dawun said:
young wino take that save the world bullshit outta here. oil for blood is just excuses for the do gooders and anti war activists to get into the weak peoples mind that gov't is all bad. have some common fuckin sense. the real sheep are the iraqi people being told what to say and lied to. i aint gonna believe everything bush says but everyone knows that iraqi's are supressed and we have the power to deliver them. everyone knows saddamm is heartless killer and his son too. he wouldn't be shit or have shit if we didnt want his oil. this aint about oil we got enuff from saudi arabia and give it ten years we probably won't need his oil so he can burn in that bitch. this is about terror threats and the potential hitler's out there. we can't stop everyone but we can set an example that we won't take it. so change your ways or get changed. its all for a better life fo everyone. the iraqi people wil be much happier w/o the fear of sadaam.
fuck you , join the army . saddam only used nerve gas on rebel over ten years ago