BLack Men

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Nov 17, 2002
FoeTwin said:

So what you know about them them southsyde konfederate kracca Spillaz?


FoeTwin said:
nope! i have brown skin, I'm not really "black"....only a person's heart makes them "black" skin tone is irrelevent!

ok. How do you mean this? Then could I be black? Skin tone doesn't matter.

FoeTwin said:
It's the shade that comprises of all of the other colors of the specctrum...

well, no. Actually, black is the absence of all colors.

FoeTwin said:
what color are you talkin about dude? black and white are both shades silly! you obviously were suspended from school or had your head down and got caught sleepin when your art teacher was lacin the classroom with the facts about shades and colors!
color, shade, whatever. Would it be better if I said brown?

FoeTwin said:
NOT "If" But "When"... You are realistic, so please take your own advise and be impeccable with your presentaion of thoughts...

no, "if" fits. Regard the next sentence. you didnt quote the whole thought. "If, a while back, white men took black people and used them as slaves; they looked down upon them and made them feel like they were lower beings; it is more than acceptable that the natural reaction is to rebel to the opposite extreme." I was merely stepping out of the picture to give a more objective view.

FoeTwin said:
I hear you talking, but wtf are you really speakin on cheif?? Maybe you need to start another thread to chop this concept up, cause right now you're goin off on a tangent, spewing out words that are useless and hold no relevence to this post in particualar... actually, whites were the first slaves, so...

what I said is all there. We separate each other in a negative manner, (the pendulum swings the other way), then we separate each other, but now in a positive manner. The idea is that we are still separating each other. It makes sense. I use the pendulum as a visual reference for the rythym we are caught in....

FoeTwin said:
It's more like we're under the microscope (the people of color), and we're targeted and exploited moreso than anyother ethnicity...It's the way society portrays and misrepresents us in the media that makes you think the way you do about cultural veiws you have no insight on. Yeah we stick together on occasion, when we're 3 or four deep in a house party full of drunk whitefolx or somethin..but for the most part we're not like, "oh hi buddie, I've never seen you name is johnnie so and that's great, we're probably related...c'mon and meet the wife and kids" when we meet a new brown face that we've never seen before...not saying that this scenario never happens because it does (in places like anchorage, ak where the small minority amount of blackfolx actually really do stick together and help support one another in a community effort like they are supposed to)...

I neither said or implied this. But, there is BET. There is not WET (lol). Not that we need one, but the idea is that there is still a separation involved. There is still an uplifting of a single group, discriminatory of other people of different color or ethnic origin. The pendulum swings to the left the same distance it swings to the right. This is a prime example. "hi, I'm whitey! I'm gonna separate you black folks from the rest of us and make you feel bad." on to current time... "hey, they tried to make us black folk feel bad in the past so lets celebrate our "blackness" and encourage our "black" people." You can continue to fail to realize the connection. But, it is obviously the fact of "separation".

FoeTwin said:
Damn y' is over our secret black power post got busted! lol okay got us this time, we can't pull the wool over your eyes!


FoeTwin said:
The only "race" I belong to is the human one...and you? Yes cultural differences make us all unique...I didnt vote to be labeled African American when I was born in America and have only seen Africa on a map an on the nat'l geographic channel... the generalizations that are created through mainstream media and racist beliefs of biggots makes us as people identify with the differences other than the similarities we share as human beings...

I agree. I would rather not use the term "race". But sometimes you gotta speak the language most identifiable. If I could've I would've established that fact also. But I gotta take it one step at a time.

FoeTwin said:
That is an excellent question that would fit in another post...this one is about black women who are asking black men why we bring drama to relationships....


FoeTwin said:
Since when has discrimination been fair? Who's being uplifted in this post, other than the black women who were asking about the motives behind peculiar relationships that involve black men and women specifically...are you scared that the veil of ignorance between these two groups is going to hinder your survival as a human?? I mean, we're elevating our mind's through raw conversation with one another for goodness sakes! Can you overstand that?

I can discriminate between a person natively from Africa and a person natively from Europe and yet still be fair about it. The definition of "discrimination" is not necessarily unfair. I do not fear for my survival, no. We can proceed with the original intent. But, another racist generalization will get a response.

