BLack Men

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Nov 17, 2002

ok. I am sorry if I came kind of strong. I don't know your friend and I have nothing against her personally. I wanted my point to be clear. I needed to establish a new premise on the way things should be looked at. I felt that sentence, in itself, was racist. Pure and simple. I understood the overall intent was good. But like I said in my other post: when we let these little things slip by as being acceptable it keeps us subliminally thinking, "this is the way it is..."


Nov 19, 2002
"... what trips me out most is black men who say that they want a drama free relationship with no games and silly tricks and when you give them what they ask for, they go crazy. It`s like they can`t function without the drama running through their veins."

i could say the same thing about women...

i used to be teh sweetest guy on earth and evryone would say it till i got taken advantage of 1 to many times. im not an angry person or hateful towards women but i do have barriers now because of a a few who seem to feed of your niceness. to avoid that shit you gota take no shit from anyone, thats the only way to get respect.

one of my friends runs from the next suberb to see his girlfriend cause he didnt kiss her goodbuy properly (he is paranoid and pussy whipped cause he ). now when i heard this story this bitch says "oh thats so cute" i said "what teh fuck? if i did that id get called a fuckin psycho." my point is guys are only good to teh women that like them, cause thats how they are perceived. same shit for teh other way around.. what was i talking about? man im scattered fuck it.
happy new year
Nov 8, 2002
n9newunsixx5150 said:

ok. I am sorry if I came kind of strong. I don't know your friend and I have nothing against her personally. I wanted my point to be clear. I needed to establish a new premise on the way things should be looked at. I felt that sentence, in itself, was racist. Pure and simple. I understood the overall intent was good. But like I said in my other post: when we let these little things slip by as being acceptable it keeps us subliminally thinking, "this is the way it is..."
Don't get me started on shit that just slips by!


Apr 25, 2002
^^^^ LMAO! i borrowed it from a friend you like? considering that you and i are THE most HATED (yeah we all know you love us and want to be us) on this board i knew you would feel it!!!

@Heresy @Heresy
The only thing I really was pertaining to in your post was when you said you don't talk about black women around white men. If you wish to better explain your reasons I am open to hear them. But, that phrase alone seems racist. I can only go by what you write, so that is why I am now asking for a better explanation.....
how does the phrase seem racist? first of all lets establish what racism/racist is. after that i want you to tell me how you find my statement to be racially motivated.

instead of jumping to conclusions and saying its racist why didnt you ask me from the START?

Nov 17, 2002
good point, Heresy. I should have asked you first. Forget all that racism stuff then.... explain to me why you dont feel comfortable speaking about black women in front of white men. Then we can establish if i fit into your definition of "white man".....
Jul 6, 2002
n9newunsixx5150 said:
Yeah, I know this one isn't for me, but I have something to say regardless....
Educate and uplift? You know, the members of the KKK like to "educate and uplift" each other.
So what you know about them them southsyde konfederate kracca Spillaz?

n9newunsixx5150 said:
Whenever a black woman decides to go after a man who isn't black does not make her less of a woman or less "black".
nope! i have brown skin, I'm not really "black"....only a person's heart makes them "black" skin tone is irrelevent!

n9newunsixx5150 said:
But then again, what is black?
It's the shade that comprises of all of the other colors of the specctrum...

n9newunsixx5150 said:
I thought it was a color.
oh really? nope!

n9newunsixx5150 said:
I think its great that we, after all these years from being a child and learning our colors, can still identify them.
what color are you talkin about dude? black and white are both shades silly! you obviously were suspended from school or had your head down and got caught sleepin when your art teacher was lacin the classroom with the facts about shades and colors!


n9newunsixx5150 said:
If, a while back, white men took black people and used them as slaves; they looked down upon them and made them feel like they were lower beings;
NOT "If" But "When"... You are realistic, so please take your own advise and be impeccable with your presentaion of thoughts...

n9newunsixx5150 said:
it is more than acceptable that the natural reaction is to rebel to the opposite extreme. Which is what has been and is going on. Now, how many times must the pendulum swing toward these extremes before it begins to slow down and balance at the center? These extremes meet.
I hear you talking, but wtf are you really speakin on cheif?? Maybe you need to start another thread to chop this concept up, cause right now you're goin off on a tangent, spewing out words that are useless and hold no relevence to this post in particualar... actually, whites were the first slaves, so...

n9newunsixx5150 said:
Before, blacks were separated in a negative manner to make them feel small and weak. Now, blacks, in response, have done the extreme opposite by uplifting themselves as a still "separated from everyone else" group.
It's more like we're under the microscope (the people of color), and we're targeted and exploited moreso than anyother ethnicity...It's the way society portrays and misrepresents us in the media that makes you think the way you do about cultural veiws you have no insight on. Yeah we stick together on occasion, when we're 3 or four deep in a house party full of drunk whitefolx or somethin..but for the most part we're not like, "oh hi buddie, I've never seen you name is johnnie so and that's great, we're probably related...c'mon and meet the wife and kids" when we meet a new brown face that we've never seen before...not saying that this scenario never happens because it does (in places like anchorage, ak where the small minority amount of blackfolx actually really do stick together and help support one another in a community effort like they are supposed to)...

n9newunsixx5150 said:
The essence of these topics is simple. most people wish not to see it this way though.
Damn y' is over our secret black power post got busted! lol okay got us this time, we can't pull the wool over your eyes!

