are whites humanitys curse?

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Mar 18, 2003
HERESY said:
As I said before I've yet to see him state "ALL WHITES" or even imply "ALL WHITES". He did not say white people are predators to anyone with something of value. He said "everyones got a bullseye on them if they got something of value that the trendy materialistic devils of america want". So heres the question does "devils" imply white people? If so does it apply to all white people or those who are trendy and materialistic? I believe his comment was directed at a specific group of people not whites as a whole.
The topic of his thread was "Are whites humanity's curse?". I do not see anything specific in that title. He said "materialistic devil" once in both of his posts about "white" people, and that was the only half-assed attempt at being specific. He said "whites". He didn't say gay whites, tall whites, corporate whites, poor whites, he just said whites. It is a generalization that includes everyone that falls under the catagory of being "white". Not only did he imply all whites, but he outright said it. You can't seem to grasp onto this generalization, it is the process of grouping together certain things or peoples without any specifics. If I say I don't like gay people, that means *all* gay people. If I say I don't like whites, that means *all* of them. He, as well as many others on this board have done this on many occasions. I'm not saying that generalizing is a bad thing, but when you use it in such a manner as he did, it is wrong. This extends far beyond words on a page. When an old lady clinches onto her purse as a black man walks by, she is generalizing by taking a notion that blacks are criminals and believing she might be robbed. When white people use the word "they", "them", or "you guys" towards black people, what is most often the reaction? I know it is hard for you to come to terms that such a seemingless petty process can be such a big deal, but when you understand how it affects different races of humans, you will understand why I came at him as I did.

HERESY said:
It's easy. How can 12 jurors not see racism in multiple police officers shooting one unarmed man 19 times out of 41?
Because the jurors are racist. But what does this say about you?

HERESY said:
If you pointed out that black people are drug dealers I would ask you a question. Why are they drug dealers? Is the drug dealing connected with the C.I.A, AMERICAN GOVERNMENT (CONTROLLED BY WHITE AMERICA) and FREEWAY RICK?
These were indirectly asked, so I will indirectly answer:

1. Black people deal drugs (just as whites) because it is physically easy, the money can be great, and the status is respected by many of your peers.

2. A black man selling crack on the corner of the street is not connected to the CIA. It is done on his own accord; his own will; his own desire. A bag of coke (government grown or not) has no name or color on it. If black people as a whole stopped buying it, then it would be nothing but whites and mexicans selling it. Those who manufacture the drugs care about dollar signs.

HERESY said:
Are you angry with yourself? It's another for a racist to point the finger at another yet you made an attempt to justify white racism. How did you do this? You implied they are racist due to experience...
I never attempted to justify white racism.
Mar 18, 2003
Snubnoze said:
The way I see it, white people didn't create most of the problems in the world, people that are white did. There is a difference. Being white doesn't put you in any possition to be able to cause any real problems nor does it give you the desire to do so. Blacks, Asians, Natives, whatever race you want to come up with, ALL has bad people who do fucked up shit. It just happens that whites are in the lead, but you all know if the roles were reversed it wouldn't be any different. People with power create all the problems, and the majority of people with power are white, but not all white people have power do they?


Apr 25, 2002
@nitro you said:

"The topic of his thread was "Are whites humanity's curse?". I do not see anything specific in that title. He said "materialistic devil" once in both of his posts about "white" people, and that was the only half-assed attempt at being specific. He said "whites". He didn't say gay whites, tall whites, corporate whites, poor whites, he just said whites."

From what I read he did NOT equate "whites" (as a whole) with "materialistic devils". From my assessment the materialistic devil statement implied the government (who he mentioned) and those seeking what others have.

"It is a generalization that includes everyone that falls under the catagory of being "white". Not only did he imply all whites, but he outright said it."

Can you please show me where he outright said it? I haven't read much of this thread since I posted last time. Thankyou.

"You can't seem to grasp onto this generalization, it is the process of grouping together certain things or peoples without any specifics."

I do grasp this concept but I don't think ASKG is guilty of this. I saw specifics in the FIRST post.

"If I say I don't like gay people, that means *all* gay people. If I say I don't like whites, that means *all* of them. He, as well as many others on this board have done this on many occasions."

Can you direct me to the examples you speak of? I've yet to see him or anyone else on this board claim to not like whites.

"I'm not saying that generalizing is a bad thing, but when you use it in such a manner as he did, it is wrong."

Once again I saw his statement as being specific. I can't say he is wrong or right. Does the old saying of "white is right" apply to your statement? He was wrong because Nitro said it?

"This extends far beyond words on a page. When an old lady clinches onto her purse as a black man walks by, she is generalizing by taking a notion that blacks are criminals and believing she might be robbed. When white people use the word "they", "them", or "you guys" towards black people, what is most often the reaction?"

