Andre Nickatina concert on 4/25 at Static Lounge (Downtown SD)

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Dec 17, 2002
Chicago54 said:
^^ Good shit man!! Hey where did you get your Mac Dre shirt? I want to get one too. Let me know where I can find one.

I don't know what Ill be wearing yet, but I have a shaved head (white guy) and I will have 3-4 friends with me too.

Are you going to be there for both shows or just the 1st one? Im still deciding....I'll probably stay for both.
i got the shirt out here in SD at some mall off the 8, johnson exit..dont know the name of the store or

i got vip for the second show, but the tix say 7pm, i dont really understand...
Apr 14, 2006
Superfly Snuka said:
i got the shirt out here in SD at some mall off the 8, johnson exit..dont know the name of the store or

i got vip for the second show, but the tix say 7pm, i dont really understand...
Im confused too! hahah I know the VIP meet and greet starts at 7pm and there are 2 shows. I was also wanting to see the 9:30 show, but I just might watch both shows then... who knows!! hahah
Apr 14, 2006
Good show! Was off the hook! The event was a little unorganized, but damn good. Of course Nicky tore it up as always and I'll tell you what I really dug Cognito too. He was very impressive!

Ill keep you guys in the loop. I will be helping bring some Bay area concert to san diego soon. I helped out with this show and I am working on another show coming up in SD soon. I will keep you all in the loop. In addition, I can help get Andre back here in SD sometime soon again for another show as well. I have the right hook ups for him to book some shows. If you guys have any suggestions for other venues that would be better than Static Lounge, leave me know please. We'd like to get Nicky a better place to perform next time.

Apr 14, 2006
caffeine said:
how long did he performed? did they allowe to take pics?
He performed for about 1 hour or so. It was weird though. was 2 shows and I got free VIP and that was supposed to be before the 1st show. So the VIP didnt happen until after the 1st show and we had already watched the show and then after the meet and greet we got kicked out. So weird! The 1st show was all ages and there were tons of younger kids...and they were driving me crazy!! hahah I am over 18 and I wanted to attend the 2nd show instead, but that's how it worked out last night.
Dec 17, 2002
Chicago54 said:
The event was a little unorganized, but damn good....If you guys have any suggestions for other venues that would be better than Static Lounge, leave me know please. We'd like to get Nicky a better place to perform next time.

A better place to perform would be greeeaaat. I felt a little old standing next to 200 18 year olds. What was up with the turn out? Does Nicky not have one Mexican on black fan?

Dre Dog ripped it though, we didnt get the signed cd & poster offered for vip tix holders, I feel ripped off...


Sicc OG
May 10, 2002
^thats fucked up no autograph........ thats what you see in nickatina concerts nothing but white peepz (mostly faternity, students etc). on the whittier show there was only 2 black folks that i seen and maybe around 7 latinos (including 3 n my group)......

Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
man i dont mean to hate on static lounge but i told yall that a few weeks before the cant be havin' headliners at that bitch..shit is way too small.... that shits for local acts that only matter to a few folks to me...i used to sit in front of static lounge and freestyle back in the days until the cops made us move on...

yall shoulda looked at canes or something and just marketed it as a 21+ show but i bet the underage show made some scrill

yknow next time throw the underage at static and go to a bigger place (an actual bar and grill maybe if not HOB) for the 21+..i guess it depends on how many peope youre projecting to bring in..

i should have went though..i just hate payin for shows haha
Nov 14, 2006
Superfly Snuka said:
A better place to perform would be greeeaaat. I felt a little old standing next to 200 18 year olds. What was up with the turn out? Does Nicky not have one Mexican on black fan?

Dre Dog ripped it though, we didnt get the signed cd & poster offered for vip tix holders, I feel ripped off...
For real man. I felt like i was one of the only ones that could actually buy drinks in that bitch. Saw some of them youngins gettin breathilized, cant handle theyre alcohol and shit. But the 2nd show was dope as fuck. Cognito put it down. How bout that equipto freestyle? god damn! But a better venue would be nice, the line and gettin in was just bullshit, not organized at all, and one of the security gaurds was a sucker and kept gettin punked
Nov 14, 2006
caffeine said:
how long did he performed? did they allowe to take pics?
Didnt really see any camaras. i only took a couple that didnt come out great wit my phone, but i saw Andre kinda sign to a kid to put his camara phone away so i wasnt tryin to take all kinds of pics
Apr 14, 2006
caffeine said:
@Chi, did you attend both shows ?
iT WAS AL MESSED UP. I heped promote the show so I got 4 VIP tickets for free for my friends and I. We were told that the VIP was at 7pm before the 1st show. We got there and got in for free and stuff then we were told that the VIP was going to be after the 1st show. We waited and met Andre again and then the owner made us leave after it saying that we are out now. He was an asshole! Right before that I talked to the person with Andre who I know and who gave me the VIP's and she told me that we could for both shows. We were like what the fuck??!! I could have went back to talk to the person I know to help me get back in, but I just didnt feel like it. I figured that I already bothered her enough up until that point so I said screw it. It's a long story! We had a good time at the 1st show, even though all the fuckin 10 year old kept driving me crazy and stuff....

Weirdly enough,They almost cancelled the concert a few days before about 5 different times because the owner was being a dick.

Did you go to the 2nd show? I wish I could have went to that one and the VIP....would have been way better! We got our free copies of Khanthology though and it's a great cd.
Apr 14, 2006
Superfly Snuka said:
A better place to perform would be greeeaaat. I felt a little old standing next to 200 18 year olds. What was up with the turn out? Does Nicky not have one Mexican on black fan?

Dre Dog ripped it though, we didnt get the signed cd & poster offered for vip tix holders, I feel ripped off...
Sorry to hear that. That does suck no doubt. I know they had had a limited amount of cds to give out and thats probably what happened. As far as the posters, the lady I deal with called me and asked me to bring some of the posters to the show because they forgot to bring more or something liek that to hand out. I brought 2 of them but I never saw her pick them up....

You are lucky that you had 18 year olds next to me.....we had like fuckin 12 year olds around me and I started getting mad at them and blocking them off so they couldnt keep walking through the crowd.

I was looking for you there. What color is your Mac Dre shirt? I saw someone with a white one and had a hat on, but I dont think that was you because I saw him get an autographed cd by Andre.
Dec 25, 2003
Damn!! ...and I was gonna go to that show!! But payin 30 bucks for all this???

Thank goodness I didnt go!!! He needs to come back and perform at a bigger better venue like Canes, The Casbah, or Brick by Brick!!!
Apr 14, 2006
WestWest said:
For real man. I felt like i was one of the only ones that could actually buy drinks in that bitch. Saw some of them youngins gettin breathilized, cant handle theyre alcohol and shit. But the 2nd show was dope as fuck. Cognito put it down. How bout that equipto freestyle? god damn! But a better venue would be nice, the line and gettin in was just bullshit, not organized at all, and one of the security gaurds was a sucker and kept gettin punked
Question...did you see Cognito throwing out Rappin 4Tay Snippets when he was on stage? If so, those were my snippets that I gave him after the 1st show. He told me that he would throw them out for me. I help out 4Tay and Black C with promotions.....

I wonder if Andre sang the same songs the 2nd show. I wish I rememebred all the songs he sang....I know most of them, just not all the brand new stuff like on Booty Star...
Dec 17, 2002
Chicago54 said:
I was looking for you there. What color is your Mac Dre shirt? I saw someone with a white one and had a hat on, but I dont think that was you because I saw him get an autographed cd by Andre.
I switched my outfit, I was of the older cats with a black "The Bay" hat. I have a goetee. I was with my woman...