karloz said:
But then I realized that in no point of my life have I felt God's presence, had signs of him even existing, or ever felt anything spiritual around me. I'm 25 years old, if there was a God, I think I would've seen a sign by now.
I'm not tryin to debate you, but only to enlighten you.
I went through the same shit, so I feel compelled to say something....
You ain't lookin right.... In other words, you're not tuned in.
Once you are, it will become very clear to you.
You're looking for God in the physical sense but you can find him with in you.
Catholicism is all about a middle man, you need a priest to do this and that for you. Even speak to God for you.... Well you need to cut the middle man and become Friends with God, personally.
Jesus says, "seek and you shall find".... If you really want to get to know Him and if you are passionate about it, call Him. Ask him to come into your life, and He will reveal Himself.... You just have to really want it....
karloz said:
Then, you'll have the most non-religious person, who has a piece of shit evil personality, but has had nothing but the best of luck and lives a comfortable life with no real trajedies in their life up till the day that they die. I mean, the whole bad things happening to good people, and good things happening to bad people thing really just makes me think that if there was a God, things like that just wouldn't be happening.
You put God first, then everything else will fall into place.
Trust me on this, I had nothing but bad luck when I was a lost soul.
Shit was getting worse by the day as I sunk into darkness.
I was in a self induced pit of violence....
But that all changed when I became friends with the "One"....
Everyone suffers, good or bad but it is only man who is to blame.
None of us are entitled to anything and life is only what we make out of it.
You bring God into your life and good things will happen to you.
People who are wicked will some day get caught up. It's NEVER a happy ending for them cuz what goes around comes around. Sooner or later, they end up paying for their actions and I'm not even talking about the afterlife. All of them pay in this life as well.
Think about all this for a while.
You're not totally lost yet so at least ponder on this shit for a little longer.
Don't call it quits when you are so close....