FoeTwin said:
Communication is dangerous y'all, maybe you need to take a couple of steps back away from the computer screen and squint your eyes to see.. :dead:

There is no hostility.
May 17, 2002
pavlov enters (starting to like the niccname :) )

i'll address the issue with blacc women like this. they are faulty from their cultural upbringing. blacc women do not know the value of a man being a man in service of himself. blacc women are brought up to believe that a man is created for their service.

every so called "independant" blacc chic ive known was a bitch. who thrived on confrontation and hurt. as long as i was ignoring and or usin a bitch its been all gravy. but if you try to treat her as equal she believes that you are being submisive. thats another reason i put no titles on the relationships i have with women. ladies tend to take a title and attach unseen litigation to it.

the upbringing of blacc women is the reason their are less and less blacc marriages. until blacc women replace men as the leaders in a family structure. our rcae will continue to diminish.

pavlov exits LOL
May 17, 2002
im mixed asian male and happily married to a black woman so my opinion is definately different than alot of you. to me it depends on the person and to group anyone as a "whole" is igonrant in itself and should be viewed as offensive to everyone, because no one wants someone else to speak for us and when u group someone you are speaking for them

just an opinion
May 21, 2002
Sacramento, CA
Lady Lane said:
...a true sista wants a strong black man.
I'm all for expressing your views and stuff, but I take grave offense to this statement. I'm Mexican and my wife is black. My dad (I don't call him "step") is also black. I'm almost 30 years old and I have long considered myself multi-cultural in thought and tradition if not in blood. The writer is implying that my wife is not a true "sista" nor I a true "Mexican". Is my father not a true "black man" either?

Fuck you and the horse you rode in on I say.

In general her message was a positive attemp to address a perceived social issue and that is commendable, BUT the message loses valuable impact in a single flash-bang of an irresponsible blanket statement.

I don't speak Spanish and once when I was 17, my best friends gf told me I wasn't a "real" Mexican because of this. Luckily she was on the phone. If she had said this to my face, I would have punched her in the throat.

Carry on.
Nov 8, 2002
Re: Re: BLack Men

Well damn deep thought.............Fuck me? Can you read? That statement wasn't even "MY" statement! You didn't even ask me my veiws on this.
May 21, 2002
Sacramento, CA
Now that we have that cleared up...

The lines separating the races of men are becoming more blurred everyday. Whereas children of mixed decent were speckled only here and there in my youth, they are everywhere I look today. In tv shows, videos, movies, and commercials. And that's a good thing, an evolution of a new culture if you will. At it's heart, racism is nothing more than primal fear. Fear of the unkown or unfamiliar. With the advent of the internet, cable tv, and the commercialism of the Hip Hop culture a newer generation of Americans is emerging. A less fearful one.

No, I do not pretend to view the world through a pair of rose tinted glasses and I'm quite aware we are not that far removed from the days of open segregation and blatant racial prejudice by the public at large and even our own government. But, some strides have been made and none can deny this. We will always have our racial elitist who believe that the mixing of races should not be and this is fine. For them. Just don't insult myself or my family by dragging us into your tiny frame of mind with blanket statements.

Who are you to judge me?
Apr 25, 2002
Well damn I lost a lot of my post by accidentally hitting the back button on my computer and when I went forward it was all gone...:(

Well what is a sistas definition of a good brotha? Does he have to be in college? A thug? Sensitive? Makes a lot of money? Goals?

I think Foetwin hit it on the head when he said a lot of sistas are materialistic. A lot of brothas have problems also, a lot of us want to be players and don't respect our women.
Nov 8, 2002
Sergeant Hustle said:
I don't think he means "you" literally....but I could be wrong.
No he is talkin about my homegirl who wrote this article but I told him that she was not on here to defend herself I just wanted to share what she wrote! I like what she wrote about the ladies needing to shape up and shit!
Nov 17, 2002
im mixed asian male and happily married to a black woman so my opinion is definately different than alot of you. to me it depends on the person and to group anyone as a "whole" is igonrant in itself and should be viewed as offensive to everyone, because no one wants someone else to speak for us and when u group someone you are speaking for them

just an opinion