HERESY said:
From what I read he did NOT equate "whites" (as a whole) with "materialistic devils". From my assessment the materialistic devil statement implied the government (who he mentioned) and those seeking what others have.
The topic of the thread is
"are whites humanities curse
" *nothing* specific.
Inside the thread reads
"you could put that tag on whites and call them predators
" *nothing* specific.
He also said
"white people are evil
" *nothing* specific.
There are more, just read through his threads and you will find that the "materialistic white devil" comment that you grabbed ahold of makes up for a very minute percentage of his comments towards white people. There are many instances where he generalized accusing "white" people of this and that, and only once did he mention anything specific when he said "materialistic white devils". You took this one occasion and now your arguing that he never generalized?!? The topic of this thread, the attention getting device used -- what EVERYONE reads to develope an impression of what awaits, is all that needs to be presented to prove my point.
HERESY said:
Can you please show me where he outright said it? I haven't read much of this thread since I posted last time. Thankyou.
"you could put that tag on whites and call them predators
Your welcome.
HERESY said:
Does the old saying of "white is right" apply to your statement? He was wrong because Nitro said it?
Actually it is my opinion that he is wrong, you're the only one thinking white is right.
HERESY said:
do you insinuate it's hard for me to come to terms with a petty process? Is it because you hold the racist white view that blacks have smaller brains? Is it because I don't agree with your version of whats happening? Is this an insult? Whatever the case may be your doing a shabby job.
Actually, one needs only to read through "who is responsible..." and they will find you bashing my views on generalizing whites. Case closed. I have never heard of a racist white view that blacks have smaller brains, funny how you jumped to that conclusion, I just talked about that in another thread.
HERESY said:
Says nothing about me because I wasn't on the jury nor did I pull the triggers. What does it say about *YOU* (a white man)?
The fact that a "white" jury came to that conclusion says *nothing* about me -- this is the exact point I am trying to make. What other "white" people have done, yesterday, last year, a century ago, says *nothing* about me, a "white" human.
HERESY said:
Some people (black and white) deal drugs because they are the product of that environment. When thats all you know thats all you know. Is it right? By all means no but when certain people promote an image you have to look at EVERYONE. Why is "status" involved with narcotics? Who promotes this "status" that you speak of? Do poor living conditions and economics play a role in drug dealing? Do lack of outlets and youth programs contribute to drug dealing? These aren't questions I want you to answer. Simply think on them.
1. Status is involved with drugs because it is promoted and sold to younger generations as the ideal lifestyle. Influenced by televised music, movies, as well as the radio, these kids look up to school-mates who live this lifestyle. In this process they mimic what thy see.
2. Rappers and record label owners promote this status.
3. Poor living conditions might have a larger effect, but drugs are sold *everywhere*. I have lived in a ghetto and I have lived in the suburbs, drugs are used and sold everywhere -- even when the neighborhood is made up of all whites.
4. Youth programs might delay the process, but it's only a matter of time before a kid is exposed to the dangers of this world. Once that happens, the power of youth programs suddenly fades. Not to bash these programs, we need them, and more of them, but a humans peers have more effect on them then youth programs and their own parents.
HERESY said:
I agree with you but a black man on the corner selling crack may be connected with the police. I've seen it MANY times. A black man on the corner may not be connected with the CIA but what about the distributors and pipelines over him?
The drugs that enter this country are likely monitored by U.S. authorities, such as the CIA, or some other American agency. One needs only to research the Skull and Bones to know about a link between drug smuggling and the U.S. Government.
HERESY said:
I suggest you research FREEWAY RICK and the explosion of the crack epidemic. I've yet to hear of the government pumping drugs in the suburbs of Montana. BTW some dealers WON'T sell to certain races *regardless* of $$$$$ did you know that?
Do you have a
good online source for research of "FREEWAY RICK"?
HERESY said:
Is this a generalization? Are you saying asians don't deal coke? Are you implying that blacks simply buy coke and don't control distribution? If so what should we do with the whites and mexicans who blacks buy it from? Why is it that those who sell it get a slap on the wrist compared to a black man who sold 3 rocks?
1. Yes it is a generalization.
2. No I'm not saying blacks don't distribute...
3. We should do with the whites and the mexicans what is done with every other drug dealer in this country, regardless what race they are.
4. I can't answer your last question unless your a little more detailed. From my own personal expierences, black people received the same penalty as whites when getting caught up with drugs. I have seen first hand, black people get a slap on the wrist for selling drugs. So my question is, what is this notion that we are going by? Sure, everywhere you go you hear that black people get harsher penalties, but I need some evidence to go off of. I believe that black people as a whole might get a worse punishment than whites for the same crime, but with this, I take into account that there are cities where white supremacy is prevalant, thus causing such a unbalanced punishment. This is hard to answer because from MY OWN PERSONAL EXPIERENCE black people get the same punishments for their crimes. Maybe in Vallejo it's different. I can think of reasons why this might be true:
1. Certain drugs bring harsher penalties, specifically crack, as you used in your example.
2. Certain areas (where the person lives) might give a judge the impression that once released, the defendant will likely resume whatever it was that brought him into court.
3. Priors. This is a killer for longer and harsher sentences. In almost every case, a first time offender will get a slap on the wrist, after that you're owned.
4. Racism-Discrimination against blacks.
HERESY said:
Who are the ones who manufacture the drugs and why aren't they given SEVERE punishment? If they didn't manufacture the drugs would we have a high prison population? If they didn't manufacture and sell the drugs would we have a low drug related murder rate? Who are these people that care about dollar signs? Are they the whites and mexicans you speak of?
1. Are you serious? First of all, it is harder to catch manufacturers then it is a man standing on the corner in a ghetto. Second, if one is caught, they most certainly get harsher penalties.
2. If they didn't manufacture drugs, the prisons would be less populated.
3. The durg-related murder rate
would drop.
4. The people that manufacture these drugs are the ones the care about dollar signs. And just so you know, I said "mexicans and whites" to give the impression that everyone but blacks would be selling drugs if blacks were not involved. If you want specifics, "they" are made up of all different races and nationalities.
HERESY said:
In my opinion you did. If you didn't attempt to justify it why did you mention it? Did you consider the number of these experiences and how they pale in comparison to what blacks experience? Did it ever occur to you that most white people who are racist have most likely NEVER had an encounter with an african american?
Why did I mention what? Can you specify where I attempted to justify white racism? The only thing I can think of for your reasoning, is that you think I am saying white racism is okay because "minorities" generalize and say hateful things about white people... if this is what you are talking about, know this; There is *NOTHING* going on in this country that justify's the way racist whites treat minorities. NOTHING. What I am talking about here is hypocrisy, not justification. A white man is not justified being a racist because of how minorities treat him, but on the flip side, a minority is not justified in calling whites a curse because of how white people treat him. THAT is the point I am trying to make. There is nothing that gives a minority the right to be racist or say hateful things about a fictional race of humans.
HERESY said:
Why is it that "it just happens that whites are in the lead"?
Because "whites" have been, and still are in control of the largest super-power nations in this world.