Black History Month is A Complete Fucking Joke!!!

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Sicc OG
Nov 8, 2002

The complaint is the school system in this country only teaches European History and nothing else. ALL history should be taught the truth might hurt or offend but it needs to be taught.
If your happy with two days for your culture and history being taught then good for you cuz ignorance is bliss.
Shut the fuck up and it seems like your the Ignorant one.
You need the Goverment ot issue you a day to teach others your Culture?

Who gives a fuck about a Goverment Holiday?
Shit, For a WHOLE Month I hear about black History from TV, Radio, Workers, Everyone. Why does it die down in march? Cause the Month is over? I even heard someone complain about it being "The Shortest Month".
Work with what you got.

And Actually I learned about aztec History, African History and Asian History from the same teacher Tha they made "Stand By Me" about, Jaime Escalante' At Hiram Jofnson Highschool.

As for Why is no Black owned stations? Tell Allen Iverson with his Multi-Million Dollar Contracts to buy one. The Resources are there But Folks dont do it.
What is The reason there is no Black owned stations? Is it cause the White man wont let you Buy or Build one? Did some of them Movie Stars or Athletes organize to make one? They could.

Think about it like this. You will never be fed the Total Gospel truth in High School, For the Fact, Now they changed Teaching to Teach ALL Races some little bit about thier History. So if they are teaching "American History and your studying 1800's Most likely they will teach what is Most pertanant to that era. Just for the Time factor they have to teach. When You say "Euro" Do you mean all Of Europe? Isn't that Biased? Half of them Countries had little or nothing to do with Older history books.
Instead of Saying "Euro", break them into certain Countries. See who is it that your mad at.
Are you mad at Greece? Are you mad at Ireland, Sweden, Finland, Romania, Hungary, Austria, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Ukraina, Poland, Czech, Denmar, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Albania, Croatia, Norway, Monoco, Netherlands, or Switzerland?

Maybe your school needs to come to date and change, Mine seemed good back in 1994. when I Graduated.

Guillitine, What do you do for the MONTH of Febuary? What do you do after. I aint being Rude, Just wondering.


Sicc OG
Nov 8, 2002
mosthated said:
. Might you also wanna point out that there still is no latino history month, no middle eastern history month. There are no Asian, Latino, or Middle Eastern shows on TV besides native language channels. There still is no 'Middle Eastern' category in job applications. Black people, while around 15 percent of the population, make up around 65 percent of all mass media in sports, music, and TV. When u see an Asian sitcom on TV, let me know. When u find this 100 percent Euro History course, let me know. Read Any recent data about trends in school education. If you were to take a survey of history recently taught in the last 10 years by subject matter, minority history has become a disproportionately discussed topic. Which is fine, considering Euro History used to dominate...but seriously, if you dont see the trends in racism reversing towards an anti-white...then you must be blind. Black people have a bigger share in society than many other minorities.
Thank You. I was coming back to state those facts.

Just Put Me in the White Catagory. Even though Im Mexican.
Also, I noticed alot of Folks are mixed with other Races on here, Do you Follow ALL your Culture History or just One races History?

When Learning the History, Do you Learn it all or just the Good stuff? I ask CAUSE I learned the Good and the Bad of My Culture and Other Cultures in school, It just seem some folks Think every thing in thier culture did in the past is good.

One last question to the Brothers and Sisters that are so Mad that thiere history is not Taught i school.

What Country are you from, Your Ancestry?
Dont say Africa.

Africa is a Continant, It houses Countries.
Apr 25, 2002
Gizmo said:

Thank You. I was coming back to state those facts.

Just Put Me in the White Catagory. Even though Im Mexican.
Also, I noticed alot of Folks are mixed with other Races on here, Do you Follow ALL your Culture History or just One races History?

When Learning the History, Do you Learn it all or just the Good stuff? I ask CAUSE I learned the Good and the Bad of My Culture and Other Cultures in school, It just seem some folks Think every thing in thier culture did in the past is good.

One last question to the Brothers and Sisters that are so Mad that thiere history is not Taught i school.

What Country are you from, Your Ancestry?
Dont say Africa.

Africa is a Continant, It houses Countries.
African American Ancestry is from West Africa.....THAT IS A FACT... THEY ARE AFRICAN BY blood...There history, which includes there location in Africa was stolen from them. As far as I know they can claim any country in West Africa, or country that was involved in the slave trade. I see no problem with that...I know in my town in Ghana we welcomed the African American students from Compton High with open arms. They were given Ghanaian names, clothing, art etc. Showing your love for Africa is a big step in the right direction....

Apr 25, 2002
I G N O R A N C E seems to be a common trait on this message board when discussions involves blacks in America....Some people just don't get it.....People do not understand the severity of what blacks went through in this country....

Black History Month is very very important, particularly to African Americans....

Between 1880 and 1920 African Americans were classified as people who did not make any contribution to America...African Americans were continually dehumanized and relegated to positions that were inhumane and cruel. African American history was so distorted that slavery, segregation, and lynching were considered justifiable. This inspired an African American Scholar Dr. Goodwin to start the "Negro Week" in 1926....His intentions was to bring out the truth of African/ African American history. It was intended to make a group of people who were oppressed in America feel good about who they are in a society that constantly degraded them. From Negro Week it went to Black History Month... Other than Native Americans to compare any other group to African Americans history in this country is downright ignorant, and do not get it....

