askG said:
whites came and conquered america...they killed their way to the top...they cheated their way to the top...they raped their way to the name it, they did it...politics made them kings...these are the united states of america...its the best country so ppl migrate to it, foreigners and blacks are accepted and they get citizenship...racism dies, (yeah in the open, majority of ppl got some type of stereotypical beliefs one way or another. ) now we got a country "pioonered" by whites...every other race should now be thankful for being allowed the priviledge to live here. and ppl eat it up, so now they indulge in that AMERICAN lifestyle...all different races live the american life. A life still controlled by whites in politics. Still altered by whites in politics.
At the expense of EVERYONE (ie "anyone").
You have managed to do two things with this paragraph.
1. Take all of the atrocious historical events of this world, pick out the ones where people of white skin were involved, emphasise it like it's isolated (only whites committing such acts), and ask if it means "whites" are a curse. Whites did not kill and rape their way to the top; I know this because I see innocent whites still at the bottom. Of course, you can't explain that, so I won't ask. If one out of every 50 white people were gay, would you say that white people were gay? No because it is a stereo type. askG do you think that blacks are the curse of peace? Look at the prisons of this country, how they are filled with Africans; committing crimes against anyone with anything of value to rob, are they a curse? askG...
2. Through this paragraph you managed to explain that America is run and controlled by white people. Right now I'm trying to figure out why that matters. White people run and control... white people run and control.... yeah man, it just doesn't mean shit to me. Just like it doesn't mean shit to me that Chinese people run China, Japanese people run Japan, and Europeans (whites) run America.
askG said:
all different races now indulged in an american lyfestyle fueled by greed and corruption...the popular kids on rodeo want the new clothes made by kids and women overseas for cheap pay..."oh they got kids making these pants?, oh but they make my butt look soo cute". that just an example...AMERICANS meaning all races now so out of touch w the rest of the world, with the rest of humanity, that theyr happy with their beer, with their climbing gas prices, with their "presidents" stealing elections...a government fueled by a white sense of supremacy in the world of politics, in the world of money, in the world of power and dominance.
What are Americans supposed to do? Americans don't care that there are people over seas making their clothes for cheap; can you tell me a list of countries that do care and have done something about it with their civilian population? Can you tell me why it matters even in the slightest way that the average American does not worry himself over the standards of living over seas? Can you tell me what *YOU* have done differently then the average American? Have you gone overseas to protest these events, have you wrote to our congress your cares and concerns, what have you done that enables you to say these things about Americans? I am happy with my beer, pissed at the gas prices, and completely careless of who our president is (doesn't seem to fit with your assumptions).
askG said:
A control that is at the hands of WHITES, at the back of MOST WHITES and various other races' minds, which are now americaNIZED to the point of losing touch with their roots...All this started by whites at the expense of minorities...whites who are non-racist, or non-prejudiced, or non- stereotypical are now a minority along with various other "minority" groups...they cant just call us motherfuckers something else than a degrading word like MINORity...we are the few, we are the still the little guys...and everytime an "african" american such as colin powell is mentioned, people are glad and point that out as showing that "minoritys" are now welcome...
1. You keep pointing out that whites are in control, but you have yet to touch on why that matters. Just tell me why it is a problem that *all* "yellow" people are in control of China, then maybe I will understand your point.
2. You talk about minorities losing touch with their roots by becoming Americanized. If an oppressed race (in touch with their roots) wants to be accepted at a "white" level in America, wouldn't he have to come out of touch with his roots? Is this "white" peoples problem that a minority chooses to leave his roots for something "better"? People are migrating from everywhere into America, it is not our fault they love this country and want to give up everything to live here. If you forgot your roots, left them behind, chose to embrace them, then that is your own decision. That is not something that you can blame white people for.
askG said:
does it really matter to lure ppl into this country, this counry wun by whites, created by whites, made for whites to live in, now turning foreigners into whites because essentially we live like americans...we now dont care what happens in mexico, in colombia in freakin antarctica...we now kill each other, we now smoke to death, we now fuck to death, we now we now drink to death, we now OD to death in this way of life pushed upon us AMERICANS BY WHITES.
Today we group poor ppl as minoritys because here they are the minority, anbd everything else outside of the US is the minority because we live in our own world...even POOR WHITES are the minority, and it dont matter if they live in kentucky or they live in compton, theyre poor.
1. We lure people into this country by shutting down the borders..? Okay..
2. China was created by yellows, run by yellows, for yellows to live in.. blah blah.
3. We don't care what happens to Mexico or Columbia, wow, great point. One thing, though. Does Mexico or Columbia care about us? Do they care about each other? Can you provide me with a list of world countries who care about Mexico more than we do. Can you prove that our (not gov.) care for world countries is so much less than other countries, so as for you to make mention of it on this message board? You say we don't care.. who the fuck does askG?
askG said:
i look at the greater picture... my opinions, im not racist, i just observe things ya digs...and this wasnt for attention...i dont always post these things but lately ive been looking at the bigger grand scale, and when i said "ILL JUST SAY ALL WHITE PEOPLE ARE EVIL", it was a joke if you didnt see it that way, oh well, tough i didnt put a little smiley face next to it. this is the last thread of this kind i will start simply because it was a thought that came across my head and its a thought that are backed by facts...i dont go around making threads to antagonize ppl...i might say a smart ass remark now and then but thats just me, its funny to me...i dont go out of my way to post to insult, i made this thread because its an opinion i had at the moment and its a opinion i still have which i thought would be a good discussion to have in the gathering of minds, were we all loves to express our opinions and read others as well, i knw i enjoy reading the views that are different from mined, because thats what this forum is about.
1. No I don't digs, because if you were observing "things" maybe you would have mentioned the thousands of inventions, cures, and offerings that white poeple have provided for their country.
You claim you have backed this thread up with facts but the truth of it is, you have not stated one single solitary fact to back up your claim, and thats why I'm here.
3. You don't go around making threads to antagonize people yet the only 3 threads that I can remember seeing you create are 1. White people stealing culture. 2. White people are evil. 3. White people are humanity's curse. Hmmm... do you see a pattern here askG? You're not trying to antagonize anyone, but the evidence is not in your favor. There are many more race specific things to talk about concerning blacks, browns, and yellows.. but not a peep from you.
askG said:
what the fuck, you want a moderator to not let one of its own memebers post his/her thoughts, because it will make some ppl mad?!?!? THIS IS AMERICA AND AS AN AMERICAN DONT I HAVE THE VOICE TO EXPRESS MY FREEDOM OF SPEECH RIGHTS...this isnt the public media, this isnt your dads CNN... dont cut out the truth fom reaching the masses...the masses, that are infected by the siccness (plug)*insert siccness mask logo*
See you are a hypocrite, you say all this shit about America, how evil it is, how much bloodshed is on her hands, but at the end of the day you're claiming to be an American wanting your muther fucking free speech rights. That shit is typical though, I would expect nothing less. And for the record, If you want to reject everything America stands for, then I would say *NO* you don't have freedom of speech. That is my opinion.
askG said:
i came in on my magic dragon and i lost him along the way...thats the last time i post that much shit...because im not doing this shit for you to attend to my ADD...lmao.
Learn a little more about history then post.