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Mar 16, 2005
Holy Shit Ben has to be the stupidest person on earth.

I just heard he had no license to drive a motorcycle (he had a permit that expired a few months ago)

Ok that's not that bad in and of itself, but the kicker????????????

He can't collect on insurance for the injuries!

holy shit he will be paying a shitload out of pocket. And if it was his fault which it sounds so far like it maybe...the lady would have to sue him to collect for damages on her car.
Mar 16, 2005
gimpypimp said:
Definitley no laughing matter...face first into a windshield. Very lucky to even be alive.

Looks like he'll be alright though.....

He is more then lucky to be alive. The pictures I seen show he hit the windshield right next to the end of it. That end is called the rollcage of your car...umm yeah his head would have been crushed if it was just a few more inches to the left.
May 2, 2002

Source: Big Ben Did Not Have PA Motorcycle License

Andy Sheehan

(KDKA) PITTSBURGH One day after the motorcycle accident that seriously injured Ben Roethlisberger, there are new questions about whether the Steelers quarterback even had a license to drive a motorcycle.

As accident investigators continue to search for answers, KDKA Investigator Andy Sheehan has learned that police are looking into that issue this afternoon

Sources say that while Roethlisberger had a license to operate a car, he apparently did not possess a Pennsylvania motorcycle license.

City accident investigators are not commenting, but a confidential source tells KDKA that a review of motor vehicle records in Harrisburg shows that Roethlisberger has never had a Pennsylvania motorcycle license.

According to our source, Roethlisberger did have a learner's permit that allowed him to ride a motorcycle; but that permit expired on March 29th.

The source goes on to explain that Roethlisberger never took the written and driving test required to get a motorcycle license � and would have been driving illegally at the time of the accident.

At this point, the state division of motor vehicles will not comment on the licenses of specific state residents.

Likewise, Pittsburgh police spokeswoman Tammy Ewing tells KDKA that police will "have no comment on licensing issues" until the accident investigation is over.


Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002
What do you think will happen with that if they decide that it was the lady's fault and not his? She can't sue him can she?

Either way, I guess you can chalk another one up on the "dumbass" chart for that one...

I forget what it was word for word, but I saw a quote that says "you know the NFL is an ever-changing thing when suddenly Baltimore has the most security at the quarterback position in the AFC North."
May 9, 2002
Stealth said:
You're a fucking loser. The Steelers won the superbowl by 11 points, but that's a totally different subject. You're happy a man just flew through a car window because his sports team won the Superbowl. If that's not a sore losing hater...fuck it...

If you wish ill will on someone who's never done something malicious...then you dont really mean shit to me.
Hey,hey,hey....calm down buddy...why dont you read my other posts before you go ape shit....

You act like Ben is your lover or something....fuckin relax guy...

Some sensitive ass people on the Siccness these days...GHEESH!

I never said i was a nice guy....i care very little...
May 9, 2002

If you Steelers fans REALLY think you won that game cleanly...than "you realy dont mean shit to me"

I luv phantom TD's...cus Ben TOTALLY broke the plane....

Plain & simple...that game is fucked...and will forever go down in histopry as a bunk game...even all the experts said it was a bunk us Seahawk fans aint know BULLSHIT when we smell it...

Whatever....we will be in the Superbowl next year...and yall wont....

GOod job Ben!
May 2, 2002
Stealth said:
I forget what it was word for word, but I saw a quote that says "you know the NFL is an ever-changing thing when suddenly Baltimore has the most security at the quarterback position in the AFC North."
Do they? An arguement can now be made for Cleveland.

Palmer is hurt.

Ben is hurt.

McNair was just signed last week...he's old and has been hurt.

Frye is the only guy not hurt and the only one fully participating in the offseason workouts.


Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002
Oh Coy!Ocerto said:
Hey,hey,hey....calm down buddy...why dont you read my other posts before you go ape shit....

You act like Ben is your lover or something....fuckin relax guy...

Some sensitive ass people on the Siccness these days...GHEESH!

I never said i was a nice guy....i care very little...
Its not that you ever said you were a nice guy, I just really like your online persona. I bet if it was real life you'd be my best friend and we'd play with play-dough together.

But yeah...I just think everybody in Pittsburgh was in a shitty mood and it rubbed off on my yesterday when I heard ya call it karma...seemed like his injury made ur day that's all.

Sooo fuck that...but if ya wanna argue the Superbowl that's another thing. I'll break down game film with you any day. I agree some calls were questionable, as there always are in football, but my two main arguments for the Superbowl are:

1. That most of the calls could have gone either way (Roethlisberger's touchdown), should have been called but "aren't traditionally called" like the pass interference, and there were some bad calls, granted...but I just dont think that the refs did enough to make us win by 11 points. If it were a 1, 2, 3 point game, I could see where you're coming from...but 11 points. And then to hear the whole city of Seattle whine about it for months...ya gets old thats all. If I truly felt that we cheated I'd be the first to say we dont deserve it. You can't say Ben did break the can't say that he didn't break the plane...all you can say is that the ref made a judgement call...and if he called it one way Pittsburgh would kill him and the other way Seattle would kill him...I dont think he did a bad job...I think it was a damned if you, damned if you don't think.

