YOuNg WiNo said:
how does the world end in the qur'an ? if it does
The qur'an specifies that when there is nothing good left on earth, every righteous man is dead - that He will command the angel Israafeel to blow the soor (trumpet) and it will destroy everything. My friend shibli wrote the following article.
From: "Shibli Zaman" <
[email protected]>
Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2002 9:47 AM
Subject: "..the Universe..will eventually experience a 'red phase'.."
This just in from
True color of the cosmos revealed, pale green
January 11, 2002 Posted: 6:34 AM HKT (2234 GMT)
By Richard Stenger Sci-Tech
"The color composite was created during an analysis of different
theories about star formation. Scientists think that the universe first went through a 'blue phase,' populated mostly by young stars; then shifted into its current 'green phase,' with its mixture of young and old; and will eventually experience a 'red phase,' when it possesses mostly aging red giants."
The eventual "red phase" towards the death of our universe was supported in 1999 when, for the first time, a picture had been taken by NASA of a dying star which looked identical to a red rose. Strangely NASA chose to call it a "Cat's Eye" nebula though I, personally, have never seen a cat with beady red eyes. You can see it here on NASA's web site:
Now compare these recent scientific discoveries, to the following verse of the Qur'an regarding the death of the universe and its commentary by the successors of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him):
"When the heavens are rent asunder and appear as a roseate oil; Which of your Lord's signs will you deny?" (1)
About this verse of the Qur'an, Qataadah from the generation of the Prophet's (peace be upon him) succcessors stated:
"In our time the heavens are GREEN but on that day they will become RED.. " (2)
That statement was over 1000 years ago. The early Muslims from the late 7th century knew that the universe's true color is green, and would eventually turn a deep roseate red. How did they know this information only substantiated in the year 2002? It should inspire all to ponder upon this question and wonder what their is in Islam that causes it to have revealed so many secrets of science more than 1400 years ago that are only being discovered with the help of modern technology to this
day. The information is too copious to document here, but skimming through the age old commentaries of the Qur'an by the Prophet's (peace be upon him) Companions and Successors each phase of the universe, the blue, the green, and the red, are mentioned thoroughly in great detail.
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) recited the Qur'anic verse to a young lad, "..when the heavens are rent asunder and appear as a roseate oil.." The young boy was siezed with fear and began to cry and said,
"Woe be to me upon a day when the sky should be rent asunder! Woe unto me!" The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "By the One in Whose Hand is my soul, the angels have wept for your tears". (3)
All that is in the universe will indeed perish. This is a fact declared
by scientists and those of faith. Will you be ready for what comes next?
"All upon it (the earth) shall perish. All that will remain is the
Countenance of your Lord, the Master of Glory and Honor." (4)
Shibli Zaman
[email protected]
1. The Holy Qur'an, Chapter ar-RaHmaan, 55:36, in Arabic, "fa
itha-nshaqqati-samaa'u fa kaanat wardatan kad-dihaan; fa bi ayyi aalaa'i
rabbikumaa tukathibaan". Some of the Companions of the Prophet (peace be
upon him) such as ibn `Abbas said it is similar to the color of a red
2. Upon the authority of `Abdur-Razzaaq, Ibn Jareer, `Abd bin Humayd,
and others in Tafseer ibn Katheer, al-Jaami`u li-aHkaami-l Qur'aan of
al-Qurtubi, Jaami`u-l Bayaan `An Ta'weel Ayy al-Qur'aan of at-Tabari,
ad-Durr al-Manthoor fee Tafseer bi-l Ma'thoor of as-Suyuti
3. On the authority of Muhammad bin NaSr, from Luqmaan bin `Aamir in
ad-Durr al-Manthoor fee Tafseer bi-l Ma'thoor of as-Suyuti
4 The Holy Qur'an, Chapter ar-RaHmaan 55:26-27, in Arabic, "kullu man
`alayhaa faan. Wa yabqaa wajhu rabbika thu-l jalaali wa-l ikraam"
Also here are some signs about the coming of the Judgement taken from the Qur'an, and from the prophecies of Muhammad - judgement won't come until all of them have happened.
Signs Before the Day of Judgement
Author: Yoosuf ibn Abdillaah ibn Yoosuf al-Waabil
A. The Minor Signs
The Prophethood of Muhammad (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam)
The death of the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam)
The conquering of Bait ul-Maqdis
The Plague of Amwaas (in Palestine)
The increase in wealth so that sadaqah is not needed
Trials and civil strife:
(i) The appearance of troubles in the east
(ii) The killing of Uthmaan (ra)
(iii) The battle of al-Jamaal
(iv) The battle of Siffeen
(v) The appearanc of the Khawaarij
(vi) The happening of al-Harrah
(vii) The appearance of the saying that the Quran is created
(viii) The following of the ways of the previous nations
The appearance of claimants to Prophethood
Widespread safety
The appearance of fire in the Hijaz
Fighting the Turks
Fighting the non-Arabs
Dissappearance of trustworthiness
Dissappearance of knowledge and appearance of ignorance
Increase in the number of police and helpers of the oppressors
Spread of fornication
Spread of usury
Spread of musical instruments and their being thought to be allowed
Drinking of intoxicants and its being allowed
Adorning the mosques and rivalling therein
Building tall buildings
The slave girls giving birth to her mistress
Increase in killing
Time passing quickly
Coming together of markets
Appearance of Shirk in this Ummah
Appearance of wickedness, cutting off of relations and ill treatment of neighbours
Dying of grey hairs with black dye
Increase of extreme miserliness
Increase in trade
Many earthquakes
Appearance of sinking into the earth, transformation into animals and false-accusations
The passing away of the pious
The raising of the despicable people to positions of importance
That greeting is given only to those the person knows
That knowledge is sought from other than the scholars in truth
Appearance of women in clothes which do not cover them
The truthfulness of the dreams of the Believers
Spread and increase in writing
Laxity with regard to the Sunnah
Increase in size of the new moons
Increase in falsehood and having no concern to check reports
Increase in false testimony and witholding true witness
Large number of women and small number of men
Sudden death being common
Hatred amongst peoples hearts
The return of the land of the Arabs to being pastures and rivers
Increase in rain but decrease in produce
The revealing of a mountain of gold by the Euphrates river
The talking of wild animals and inanimate objects to people
Wishing for death because of the severity of trials
Increase in the number of 'Romans' and their fighting the muslims
Victory over Constantinople
The appearance of al-Qahtaanee
Fighting the Jews
The expelling by al-Madeenah of its wicked people, then its desolation at the end of time
The sending of a pleasant wind to take away the souls of the Believers
The attacking of the Sacred House and dismantling of the Ka'bah
B. The Major Signs
The Mahdee
The Anti-Christ [Maseeh ud-Dajjal]
The descent of Eesaa (as)
Yajooj and Maajooj
The three great sinkings of the earth
The appearance of smoke in the sky
The rising of the sun in the west
The beast of the earth [Daabbat ul-Ard]
The fire which brings the people together