Yeah in 2012 when we cross the galactic equator. The poles could change and cause damage to the ecosystems. Flooding, storms, volcanos, its all possible if an actual polar shift took place. Especially if it happend suddenly or within a small time frame like under a week. If it takes any longer to shift poles then people may survive but could die off due to lack of food. If 1/3 of the world was suddenly displaced and our terrain in which we grow food is wiped out or innundated with people, then famine is the worst case scenario.
An interesting theory I read about is, that when crossing that galactic equator, things that seem impossible, could happen. Such as mythical type activity inconcievable by the current human mindstate.
It was said that when the white man came to america, the ships in the horizon were ignored by the tribes of central america. Not because they didnt care. But because they didnt understand what it was. It may be a very real possibility that we cannot even see what we do not understand. Hence the dark matter theory. What makes up all that blackness in outer space?
Which leads back to the possibility that once we cross this equator. Anything could happen. Even things we cannot imagine, simply because we dont know.