If she behaves in this fashion with blacks ONLY I would say yes. If she doesn't she is simply protecting her purse and hemoroid medicine. I can't speak for anyone else in this matter but when whites use "they", "them", or "you guys" when having convo's with me I ask them to explain themselves. I make attempts to get people to understand/clarify what they say. The majority of time they spew words and don't understand so I ask questions.

"I know it is hard for you to come to terms that such a seemingless petty process can be such a big deal, but when you understand how it affects different races of humans, you will understand why I came at him as I did."

Why do you insinuate it's hard for me to come to terms with a petty process? Is it because you hold the racist white view that blacks have smaller brains? Is it because I don't agree with your version of whats happening? Is this an insult? Whatever the case may be your doing a shabby job.

"Because the jurors are racist. But what does this say about you?"

Says nothing about me because I wasn't on the jury nor did I pull the triggers. What does it say about *YOU* (a white man)?

"1. Black people deal drugs (just as whites) because it is physically easy, the money can be great, and the status is respected by many of your peers."

Some people (black and white) deal drugs because they are the product of that environment. When thats all you know thats all you know. Is it right? By all means no but when certain people promote an image you have to look at EVERYONE. Why is "status" involved with narcotics? Who promotes this "status" that you speak of? Do poor living conditions and economics play a role in drug dealing? Do lack of outlets and youth programs contribute to drug dealing? These aren't questions I want you to answer. Simply think on them.

"2. A black man selling crack on the corner of the street is not connected to the CIA."

I agree with you but a black man on the corner selling crack may be connected with the police. I've seen it MANY times. A black man on the corner may not be connected with the CIA but what about the distributors and pipelines over him?

"It is done on his own accord; his own will; his own desire."

In some cases its done on his own accord, will and desire to SURVIVE. To survive in a world where the rules are SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST and "YOU AIN'T SHIT UNLESS YOU'RE RICH" mentality is the norm. Does that make it right? No.

"A bag of coke (government grown or not) has no name or color on it."

I disagree with you. It's a documeneted fact that the government pumped drugs into black communities during the late seventies and early eighties. Areas such as L.A. and Oakland were prime targets. I suggest you research FREEWAY RICK and the explosion of the crack epidemic. I've yet to hear of the government pumping drugs in the suburbs of Montana. BTW some dealers WON'T sell to certain races *regardless* of $$$$$ did you know that?

"If black people as a whole stopped buying it, then it would be nothing but whites and mexicans selling it."

Is this a generalization? Are you saying asians don't deal coke? Are you implying that blacks simply buy coke and don't control distribution? If so what should we do with the whites and mexicans who blacks buy it from? Why is it that those who sell it get a slap on the wrist compared to a black man who sold 3 rocks?

"Those who manufacture the drugs care about dollar signs."

Who are the ones who manufacture the drugs and why aren't they given SEVERE punishment? If they didn't manufacture the drugs would we have a high prison population? If they didn't manufacture and sell the drugs would we have a low drug related murder rate? Who are these people that care about dollar signs? Are they the whites and mexicans you speak of?

"I never attempted to justify white racism."

In my opinion you did. If you didn't attempt to justify it why did you mention it? Did you consider the number of these experiences and how they pale in comparison to what blacks experience? Did it ever occur to you that most white people who are racist have most likely NEVER had an encounter with an african american?

@ Snub you said:

"The way I see it, white people didn't create most of the problems in the world, people that are white did. There is a difference.


"Being white doesn't put you in any possition to be able to cause any real problems nor does it give you the desire to do so."

This can be debated.

"Blacks, Asians, Natives, whatever race you want to come up with, ALL has bad people who do fucked up shit."

I agree.

"It just happens that whites are in the lead,"

I agree. Why is it that "it just happens that whites are in the lead"?

"but you all know if the roles were reversed it wouldn't be any different."

That's up for debate. We can't say if the roles were reveresed Afrikans would have enslaved the majority of europe. We can't say the natives would have forced the chinese to pick cotton or live on reservations.

"People with power create all the problems, and the majority of people with power are white,"

I agree

"but not all white people have power do they?"

No but it's easier for a white person in a dominant white society to hold positions of power.

Dec 25, 2003
Nitro you need to quit crying when people say "white people this, white people that". I understand identifying white you feel a need to defend white people but minds are rarely changed on this board. There are cultural commonalities and links between white people, even if they are less distinct than those of minorities. For all those of us who did not commit rape, murder, or genocide, or those of us who have not gotten our college degrees and scraped out a living, thus holding back minorities, there are those who did, and we share a common soul. We are the murderers, the rapists, the destroyers.

