White fuckers: why do most of ya'll be loving them talib kweli's and some black power movement music that be talkin shit to little white people all the time?
Black folks: How do you get your teeth so white but I never here a black muthafucka ever talk about brushing they teeth or anything hygenic.
filipinos: um...you are asian.
middle eastern savages: How do you guys own all the local gas stations and liquer store??? hook a muthafucka up with a store!!
Mek (mexican) - How come all you damn food has the same fucking ingredients? beans, cheese, salsa, guacomole, rice, carne sada and tortilla? i can make 3 or more different things using that and it would all taste the same but made into different things?
old asian people: why are you racist against black people?
back to white people: why do you kick your own damn kids out the house jus cus they turn 18?
blackie: why do you like kung fu movies so much? and how do most of ya'll remember fucking hella lines and phrases from movies? even if you watch it only once, but when it comes to school and studying you won't remember shit?
asian (chinks, japs, adobo's, korean bbq's, mongolain beefs, vietmaneeese, chocolate thai's, sticky rice's, cambo soup) : why do we love rice and have to eat it with every meal???
black: why do you most of you rarely wash your hair???? and why do only black girls be loving me at the club???
mexicant: why do you have a sticker of your last name on your damn truck. MARTINEZ!!! across the muthafuckin windshield! don't you know there's nothing unique about it and about a million of your cuzzins have the same thing?
damn, i should stop