I believe Feburary was choosen for Black History Month because it was the birthdays of Web Dubois, Frederick Douglass, Langston Hughes, NAACP etc...
May 6, 2002
PainLoc said:
Thank you to everyone for the links and the book suggestions. I dont think that blacc history month is a joke. My neice is 7 years old and she just told me every thing she learned. Granted it was not much but it WAS more then she knew a week ago. I do not have enuff knowledge on the subject to teach her or any of the youngins in my family so i think what she was taught in school was great. I try my best with her to show the young ones in my family by my example. They see their uncle Wedo with blacc friends, hispanic friends ect... It is hard for some of them because they just moved to my town from Texas and they already have alot of racist tendencies. I had to sit those ones down and talk to them and let them know that wasent acceptable. So for me it's nice to have the schools halfway baccing me up not to mention the different comercials on T.V and things of that nature. Could anyone suggest any book titles on the subject geared towards children?
Thats some good shit right there. Let Me know an age group and I will find some book titles for you homie.
May 6, 2002
Gizmo said:

1Shut the fuck up and it seems like your the Ignorant one.
You need the Goverment ot issue you a day to teach others your Culture?

2Who gives a fuck about a Goverment Holiday?
Shit, For a WHOLE Month I hear about black History from TV, Radio, Workers, Everyone. Why does it die down in march? Cause the Month is over? I even heard someone complain about it being "The Shortest Month".
Work with what you got.

3And Actually I learned about aztec History, African History and Asian History from the same teacher Tha they made "Stand By Me" about, Jaime Escalante' At Hiram Jofnson Highschool.

4As for Why is no Black owned stations? Tell Allen Iverson with his Multi-Million Dollar Contracts to buy one. The Resources are there But Folks dont do it.
What is The reason there is no Black owned stations? Is it cause the White man wont let you Buy or Build one? Did some of them Movie Stars or Athletes organize to make one? They could.

5Think about it like this. You will never be fed the Total Gospel truth in High School, For the Fact, Now they changed Teaching to Teach ALL Races some little bit about thier History. So if they are teaching "American History and your studying 1800's Most likely they will teach what is Most pertanant to that era. Just for the Time factor they have to teach. When You say "Euro" Do you mean all Of Europe? Isn't that Biased? Half of them Countries had little or nothing to do with Older history books.
Instead of Saying "Euro", break them into certain Countries. See who is it that your mad at.
Are you mad at Greece? Are you mad at Ireland, Sweden, Finland, Romania, Hungary, Austria, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Ukraina, Poland, Czech, Denmar, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Albania, Croatia, Norway, Monoco, Netherlands, or Switzerland?

6Maybe your school needs to come to date and change, Mine seemed good back in 1994. when I Graduated.

7Guillitine, What do you do for the MONTH of Febuary? What do you do after. I aint being Rude, Just wondering.

1 Damn I thaught Gizmo was supposed to be the friendly Gremlin. What happened?

2 I dont give a fuck about a government holiday. I teach reguardless to whom or what.

3 Thats an interesting point. Did you graduate though?

4 Because Rich Negroes love money and not thier brothers. I do not support thier lazy asses.

5 All those different countries dont mean shit to me all it is is different rulers controlling the masses. A white man is a white man.

6 Yes the school dont need to come to date though they need to be BURNED and rebuilt from the ground up.

7 I teach year round to anyone that will listen. I go to college cuz Im trying to do some BIG things with my life AND for my people.
May 6, 2002
Gizmo said:

Thank You. I was coming back to state those facts.

Just Put Me in the White Catagory. Even though Im Mexican.
Also, I noticed alot of Folks are mixed with other Races on here, Do you Follow ALL your Culture History or just One races History?

When Learning the History, Do you Learn it all or just the Good stuff? I ask CAUSE I learned the Good and the Bad of My Culture and Other Cultures in school, It just seem some folks Think every thing in thier culture did in the past is good.

One last question to the Brothers and Sisters that are so Mad that thiere history is not Taught i school.

What Country are you from, Your Ancestry?
Dont say Africa.

Africa is a Continant, It houses Countries.
OK I will put you in the "White" category. And We dont know where we come from in Africa. How much history did you learn? Thats elementary shit right there. I personnaly refer to myself as a member of the tribe of SHABAZZ(the lost nation of Negroes in the Hell of North America).


Apr 25, 2002
4As for Why is no Black owned stations? Tell Allen Iverson with his Multi-Million Dollar Contracts to buy one. The Resources are there But Folks dont do it.
i agree with this.
What is The reason there is no Black owned stations? Is it cause the White man wont let you Buy or Build one?
the reasons are several.....most of them federal....

I G N O R A N C E seems to be a common trait on this message board when discussions involves blacks in America....Some people just don't get it.....People do not understand the severity of what blacks went through in this country....
true words.

Apr 25, 2002
Gizmo said:

What Country are you from, Your Ancestry?
Dont say Africa.

Africa is a Continant, It houses Countries.

well wouldn't you want to have and old from say imma go out on a limb here but the 1400s map up becuz alot of those nations are new alot of those countrys used to be one under one name


Sicc OG
Nov 8, 2002
Actually, They were not. They were broke down into tribes. But Sis all black folks originate from ancesters that came over in the 1400's?