We will never be left alone or allowed a place in legitimacy by people who are infuriated by our very existance. There is a certain amount you can debate with people like Heresy but he will probably never agree with you, just as you will probably never agree with him.

In the minds of many the salvation of blacks and minorities is linked to whites through restitution of innocence, money, and the right to say you are correct. The more black people were egregiously damaged by slavery, the more powerful they become. In this method of attaining power, white people must be demonized.

Is it wrong to demonize them? Not any more wrong than it was to commit the acts we ourselves have committed. But there will never be peace, or racial equity. We will continuously bounce on a teeter totter. Blacks will take pleasure in small criticisms and jests at whites from which most white people will not retaliate. Many will blow it off. Some will harbor feelings of resentment. Some will become racist. Some were born racist. Some were born into racist legacies. Some were born in neighborhoods where black people still get called "nigger".

Does it matter though, how or why white people personify or disown racism? If you espouse the concept of race you will always create racial realities. Any 3rd grader can look past dark skin, or blond hair. Those who perpetuate "race" also perpetuate racism. We've all been downtown in big cities, and seen the very polyracial groups of urban kids, possessed of racial mixes you don't often see in the more polarized suburbs/rural areas/smaller cities, etc. Only by not caring about race will this debate end. That's not something I'm willing to do. I imagine that's not something many people want to do.

Imagine asking EDJ to forget his blackness, or SJN14 to forget he is Mexican. This is possible in order for "racism" to subside in a real way. Until this happens, which it won't, there will always be racial war. Let anyone talk shit about whites. It's inevitable. Insult a white, and you're contemporary. Insult as a white, and you're Hitler. Complain about racism, you're a welfare-addicted, government-leeching, whining minority. Complain about reverse racism, you're a butt hurt cracker. It'll never end. It's as American as apple pie. Fuck the bullshit. Just give me a cool glass of lemonade, and play me some mothafuckin skynyrd, and give me a non-white bitch to fuck, and I'm happy as the day is long.


Sicc OG
Nov 19, 2002
when i said materialistic devils i meant everyone american here in the US regardless of race...wether it be your hip hop thug sporting his bling bling or Jeeves' wife sporting a mink coat...i never said materialistic white for whites being humanitys curse...if you look at things...who is the most powerful country in the world, who calls shots all across the globe, who pretty much decides whats acceptable in iraq and freaking vietnam and whats not?...america...a country started by white ppl, a country which now includes all races...and all races that live in america indulge in not putting the blame on you or other white folks personally, but your ancestors are respoinsible for this powerhouse of a country...and this powerhouse of a country pretty much rules the world.

if it had been chinese ppl to come here and wipe out the natives and start this political behemoth of a bully, then id be posting about them being humanitys curse...nothing against you white folks specifically...but the ones that run this country and the ones that started it with bloodshed.

as for the materialism thing...its something the "powers that be" have pushed upon us with movies tv commercials etc etc etc...who gives a fuck what happens to little Hugo in el salvador as long as we got our alligator boots and our bmws here?...its a way of walking the herd the way you want them to walk...its not ppls fault...its their gullibility.


Sicc OG
Nov 19, 2002
isnt that why we have mouths?...its my opinion, if you dont like it tough shit...what am i going to do?...strap on my vest, gather up some ammo and get my gun and go shoot everyone in the white house?...lmao...tell me what should i do?...write to my congressman?..write president belifes arent the same as think anyone else is going to listen?...ppl of my own color dont agree with some of the shit i say or think...all talk...lmao...thats what this message board is for.
Mar 18, 2003
HERESY said:
From what I read he did NOT equate "whites" (as a whole) with "materialistic devils". From my assessment the materialistic devil statement implied the government (who he mentioned) and those seeking what others have.
The topic of the thread is "are whites humanities curse" *nothing* specific.
Inside the thread reads "you could put that tag on whites and call them predators" *nothing* specific.
He also said "white people are evil" *nothing* specific.

There are more, just read through his threads and you will find that the "materialistic white devil" comment that you grabbed ahold of makes up for a very minute percentage of his comments towards white people. There are many instances where he generalized accusing "white" people of this and that, and only once did he mention anything specific when he said "materialistic white devils". You took this one occasion and now your arguing that he never generalized?!? The topic of this thread, the attention getting device used -- what EVERYONE reads to develope an impression of what awaits, is all that needs to be presented to prove my point.

HERESY said:
Can you please show me where he outright said it? I haven't read much of this thread since I posted last time. Thankyou.
"you could put that tag on whites and call them predators"

Your welcome.

HERESY said:
Does the old saying of "white is right" apply to your statement? He was wrong because Nitro said it?
Actually it is my opinion that he is wrong, you're the only one thinking white is right.

