called non racist ones) with lies and flat out ignorance.''well they are better off here than in Africa(we are not seen as americans)'' or ''everybody can make it if they try,so i will just ignore racism because everyone can make it''.Its a collective psychosis.Plain and simple-white people as a whole are nuts.Lunatics.Just like thier 'fore fathers' who created this country.The ones we see on the money...the ones we send our kids to schools named after.The ones honored in holidays in this country.
Whites would like to think that they are better off because they are...better people.Not because they have stolen,raped,abused,plundered,and discriminated themselves to the top.(this explains dabullsdabears refusal to believe that whites are oppressing blacks).They will usually only acknowledge wide scale oppression as being history,in the past.You could point out all current facts,and since they already have thier ''defend whites'' script memorized,they will act as if discriminjation is a thing of the past.''get over it'' ''whites today are not to blame for the past'' ''my ancestors never owned slaves'' etc.
another white tactic,is to portray all races as equal ''there are poor whites too'' ''everybody struggles'' etc.This seeks to sugar coat racism;they want to pretend that we all are in the same situaton.