i wish more religious people would just keep shit to themselves...thats where your faith comes from anyway.
i used to call myself atheist but would say i am more agnostic now. but the thing that holds me from pursuing any religious "awakening" is how people in the religious community present themselves.personally i think religion and how it is run,preached,practiced is ridiculous. everybody is a fuckin robot and thinks the power of their faith comes from a cross around their neck or a bible on their dresser...they have lost sight of where their faith really is. its not about all this shit....and its people like the guy who made this thread that ruin it for people. always looking to physical and frivilous things to prove faith and it existence.
i dont have time to have to deal with people like this so i chose not to associate myself with any religion. i discover things for myself,not what somebody tells me to. make your own religion,dont be a follower,you dont need to be taught where your faith comes from,find it for yourself
its funny how religious people always look at atheists as close-minded and ignorant,but i honestly see it the other way