Juan Million said:
What the hell are you talking about? When did I say anything about porn? When did I say anything about what lesbians look like? You sure do like making assumptions.
Assumptions? I never said that you said anything about porn.
Check the post, "I said that".
What I'm saying is that you're making an assumption from what you see (in porn). The fact is most lesbians are of the macho type.
If that wasn't the case then why are we takin back when we see a "lipstick lesbian"?
Think about that....
Juan Million said:
No, I don't believe most lesbians are built like men, but what I do believe is that you need to stop judging people by their appearence. Do you go to WNBA games often to search the stands for manly looking women? LOL
When did I judge anyone from their appearence????
The only thing I judged was someone's appearence. Again read my post.....
Juan Million said:
What are you trying to say? There are manly looking lesbians in it? IT'S A MOVIE...are you sure they're not "paid lesbians"? :dead:
Shit, talk about jumping into conclusions LOL!
Settle down man, you might bust a blood vessel :dead:
Now calm down and breathe slowly. Easy, there you go.
Now isn't that better? hahahaha....
I was implying that you'll get to see a few lesbians watching that movie, with you.