Mcleanhatch said:
so you see nothing wrong with it and think it should be allowed???
if yes then answer this below.
Should all "white" high schools be allowed??? i mean if all "gay" high schools are allowed why shouldnt all "white" HS be allowed???
if not DISREGARD my last question
Honestly I don't really care if this handful of gays wants their own school. Let them have it if they want.
Historically Black colleges also exist like Grambling and Spelman and no, I don't see anything wrong with it. People are going to segregate themselves if they want to. Rich people segregate themselves into rich neighborhoods, Black people (often by force of economics) segregate themselves into their own communities, and so goes it with all kinds of racial, class, and ethnic groups.
To me, it is to the detriment of the person who insists on only "being around their own kind" and if they choose that route, so be it. I can't and don't care to force people into doing something they don't want to do. That's what our supposed freedom is about. People need to learn consequences of their own actions on their own instead of everyone trying to hold their hand or steer them in a direction they think they should go in. Experience is the best teacher...let 'em go to a gay school and be shocked at how unprepared they might end up once their back in the "real world". Who knows, maybe it will help some folks. Who am I to judge what is right for someone else? We all deal with life relative to our experiences and situations.
Imagine if you were born a dwarf. Everyone around you is of normal stature, and you are the only dwarf in your family, school, and city for that matter. The only person that will ever understand the problems and issues unique to being a dwarf are other dwarves. Am I mad that they have an association called the "Little People of America" because I am not a dwarf? Do I think they should just get over it and let regular people into their association? NO! That's their shit and if it helps them in a society that is unsympathic to their needs, let them have that support system.
On a side note: if you don't think there are all "white" high're trippin. Yea technically they can't ban people of other races, but that doesn't mean there aren't other ways of preserving the "whiteness" of communities and schools by making it thoroughly miserable for anyone of color trying to integrate. It may be against the law, but it still happens and there are loopholes. There are all white communities all across the U.S. There are also all straight and all rich communities. Those people who don't fit the mold sometimes feel alienated.