916 is a fuckin straight savage.
It's all just a bunch of "yada yada yada" with absolutely NO substance.
Man can only gain knowledge through his senses. Nothing else. We have only came so far through logic. To believe in mysterious forces is to go against logic and is irrational thinking. If logic and our senses are the only methods of gaining knowledge, then how does 916 come to the conclusion that there is a god?
Familiar with the three laws of logic?
1. The Law of Identity: For things, the law asserts that "A" is A," or "anything is itself." For propositions: "If a proposition is true, then it is true."
2. The Law of Excluded Middle: For things: "Anything is either A or not-A." For propositions: "A proposition, such as P, is either true or false."
3. The Law of Contradiction: For things: "Nothing can be both A and not-A". For propositions: "A proposition, P, cannot be both true and false"
These principles are simple enough, but I'm sure 916 is foolish enough to deny them outright. The funny thing is, 916 uses these same laws on a daily basis and yet, I know he will "pretend" they can be false. But how?
It all boils down to "FAITH". Faith is belief without, or in spite of, REASON.
Atheism is a commitment to rationality. The Conviction that man's mind is fully competent to know the facts of reality and that there is no aspect of the universe that is closed to rational scrutiny. Atheism is simply a commitment to reason. Now you can see where we differ. It's not necessarilly about "god". It's a way of thinking. Logic vs. Illogic. I will not accept the existence of god or any other "mysterious force" on faith because I completely reject faith as a valid method of gaining knowledge.
An idea or belief in ones mind does not constitue knowledge. One can have false ideas and false beliefs. If man is to acquire knowledge, he must have a method of distinguishing fact from fiction. To qualify as knowledge, a belief must be justified. It must warrant acceptance by rational standards. If a belief meets the requirements of these standards, it is a rational belief. If a belief cannot meet these requirements, it is an irrational belief.
"A. a belief must be based on evidence
B. a belief must be internally consistent
C. a belief cannot contradict previously validated knowledge with which it is to be integrated. "
If a belief fails to meet any or all of these, it cannot be considered knowledge.
I see that 916 occasionally throws in the word "reason" or "logic" from time to time. But the simple fact remains that all versions of religion eventually fall on the concept of faith. Through faith theists claim to transcent reason and gain knowledge. "To embrace faith is to abandon reason."
"Faith: The commintment of one's consciousness to beliefs for which one has no sensory evidence or rational proof."