Yeah they played that Don Diego Song ya produced and there was a really good response.
There are a few things I might suggest to enhance the enjoyability for listeners...such as volume levels ( I think I pinpointed what the problem is..although its not bad..just could be better) also having some kind of schedul for Guest artists so their is no empty chairs for viewers who listen...when the artists are in their place participating it increases the interactivity which provides the end user more entertainment value ( I say value..even though its free..I mean in terms of users satisfaction.)
In saying all that I think GAS is a great host..and I aint just saying that..cause if he wasnt I would say it as well. I like his laid back energy ..him just being himself so to say. To me thats more real then hosts who are like hype men...So when he does do something funny or gets some energy goin its real instead of scripted behavior...
Just my two cents...
good lookin out know one thing ive noticed is sometimes guests arent the talkative type....i notice that more and more every show i do...some of the guests more or less like to be like the people in ustream, just kicking back and shit. some are good rappers but just aint the talkative type, liek i bring them on the show because theyre dope but socially, they just arent the type to jump on the mic and make people laugh...some peopel suprise me and they seem like naturals.. i personally like it alot more when the guests interact with the actual show just like you because like you say it builds a certain vibe and adds to entertainment, but thats one thing im going to have to start taking note of, 'the show ambiance' .. im not even sure if my guests are always aware of that, like some get tripped out when they realize theyre 'being taped' and dont wanna be seen....but to be honest i can never call it until its time for the show..some shows people are hella talkative and some not....i was joking on crhymes but little did i know he wasnt feeling that great so i pretty much hosted that one on my own and winged it...good looking though, im actually going to start inviting more of a 'studio audience' for people to kick back so it adds to the actual shows conversation..but like i said sometimes i just cant call what happens....27 weeks ive seen all types of shit happen while on air and off air that the cameras didnt capture..such as every single person in the room going outside to smoke, and im the nigga on probation that cant...! lmao. (and imagine if i did, who would be there hosting?) it was like no one was there for a second but me. sometimes i just gotta roll with it.
next week should be alot more action involved though, xl middleton and young sau always make for good conversation. i might think of some other guest i can add on just for conversation purposes to mix shit up.'
i think were doin somethin right tho! the ustream listeners has gone up and the people checking for us is steadily climbing...thats a good sign!