2. The Steelers got the shit end of the stick from the NFL forever. Especially during the Colts game. But we kind of just closed our mouths and kept on keepin on. Bitchin about the Superbowl wont get anyone anywhere, the best thing to do is man up and look to the future. I'd rather just drop the subject and accept the fact from now until forever that the Steelers won the Superbowl and that the Seahawks are a fantastic team that I didn't have a problem with until after Superbowl (I hate the jerseys though).

But I really dont' think Holmgren deserves to have an article written about him bitching about the Superbowl 3 months after its over...let that shit go, ya know? The city of Pittsburgh still hates Neil O'Donnell for "purposely" throwing 3 interceptions in XXX, and to this day we blame him, because we'll never man up and say that the Cowboys were the better team. On the same token, that's what you guys are doin.

Woooo that was a lot more than I wanted to write. But if you wanna put down $5 or 10 on our teams making it to the Superbowl next year, I'll take the bet and mail you the money if I do end up losing.


Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002
gimpypimp said:
Do they? An arguement can now be made for Cleveland.

Palmer is hurt.

Ben is hurt.

McNair was just signed last week...he's old and has been hurt.

Frye is the only guy not hurt and the only one fully participating in the offseason workouts.
This has nothing to do with my hatred for Cleveland...but I think Charlie Batch and Kyle Boller right now are more capable than Frye is.

For the sake of argument, the Steelers QB situation is fucked, the Bengals QB situation is fucked, the Browns are relying on some guy that got drafted in the later rounds and is in his second year and have no reliable backup, and the Ravens have McNair and Boller.

I HATE to say it (I think at this point in my life I hate the Browns, Bengals, and Ravens equally) but the Ravens could afford to lose either Boller or McNair and still have more stability than the other ball clubs.
May 2, 2002
Stealth said:
This has nothing to do with my hatred for Cleveland...but I think Charlie Batch and Kyle Boller right now are more capable than Frye is.

For the sake of argument, the Steelers QB situation is fucked, the Bengals QB situation is fucked, the Browns are relying on some guy that got drafted in the later rounds and is in his second year and have no reliable backup, and the Ravens have McNair and Boller.

I HATE to say it (I think at this point in my life I hate the Browns, Bengals, and Ravens equally) but the Ravens could afford to lose either Boller or McNair and still have more stability than the other ball clubs.
I'll give you Batch...he was a starter in this league. And with your D...that definitley helps. But Boller...? You are fuckin' crazy.

Bengals are screwed if Palmer isn't question.

The Ravens...if McNair goes down...Boller hasn't shown he can win. Have you watched him play...terrible.

As for Frye...he was drafted in the 3rd round. Look at Brady...or Hasselbeck. Not saying he's those guys, but you get the point. Where you're drafted doesn't seem to matter anymore.

His back-up is Dorsey...nothing to get thrilled about, but I would say he's just as good, if not better than Boller.

Boller is just awful.....
May 9, 2002
Stealth said:
You can't say Ben did break the can't say that he didn't break the plane...all you can say is that the ref made a judgement call...
The replay showed him NOT breakin the plane...and the outcome could have been a 4 point game instead of a 11 point game...or it could have shifted momentum to Seattle's way and changed the face of the game COMPLETELY....but like you said...its water under the bridge...its the past...and all I care this coming year...Seattle WILL be back in the Superbowl...

But I really dont' think Holmgren deserves to have an article written about him bitching about the Superbowl 3 months after its over...let that shit go, ya know? The city of Pittsburgh still hates Neil O'Donnell for "purposely" throwing 3 interceptions in XXX, and to this day we blame him, because we'll never man up and say that the Cowboys were the better team. On the same token, that's what you guys are doin.
I agree...but he got the short end of the stick...and he spoke on it...

Its funny when you see ESPN analysts crackin joked about the refs/Superbowl situation...even during the draft...after Seattle's first pick....Chris Berman took out a flag and threw it after he broke down their pick....muthafuckas know it was faulty...

But youre right...its done...that was the past..time to move forward...Holmgreen WAS thinkin about just retiring....but he wants another ring...and he feels like the team we have can do it....

No hard feelings Stealth...youre a cool cat...youve been around here as long as i have...we are both sports fans...and we love our teams...thats what counts...


Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002
gimpypimp said:
The Ravens...if McNair goes down...Boller hasn't shown he can win. Have you watched him play...terrible.
I'm not sayin Boller is good...I'm just sayin Frye is unproven. Then again...I guess I'd rather take an unproven player than a player who has proven to suck.

Oh Coy!Ocerto said:
No hard feelings Stealth...youre a cool cat...youve been around here as long as i have...we are both sports fans...and we love our teams...thats what counts...
Haha yeah man...I wouldnt be so passionate about football or defensive about that whole Ben thing if there was more to do out here...but like they say in Pittsburgh...the weather sucks and there's only two seasons around season and off-season.


Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002
Yo Vamps, I found a season ticket package for 2 seats for the rest of my life for $10,000. Or I can get on an 18 year waiting list.

You wanna move to Pittsburgh and throw down? Haha
Dec 9, 2005
backwood_burna_ said:

I was thinking that Ben was on a Chopper or some other kind of cruiser...but nope...fool was riding a fucking Hayabusa !

The bike is a beast ! He really must be nuts...a stock 'Busa will pull somewhere between a 9 and 10 second quarter mile straight out of the dealership