HERESY said:
do you insinuate it's hard for me to come to terms with a petty process? Is it because you hold the racist white view that blacks have smaller brains? Is it because I don't agree with your version of whats happening? Is this an insult? Whatever the case may be your doing a shabby job.
Actually, one needs only to read through "who is responsible..." and they will find you bashing my views on generalizing whites. Case closed. I have never heard of a racist white view that blacks have smaller brains, funny how you jumped to that conclusion, I just talked about that in another thread.

HERESY said:
Says nothing about me because I wasn't on the jury nor did I pull the triggers. What does it say about *YOU* (a white man)?
The fact that a "white" jury came to that conclusion says *nothing* about me -- this is the exact point I am trying to make. What other "white" people have done, yesterday, last year, a century ago, says *nothing* about me, a "white" human.

HERESY said:
Some people (black and white) deal drugs because they are the product of that environment. When thats all you know thats all you know. Is it right? By all means no but when certain people promote an image you have to look at EVERYONE. Why is "status" involved with narcotics? Who promotes this "status" that you speak of? Do poor living conditions and economics play a role in drug dealing? Do lack of outlets and youth programs contribute to drug dealing? These aren't questions I want you to answer. Simply think on them.
1. Status is involved with drugs because it is promoted and sold to younger generations as the ideal lifestyle. Influenced by televised music, movies, as well as the radio, these kids look up to school-mates who live this lifestyle. In this process they mimic what thy see.

2. Rappers and record label owners promote this status.

3. Poor living conditions might have a larger effect, but drugs are sold *everywhere*. I have lived in a ghetto and I have lived in the suburbs, drugs are used and sold everywhere -- even when the neighborhood is made up of all whites.

4. Youth programs might delay the process, but it's only a matter of time before a kid is exposed to the dangers of this world. Once that happens, the power of youth programs suddenly fades. Not to bash these programs, we need them, and more of them, but a humans peers have more effect on them then youth programs and their own parents.

HERESY said:
I agree with you but a black man on the corner selling crack may be connected with the police. I've seen it MANY times. A black man on the corner may not be connected with the CIA but what about the distributors and pipelines over him?
The drugs that enter this country are likely monitored by U.S. authorities, such as the CIA, or some other American agency. One needs only to research the Skull and Bones to know about a link between drug smuggling and the U.S. Government.

HERESY said:
I suggest you research FREEWAY RICK and the explosion of the crack epidemic. I've yet to hear of the government pumping drugs in the suburbs of Montana. BTW some dealers WON'T sell to certain races *regardless* of $$$$$ did you know that?
Do you have a good online source for research of "FREEWAY RICK"?

HERESY said:
Is this a generalization? Are you saying asians don't deal coke? Are you implying that blacks simply buy coke and don't control distribution? If so what should we do with the whites and mexicans who blacks buy it from? Why is it that those who sell it get a slap on the wrist compared to a black man who sold 3 rocks?
1. Yes it is a generalization.

2. No I'm not saying blacks don't distribute...

3. We should do with the whites and the mexicans what is done with every other drug dealer in this country, regardless what race they are.

4. I can't answer your last question unless your a little more detailed. From my own personal expierences, black people received the same penalty as whites when getting caught up with drugs. I have seen first hand, black people get a slap on the wrist for selling drugs. So my question is, what is this notion that we are going by? Sure, everywhere you go you hear that black people get harsher penalties, but I need some evidence to go off of. I believe that black people as a whole might get a worse punishment than whites for the same crime, but with this, I take into account that there are cities where white supremacy is prevalant, thus causing such a unbalanced punishment. This is hard to answer because from MY OWN PERSONAL EXPIERENCE black people get the same punishments for their crimes. Maybe in Vallejo it's different. I can think of reasons why this might be true:

1. Certain drugs bring harsher penalties, specifically crack, as you used in your example.

2. Certain areas (where the person lives) might give a judge the impression that once released, the defendant will likely resume whatever it was that brought him into court.

3. Priors. This is a killer for longer and harsher sentences. In almost every case, a first time offender will get a slap on the wrist, after that you're owned.

4. Racism-Discrimination against blacks.

HERESY said:
Who are the ones who manufacture the drugs and why aren't they given SEVERE punishment? If they didn't manufacture the drugs would we have a high prison population? If they didn't manufacture and sell the drugs would we have a low drug related murder rate? Who are these people that care about dollar signs? Are they the whites and mexicans you speak of?
1. Are you serious? First of all, it is harder to catch manufacturers then it is a man standing on the corner in a ghetto. Second, if one is caught, they most certainly get harsher penalties.