n9newunsixx5150 said:
But, I guarantee that with the way we perceive these issues, we are only keeping that pendulum swinging ever more. Everybody is doing this, white people, black people. We can't point fingers at any one "group" (if such a thing really exists).
The only "race" I belong to is the human one...and you? Yes cultural differences make us all unique...I didnt vote to be labeled African American when I was born in America and have only seen Africa on a map an on the nat'l geographic channel... the generalizations that are created through mainstream media and racist beliefs of biggots makes us as people identify with the differences other than the similarities we share as human beings...

n9newunsixx5150 said:
The sooner we realize what it is we are doing the sooner we can move on. I personally think it is great to be uplifting of people. But, how come everyone has to uplift a group over the whole?
That is an excellent question that would fit in another post...this one is about black women who are asking black men why we bring drama to relationships....

n9newunsixx5150 said:
Whether they say it or not, to uplift a group of people because of the very thing they were separated for in an unfair discrimination is just as racist.
Since when has discrimination been fair? Who's being uplifted in this post, other than the black women who were asking about the motives behind peculiar relationships that involve black men and women specifically...are you scared that the veil of ignorance between these two groups is going to hinder your survival as a human?? I mean, we're elevating our mind's through raw conversation with one another for goodness sakes! Can you overstand that?

Communication is dangerous y'all, maybe you need to take a couple of steps back away from the computer screen and squint your eyes to see.. :dead:
May 5, 2002
@ 916
I think :H: is on need to speak on Black women in front of white men....if you don't understand that right off bat, you might not ever get it....but like I said before, no need to air dirty laundry in front of people who are on the outside looking in that will only misinterpret and misunderstand what I know he is going to say. I think Foetwin can vouge for this as well based on some of our convos.....


Apr 25, 2002
Sergeant Hustle said:
@ 916
I think :H: is on need to speak on Black women in front of white men....if you don't understand that right off bat, you might not ever get it....but like I said before, no need to air dirty laundry in front of people who are on the outside looking in that will only misinterpret and misunderstand what I know he is going to say. I think Foetwin can vouge for this as well based on some of our convos.....
Jul 6, 2002
@lane: I think that the shy, quiet man that you see all the time but avoid talking to is the one you are passing up the greatest opportunity to establish and build a decent relationship with..
If you are a decent woman, you're not going to throw the goods in his face and make him lust after you... a woman can change my attitude and the whole mood of the day by just flashing a warm, gentle smile...doing this will let who ever you aer pursuing know that he doesnt have to hide behind some false front that he's puttin up to protect his "hard" image....
Whenever I see a black female just muggin and lookin like "fuck the world, and you better not try to talk to me" are the ones I stop and talk to out of curiosity, just see where their head at (shawty where ya head at?)...they usuallly end up smiling and lookin baffled to themselves and probably wonder why I stopped and spoke ...

I een skurr'd!
Jul 6, 2002
origionally, you asked where the good black men were at and how to scoop e'm up right???
So I informed you of a for sure tactic to use that will melt even the coldest of hearts....

And I said "I een skurr'd" as in, I ain a'fear'd to approach black females when I notice that their body language is sayin "leave me alone I dont want to be bothered"...Ya know, I'm not a coward, or scared to speak up; I'm a heterosexual male who needs the love and attention of a female...
Nov 17, 2002
Sergeant Hustle said:
@ 916
I think :H: is on need to speak on Black women in front of white men....if you don't understand that right off bat, you might not ever get it....but like I said before, no need to air dirty laundry in front of people who are on the outside looking in that will only misinterpret and misunderstand what I know he is going to say. I think Foetwin can vouge for this as well based on some of our convos.....

still makes no sense unless you wish to make racist generalizations. You have not and really cannot avoid this fact. Unless you give a legit reason for this I have to assume it as it is. I date many black women. I, personally, have just as much a right to hear what Heresy's views are as anyone else. Now, knowing this, you can no longer rest any fact on such statements discriminating of other "races". Not all "white people" fit into your generalization. If you are afraid to give your reasons because it will put you into another position to make more generalizations about people due to their skin color then I see why the question has been avoided. It just means you threw out that sentence not really thinking of the full reality of things. I still await a real response.......
Nov 8, 2002
FoeTwin said:
origionally, you asked where the good black men were at and how to scoop e'm up right???
So I informed you of a for sure tactic to use that will melt even the coldest of hearts....

And I said "I een skurr'd" as in, I ain a'fear'd to approach black females when I notice that their body language is sayin "leave me alone I dont want to be bothered"...Ya know, I'm not a coward, or scared to speak up; I'm a heterosexual male who needs the love and attention of a female...
I see, I feel you but my homegirl was the one who wrote that originally, I just thought it was a bomb ass statement she was makin and I wanted to share it!
Nov 8, 2002
HERESY said:
lane what is the mentality of the guy that you deal with? how does he feel about black women and does he consider you black?

The man that Iam dealing with doesn't really date black or white womyn he likes exotic womyn or womyn who are mixed or native and stuff like that. I'm not gonna post how he views other races but he considers me mixed.....considering Iam Italian, Peurto Rican, Philipino, Native and Black but I grew up with the Black side of my family and that is all I've ever really been around.....when I fill out forms I fill in Multi-Cultural or Black if that is not an option for me.........Even though everyone mistakes me for Hawaiian or Mexican......:rolleyes: