Anti-immigration: Obama orders troops to Mexican border

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May 13, 2002
.both partys have good ideas, both have crap.......
And what good ideas are those?

The two party system we live in is completely undemocratic and neither side represents the working people of this country. Both parties only represent the rich ruling elite/big business. Obama included. In fact, Obama's policies are very little different than Bush and he is carrying out the same policies that were put into place by Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, and Reagan.
Apr 25, 2002
Are you kidding me??? Obama fits under those definitions?!
dude, read my comment, i said something simple, i didnt say he's on his way of taking land from private owners.......he has socialist ideas and theorys..........just like you saying he's a caplitalist? are you serious? with your logic he cant be.......since we're going by direct translation of the word.........
Apr 25, 2002
And what good ideas are those?

The two party system we live in is completely undemocratic and neither side represents the working people of this country. Both parties only represent the rich ruling elite/big business. Obama included. In fact, Obama's policies are very little different than Bush and he is carrying out the same policies that were put into place by Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, and Reagan.

i totally agree with you. and his policies are very similar to Bush far as each sides ideas.....its more like i agree with some things from each camp........but i disagree with each side more so.........and your right about the 2 party system.....unfortunatly money speaks when it comes to power so these "little" 3rd partys really have no chance...........which is very unfortunate.........
May 13, 2002
he has socialist ideas and theorys..........
Which are what exactly? What socialist ideas and theories does Obama hold?

just like you saying he's a caplitalist? are you serious?
Oh right, I forgot Obama isn't apart of the Democrat party, he's actually from a Socialist party and is trying to transfer the control of wealth from private hands into the peoples hands!

Are we having this discussion? You later say Obama is very little than Bush, so are you also saying Bush had socialist ideas and 'theorys?'

with your logic he cant be.......since we're going by direct translation of the word.........
Direct translation of the word:

Capitalism is an economic system in which the means of production are privately owned; supply, demand and price are mostly set by market forces rather than economic planning; and profit is distributed to owners who invest in businesses

Obama doesn't advocate this? Obama isn't in bed with big business/the rich ruling elite/etc.?
May 13, 2002
i totally agree with you. and his policies are very similar to Bush far as each sides ideas.....its more like i agree with some things from each camp........but i disagree with each side more so.........and your right about the 2 party system.....unfortunatly money speaks when it comes to power so these "little" 3rd partys really have no chance...........which is very unfortunate.........
It's actually not entirely about money it's about how the system is set up to prevent third parties from gaining popularity. Both the republican and democrat parties work together to accomplish this, especially since Ross Perot and later Ralf Nader, gained some steam. Since Perot, third party candidates are not allowed to debate to a national audience against democrats & republicans and even getting on a state ballot is extremely difficult (as shown with Nader in the devious elections only being on 20-something states and not all 50).
Apr 25, 2002
Which are what exactly? What socialist ideas and theories does Obama hold?

Oh right, I forgot Obama isn't apart of the Democrat party, he's actually from a Socialist party and is trying to transfer the control of wealth from private hands into the peoples hands!

Are we having this discussion? You later say Obama is very little than Bush, so are you also saying Bush had socialist ideas and 'theorys?'

Direct translation of the word:

Capitalism is an economic system in which the means of production are privately owned; supply, demand and price are mostly set by market forces rather than economic planning; and profit is distributed to owners who invest in businesses

Obama doesn't advocate this? Obama isn't in bed with big business/the rich ruling elite/etc.?

Obama has socialist ideas, his healthcare is his biggest and most well known example........your putting water on your own fire player..........yes, he's in bed with big biz, like the rest, that dont make him a capitalist, he had capitalist ways as he does socialist ways......your tryna paint the man one color........saying he has very little diff than Bush? they have some same policies...and? KRS-One and C-Bo are both rappers right? they're both different right? but i bet you can draw similarities right? your being way too litteral here and putting words on the screen that i didnt type in the name of tryna prove your point.......your doin too much........

so for the last time, i didnt call him a socialist pres, i said he has socialist theorys........i didnt say all his policies and ideas are socialist..........this isnt a conspiracy web site player..........
Apr 25, 2002
It's actually not entirely about money it's about how the system is set up to prevent third parties from gaining popularity. Both the republican and democrat parties work together to accomplish this, especially since Ross Perot and later Ralf Nader, gained some steam. Since Perot, third party candidates are not allowed to debate to a national audience against democrats & republicans and even getting on a state ballot is extremely difficult (as shown with Nader in the devious elections only being on 20-something states and not all 50).

i know its set up to not allow a third party, but even with that, it costs money so get that steam that Perot and Nadar had "if you wana say they had steam".........campaign costs..especially if you are a "little" 3rd party, how many people take them seriously, relatively speaking.........most people vote solely based on the (D) or the (R)..........the ones in the middle, of a diff mind are screwed........i mean we're all screwed period.........
May 13, 2002
Obama has socialist ideas, his healthcare is his biggest and most well known example........your putting water on your own fire player..........
His healthcare system is designed to further help the big business (the insurance companies, etc.) and actually hurts the working class even further.

So no, I'm not putting water on my own fire.

There is some absurd belief that his healthcare system is socialist when in fact it's the opposite - it takes from the working class and proves more for big business. It is a blatant attack on all working class americans.

Further, not a single socialist group I know of supports his healthcare. It's a complete joke and fraud.

yes, he's in bed with big biz, like the rest, that dont make him a capitalist, he had capitalist ways as he does socialist ways......your tryna paint the man one color........saying he has very little diff than Bush? they have some same policies...
He is a capitalist. He is an advocate of capitalism. I don't understand why this is hard for you to grasp.

and? KRS-One and C-Bo are both rappers right? they're both different right? but i bet you can draw similarities right?
LMAO yes lets use rap as an example here.

so for the last time, i didnt call him a socialist pres, i said he has socialist theorys........i didnt say all his policies and ideas are socialist..........
I simply asked what policies and ideas he holds that are socialist, so far you've provided nothing to support those claims.

this isnt a conspiracy web site player..........
I aint on any conspiracy shit, I'm an advocate of people using correct terms and definitions though.
May 13, 2002
i know its set up to not allow a third party, but even with that, it costs money so get that steam that Perot and Nadar had "if you wana say they had steam".........campaign costs..especially if you are a "little" 3rd party, how many people take them seriously, relatively speaking.........
They are not taken seriously because they are not allowed a public forum to speak on.

Ross Perot actually was a big scare to the two party system and even was Ralph Nader. Which is why of course they've taken further measures to prevent that again.

Also, in the year 2004, 35% of americans said they would have voted for Nader if they believed he had a chance of winning. Which ironically would have been enough to win.

most people vote solely based on the (D) or the (R)..........the ones in the middle, of a diff mind are screwed........i mean we're all screwed period.........
They vote D or R because those are the two choices available. I think we've seen over the years the frustration the american people have with both parties and if given a real chance, I have no doubt a large chunk (35% or more) would vote for a 3rd party if they represent the interests of the working class.
Apr 25, 2002
His healthcare system is designed to further help the big business (the insurance companies, etc.) and actually hurts the working class even further.

ok, yes, it will put money into insurance companies, is that why you call him Capitalist? cus the government will run healthcare, that is you see where im going? i dont know why that its hard for you to grasp......i already been knowin what your saying, and your saying no diff than me, except opposite theorys.......and again, your putting out your own fire.........your sayin he's a capitalist, show me why he is a capitalist pres compared to having capitalist policies or cant and you havent.........and your arguing his foundation, not some of his views like me, so you should have a stronger back bone on this...........

and exactly, i have to use the rap cus it seems you need a principal example of something more easyer to grasp (this is a rap board)...........

you say im wrong...fine......i can respect that.......i rather respect it then go round and round we can leave it...........
Nov 2, 2002
I hate Glenn Beck. I just follow what 'our' president is doing.
U.S. reverses stance on treaty to regulate arms trade

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States reversed policy on Wednesday and
said it would back launching talks on a treaty to regulate arms sales as
long as the talks operated by consensus, a stance critics said gave every
nation a veto.