2. If they didn't manufacture drugs, the prisons would be less populated.

3. The durg-related murder rate would drop.

4. The people that manufacture these drugs are the ones the care about dollar signs. And just so you know, I said "mexicans and whites" to give the impression that everyone but blacks would be selling drugs if blacks were not involved. If you want specifics, "they" are made up of all different races and nationalities.

HERESY said:
In my opinion you did. If you didn't attempt to justify it why did you mention it? Did you consider the number of these experiences and how they pale in comparison to what blacks experience? Did it ever occur to you that most white people who are racist have most likely NEVER had an encounter with an african american?
Why did I mention what? Can you specify where I attempted to justify white racism? The only thing I can think of for your reasoning, is that you think I am saying white racism is okay because "minorities" generalize and say hateful things about white people... if this is what you are talking about, know this; There is *NOTHING* going on in this country that justify's the way racist whites treat minorities. NOTHING. What I am talking about here is hypocrisy, not justification. A white man is not justified being a racist because of how minorities treat him, but on the flip side, a minority is not justified in calling whites a curse because of how white people treat him. THAT is the point I am trying to make. There is nothing that gives a minority the right to be racist or say hateful things about a fictional race of humans.

HERESY said:
Why is it that "it just happens that whites are in the lead"?
Because "whites" have been, and still are in control of the largest super-power nations in this world.
Mar 18, 2003
Nitro you need to quit crying when people say "white people this, white people that". I understand identifying white you feel a need to defend white people but minds are rarely changed on this board. There are cultural commonalities and links between white people, even if they are less distinct than those of minorities. For all those of us who did not commit rape, murder, or genocide, or those of us who have not gotten our college degrees and scraped out a living, thus holding back minorities, there are those who did, and we share a common soul. We are the murderers, the rapists, the destroyers.
I may not be able to change everyones mind, but my words will linger in the minds of everyone who reads through my opinions. I am not a rapist or a killer, and there is no mental link between "white" people in this world. Neither is there a link between myself and white supremacist groups, or any of those who have caused destruction throughout history, other than skin color. You're saying there is a link between David Duke and the Pope? Come on man. The fact that there are white supremacist groups AND beliefs that I posess, are proof to me that there is no such link. If there were, which has yet to be proven, how could anyone prove it to be a "destructive" one.

We will never be left alone or allowed a place in legitimacy by people who are infuriated by our very existance. There is a certain amount you can debate with people like Heresy but he will probably never agree with you, just as you will probably never agree with him.
"White" people will never be allowed a place in legitimacy because "white" people, for the most part, are afraid to speak on anything involving minorities and if you do, you are either one in a million or a member of the KKK. So when Willy calls John a cracker, instead of John telling Willy why his comments were inapropriate, he will harbor ill feelings towards Willy. He will harbor these feelings until it happens again, and then it becomes more potent until it evolves into a racist state of mind. I on the other hand am going to speak my mind, to any person of any race, big or small, strong or weak, in hopes that he will understand that I might share the same goals or interests. The worst part of it is, the impression the media gives young whites about black folks, it's no wonder why white supremacy even exists today. I would smash on the media before I do anything else, but I think thats a bit out of reach.

In the minds of many the salvation of blacks and minorities is linked to whites through restitution of innocence, money, and the right to say you are correct. The more black people were egregiously damaged by slavery, the more powerful they become. In this method of attaining power, white people must be demonized.
This is something I'm not willing to sit by and watch. Power should be in the hands of rightousness, not to whom those in power (whites) have a debt with. From my interpretation of African Americans -- Black people are not "angry" at whites because of slavery, but because they are still in the wake of its harmful after effects. I believe that if blacks were accepted just as whites were, there would not be this level of resentment towards "white" people.

Is it wrong to demonize them? Not any more wrong than it was to commit the acts we ourselves have committed. But there will never be peace, or racial equity. We will continuously bounce on a teeter totter. Blacks will take pleasure in small criticisms and jests at whites from which most white people will not retaliate. Many will blow it off. Some will harbor feelings of resentment. Some will become racist. Some were born racist. Some were born into racist legacies. Some were born in neighborhoods where black people still get called "nigger".
We ourselves committed? Nah, fuck that. I am not involved with any of that shit, and to be perfectly honest, I am not even White to begin with -- I am Gernam American. But let's not get ourselves and the rest of this board confused, so from here on out, I am "white". Everything else you said is on point.

Does it matter though, how or why white people personify or disown racism? If you espouse the concept of race you will always create racial realities. Any 3rd grader can look past dark skin, or blond hair. Those who perpetuate "race" also perpetuate racism. We've all been downtown in big cities, and seen the very polyracial groups of urban kids, possessed of racial mixes you don't often see in the more polarized suburbs/rural areas/smaller cities, etc. Only by not caring about race will this debate end. That's not something I'm willing to do. I imagine that's not something many people want to do.
Now that is some REAL SHIT. That is something *I* am willing to do, and it is something that I am going to show others. I am going to teach this to friends and white people, for "they" are the source. Of course, we will never be able to mentally blank out the fact that we have different skin color, but I am talking about racism and the little square box next to the question asking you what your skin color is.

Imagine asking EDJ to forget his blackness, or SJN14 to forget he is Mexican. This is possible in order for "racism" to subside in a real way. Until this happens, which it won't, there will always be racial war. Let anyone talk shit about whites. It's inevitable. Insult a white, and you're contemporary. Insult as a white, and you're Hitler. Complain about racism, you're a welfare-addicted, government-leeching, whining minority. Complain about reverse racism, you're a butt hurt cracker. It'll never end. It's as American as apple pie. Fuck the bullshit. Just give me a cool glass of lemonade, and play me some mothafuckin skynyrd, and give me a non-white bitch to fuck, and I'm happy as the day is long.
Asking EDJ to forget his blackness is pointless -- it is a good thing to embrace your culture and your heritage. But you're right, it will never happen, and it doesn't need to. But what If I asked EDJ to rest any ill feelings of resentment towards whites, if in return, with a magic wand, I abolish all racism, prejudice, hate, and discrimination towards blacks. What will he say then. What will any black man say then. It is far fetched that we will see any significant change in our lifetime, but I am not after changing the world -- though that would be my ultimate goal -- rather, enlighten the minds of those around me. To speak the truth. I'll tell you this much: within my "circle" of friends, you will find black, white, mexican, and asians alike, who have nothing but jokes dealing with race, not any actual resentment. If we can show those living around us that race doesn't matter, then maybe it can be spread further across your neighborhood and beyond. Nothing is out of bounds. I will never stop because the thought of racism dying may be so far away. When I am 60 years old I will be typing this same shit to someone your age. Race may not be forgotten, but white racism (the root of all racism in America) is slowly withering away. Racist groups like the KKK and skinney little peckerwoods are fading. Things are going to change. Look at SHARPS and whats on their agenda. A fucking gang of white people who's sole purpose is to smash on racism -- ESPECIALLY racism coming from other whites. Do you know what the phrase "change from within" means? Well let me tell you what it means to me. It basically says, fuck the government, fuck every political party left and right, fuck the racist police or anyone practicing racism, fuck any type of supremacy, and oh yeah, did I say fuck the government? We as a people say fuck all that shit, and we worry about ourselves. We can't look to the government for a change, for it must come from within. Within yourself and within we as a people.

One last thing, and this is by far your worst error. How you gonna diss a white bitch like that? My girlfriend is by no means "white", but I didn't seek a person of her skin color. Man.. them pink nipples.. smooth white skin.. long soft hair.. you for real dog? You ain't atracted to white girls? Hahaha, thats cool though. You have a bad expierence or some shit?
Dec 25, 2003
No I just don't find most of them interesting. White girls I've met I've usually had bad experiences with. Either they are braindead, cell-phone yapping "girls gone wild" who gain cultural legitimacy through sexual exploits, or they are unaccessible, unreadable, "trilfin ass" females with issues, or they have some sort of strange catch. It's like they almost are worth being with, but then something stops you. I'm not sure..I do find it difficult to find females intelligent enough to relate with, so I suppose I will encounter the same problems with most races, but I have something of a hypothesis about it.

In denying whiteness, something most white girls do, they attempt to regain legitimacy through either sexual exploits, or some sort of pseudo-feminism, or some such undesirable attribute. I really give a shit about "Tom said Lisa said Louise wants to go to Christie's house", and on the same hand I really give two fucks about vegetarianism and women's rights. It's either you get a small-minded ass "socialite" or some convoluted, wannabe-revolutionary liberal college fuck. In mexicans, blacks, mulattos, etc. you usually get an interesting mix of headiness and emotional sensibility at the same time. I suppose I can't relate to many white people. Not because I am "hip-hop" or "anti-white", neither of which I am, but because I am a racist, a misogynist, a traditionalist, etc. Finding this kind of mental and emotional intensity in white people is rare, unless you date chain smoking white trashfucks who try and fight every girl who talks to you. My current girl is Mex and I'm satisfied with the deal so eh....whatever happens happens. Who knows? I could die soon anyways...My last couple of relationships pretty much all died because I took a fuck it attitude and spent most of my time fucking random girls, so eh. I'm not the type to rule anyone out, though.
Jan 9, 2004
LMAO, the funny part is that yes, Asians and Arabs both went to Africa to capture slaves, and considering what Africans did to the native populations of Brazil and Jamaica you could indeed say that Africans smashed on Native Americans. Finally, North African Muslims made quite the successful invasion of Spain a few hundred years ago. They were eventually pushed out but they were extremely successful for a time.