The decision, announced in a statement released by the U.S. State
Department, overturns the position of former President George W. Bush's
administration, which had opposed such a treaty on the grounds that national
controls were better.
On Wednesday Obama Took the First Major Step in a Plan to Ban All Firearms
in the United States . The Obama administration intends to force gun
control and a complete ban on all weapons for US citizens through the
signing of international treaties with foreign nations. By signing
international treaties on gun control, the Obama administration can use the
US State Department to bypass the normal legislative process in Congress.
Once the US Government signs these international treaties, all US citizens
will be subject to those gun laws created by foreign governments. These are
laws that have been developed and promoted by organizations such as the
United Nations and individuals such as George Soros and Michael Bloomberg.
The laws are designed and intended to lead to the complete ban and
confiscation of all firearms.

the article you posted did not contain that quote. The treaty discussed in the article is about regulating the distribution of firearms from country to country. Its not going to shut your gun store down

The thing you quoted came from some blog.
May 9, 2002
ok, yes, it will put money into insurance companies, is that why you call him Capitalist? cus the government will run healthcare, that is you see where im going? i dont know why that its hard for you to grasp......i already been knowin what your saying, and your saying no diff than me, except opposite theorys.......and again, your putting out your own fire.........your sayin he's a capitalist, show me why he is a capitalist pres compared to having capitalist policies or cant and you havent.........and your arguing his foundation, not some of his views like me, so you should have a stronger back bone on this...........

and exactly, i have to use the rap cus it seems you need a principal example of something more easyer to grasp (this is a rap board)...........

you say im wrong...fine......i can respect that.......i rather respect it then go round and round we can leave it...........
SMH @ you not getting it.
Apr 25, 2002
I get what he is saying....if you read the posts by me you can see that i whole thing is he saying he is a Capitalist saying he has socialist views........didnt say he's a Socialist Pres......big diff..........the logic he's trying to use on me as far as using words correctly, yea i get that........that why he shouldnt call barry a Capitalist President........everybody in congress is a capitlalist rather they admit it or not in the sence that they are all together with big biz..........and some reps have socialist views.......i dont see why that is so fuckin hard to understand.........and even tho i believe everybody in the higher government is a capitalist in many scenerios, i would not call Obama a Capitalist President.....nor is he a socialist, nor is he a communist.....he's a way left President...........
May 9, 2002
That's just it, he does NOT have socialist views. At all. There is nothing that he has done or has tried to do that = socialism in the SLIGHTEST form. Nothing. Zilch.

And just so you know, left and right makes NO difference in the broader scope of how this country is run. Democrats and Republicans are all a bunch of dick weeds, assholes, cocksuckers, and capitalist. Period.
Apr 25, 2002
ok cool, but thats not saying much........its a bunch of names and dots on a colored table with out reasons for being there. but right on........

we can just end the socialist/capitalist debate......

"trying" to level the playing field isnt far left? obviously he's still in there with the fat cats cus he him self is a fat cat, but his ideas of what he wants is far left........not all, but it doesnt take all to be far left........and he's trying to level the field but he's gona screw everyone........remember when he said no new taxes on middle class/poor? didnt he raise ciggerette taxes a while ago? dont middle class and poor smoke more than the "rich"? he knows what he's doin....he says the right things to screw you..........the cult of personality.........
May 13, 2002
ok cool, but thats not saying much........its a bunch of names and dots on a colored table with out reasons for being there. but right on........
You can read more about the chart at:

"trying" to level the playing field isnt far left?
No. The democrat party in general are center-right and have been for years.

obviously he's still in there with the fat cats cus he him self is a fat cat, but his ideas of what he wants is far left
Again, I hear nothing of what these far left ideas are. Humor us with specifics please.

........not all, but it doesnt take all to be far left........and he's trying to level the field but he's gona screw everyone........remember when he said no new taxes on middle class/poor? didnt he raise ciggerette taxes a while ago? dont middle class and poor smoke more than the "rich"? he knows what he's doin....he says the right things to screw you..........the cult of personality.........
Sounds exactly like Bush I. And Clinton. And Bush II. And Reagan.