As for caucasians causing more destruction than any other race, I can't deny that. However, if you don't count the 20th century, then thats not true at all. Fact is, more people have died in wars in the 20th century than in all wars of human history up until then. So the fact that we just happened to be in control when the big old destructive 20th century came around slants the scales in our favour. Had another race been in power, they woulda been the ones with bloody hands.
Mar 18, 2003
PoeticBass said:
LMAO, the funny part is that yes, Asians and Arabs both went to Africa to capture slaves, and considering what Africans did to the native populations of Brazil and Jamaica you could indeed say that Africans smashed on Native Americans. Finally, North African Muslims made quite the successful invasion of Spain a few hundred years ago. They were eventually pushed out but they were extremely successful for a time.
I didn't know anything about Africans smashing on Natives in Brazil and Jamaica, but the rest of what you said is well documented. Not only did Asians and Arabs enslave Africans, they did so *before* any white man showed up. Why is this not ducumented in your research? Because Americans (whites) had nothing to do with it. The Muslims in Africa were more than a little successful invading Spain, they occupied the region for seven centuries before being pushed out. All of this went on before any "white" man set foot upon African soil. One thing you did leave out is that, Africans were enslaving their own people before *anyone* arrived. Not only that but Africans were some of the biggest traders of slaves during the entire process. Portugal and Spain raided Africa for the purpose of goods and enslaving Africans in the 1400's, before America was even discovered. There is so much history surrounding foreign invasions and slave trading that most of you either refuse to read or believe, or have not had a chance to do so. But I urge you to, because someone like me is going to call you on your shortcomings.

"In the early 18th century, Kings of Dahomey (known today as Benin) became big players in the slave trade, waging a bitter war on their neighbours, resulting in the capture of 10,000, including another important slave trader, the King of Whydah. King Tegbesu made £250,000 a year selling people into slavery in 1750. King Gezo said in the 1840's he would do anything the British wanted him to do apart from giving up slave trade"

When people think of slave trading they think of "white" people storming the lands of Africa burning down villages snatching people from their homes to board the ship. Buit in reality, it was African's who did much of the raiding of villages. Royal leaders from different countries were invading each other stealing slaves in order to sell to more then just "white" people. Why do many of you choose not to acknowledge these facts? All you want to hear is that white people rolled up in a ship (like Chapelle's show portrays) and they just started raiding Africa. How did most of the slaves come into America, were they bought from other Africans or were they stolen? Was slavery common in Africa before Europeans arrived? Did you know there were markets setup in African where people could purchase slaves? Did anyone know that the word slave came about when spanish muslims invaded and enslaved eastern Europe? Did anyone know the Africa was enslaving their own people before Europeans arrived?

"In East Africa a slave trade was well established before the Europeans arrived on the scene. It was driven by the sultanates of the Middle East. African slaves ended up as sailors in Persia, pearl divers in the Gulf, soldiers in the Omani army and workers on the salt pans of Mesopotamia (modern Iraq). Many people were domestic slaves, working in rich households. Women were taken as sex slaves."

How many of you members on this board knew about the Indonesian Communist party (PKI) massacre in 1965-1966 where over a half million Indonesian were killed; The thousands of Turks and Iraqi's who perished under Saddam Hussien over the past 30 years; The Tantura Massacre in 1948 where over 200 Palestinians were killed; The Nanjing Massacre where 300,000 Chinese were killed and 20,000 women raped; The Japanese-Chinese war in 1894-1895 where 60,000 were killed. The list goes on and on, but you people, who believe that "white" people are a curse must have skipped through this in your research.

ASKG - HERESY - FOETWIN: For all of the "white" skinned Mexicans living in Mexico (if you have been there as I have you will know this) are they a part of the curse now, or is this curse nationality specific? How do you go about catagorizig those with "white" skin? Is there qualifications? Does the "white" person have to be of European decent in order to be truely "white"? Or are we talking strictly about the color of skin? I could take a group of people scattered from around this world, line them up by skin color and create a "fade" and you can watch it go from "black" to "white", so where do we draw the line when catagorizing white people? What about people who have a mixture of nationalities including those with African ancestry, are they a curse too? It's *extremely* easy to sit in your seat and pick out these crimes cimmitted by white people and call them a curse but I have yet to hear a single solitary shred of evidence backing up this claim. All I have heard is bold statements and accusations saying "well just look at history and who has caused the most destruction". But what does this really say, that unless every race of humans *EQUALLY* causes the same amount of damage, then whoever is in the lead will be the curse? The simple fact that on job applications they have a catagory of "non-hispanic caucasians" says a lot.

How many of you embracing this notion that white people are a curse suddenly think of Germany and Hitler, a leader and country priding itself in pigment who destroyed millions of lives during it's invasions and concentration camps. But what purpose would that arguement serve if it was "white" people who put a halt to his destruction? You see, when you have occurences such as this, which is common with most destruction caused by "whites", then the arguement that "whites" are humanities blessing would be as worthy as saying "whites" are humnities curse. Why don't you guys research and document all the times "white" people have stopped invasions, or saved other countries from destruction. WHY THE FUCK do you research only your agenda? An arguement saying that different nationalities are linked to a different way of thinking -- wheteher that be destruction or peace, would serve as a much better arguement.

Why do we only know about "white" attrocities? Because we live in a counrty that is predominantly white and controlled by white people. Do you think that if you were born and raised in Viet Nam that you would find yourself learning about the history of Germany for more than a chapter or two in your books? We study our country, we study everything we have done from war to rescue. You have countries like Iraq, Iran, and North Korea who torture, rape, and *kill* their own people, yet not a wisper about them as being a curse. Look at the damage caused by countries in the middle-east, Japan and China, but no, lets take all the European nations and all the damage they have done and link it all to a fucking color?

To *ALL* of you who believe that this curse is true can you first prove that race exists beyond what your eyes allow you to see? In other words can you prove to be that a person with "white" skin and a person with "black" skin, both raised by the same mexican parents at the same time, surrounded by the same exact environment, are going to be racially seperated in their way of thinking. If race really exists how can you explain white washed Africans in America? The very fact that there are African Americans, raised by white families in the suburbs, turning out almost with identical traits and similarities--aside from skin color--bash *all* of your theroies in a heart beat.

National Identity: Courts gave contradictory rulings. In 1910, an immigrant from India named Dolla was pale enough to convince one court that he was white. Ten years later, the Supreme Court ruled that another Indian immigrant was not.

^Read through that article for some good insight on "whiteness"^

What it all comes down to is what skin color is and means. The truth of it is, America is one of the only countries (actually the only one I know of) that chooses to embrace the color of skin. Like I said before, skin color is not real, it is a man made intangible stereotype, and the only reason it is so strong today is because people pick it up and embrace it, much like you are doing with the curse of humanity. There is only one race, the human race. Everything else is just what you want to believe as a reality.

One last thing, for all of you who link this "curse" with the attrocities of America, I will have you know that the United States military is made up of all different races, so you would have to pin the world wars, Viet Nam war etc. on Africans, Mexican, Asians, and Europeans, because they did the actual "destruction".

PoeticBass said:
Had another race been in power, they woulda been the ones with bloody hands.
That is 110% true, and 110% disregarded.

Wrong. Whites caused major damage, shit, as far back as the 1500s.
He never said they didn't, you're missing his point. He is saying that before the 20th century, people all over the world from different nations were just as destructive as "white" people. But in actuality, even in the twentieth century this proves to be true.
Dec 25, 2003
He did make a very erroneous statement that you glossed over Nitro.

"If you don't count the 20th century, that's not true at all."

And how did Africans get to Brazil and Jamaica?
Mar 18, 2003
He did make a very erroneous statement that you glossed over Nitro.

"If you don't count the 20th century, that's not true at all."

And how did Africans get to Brazil and Jamaica?
The way I interpreted his statement was that before the 20th century, though white people still caused destruction, there was not as big of a disproportion with "whites" and other races. I didn't gather from his words that white people were only destructive in the 20 century. And to answer your question, 9 times out of 10 if there are Africans present in a foreign country, then were bought or stolen from Africa.
Dec 25, 2003
He said if you erased the 20th century, whites were not the most destructive race. And Africans did not make any voluntary cross-atlantic trips to "smash on" Brazil and Jamaica.
Mar 18, 2003
He said if you erased the 20th century, whites were not the most destructive race. And Africans did not make any voluntary cross-atlantic trips to "smash on" Brazil and Jamaica.
Well if thats what he said, then I can't possibly agree with him. But you would have to be educated on the destruction, nation to nation, world wide in order to truely know. How many people on this board know the history of all non-white countries? Very few. Now how many know the history of the United States and Germany? Plenty. Do you think this unbalanced education might be the cause of one to think "white" people might be a curse? I think so. Look through the library on WAR and MASSACRE in the history of this world, not only will you find that *MANY* of them involve non-whites, but you will find that none of it was taught to you in school. Thus, ignorance being the curse of humanity -- it will lead people to make these topics and have others agree with it. Lastly, Africans may have been brought there, but that does not justify "smashing" on any natives.