So Sadam controlls CNN and Sadam controlls Time magazine and Newsweek magazine?. He's got all them in his poccet. He staged all of that and then somehow convinced CNN to send those live feeds, Taken by American cameramen, around the world? Those photographs that American photographers took were all staged? I dont know that just sounds a little out of control to me. If thats the case, then Your right we got a WAY bigger problem then I thought. It was bad enough when I believed it was just our government that controlled mainstream american media but if Sadam controls it too, we're all fucced. Thats the same thing I heard during the Vietnam war. I'm just not buying it. Again I'm all for being a humanitarian but I wanna help the people in OUR country first. If MY house is in order and I am doing o.k. then I am in the position to help out my neighbor and possibly chastise him for doing wrong but if MY house is not in order and I cant afford to take care of MY own children and I beat my wife then how could I possibly offer to help my neighbor or chastise him for beating his wife? You see the reasoning is just not there. We are not as strong a country as the rest of the world believes us to be. We are falling apart and lines between Americans are being drawn every day. Rich and Poor, Blacc and White, Muslim and Christian. America will always have its problems but we are in no way shape or form in the position to help out other countries right now. Our jobless rate is too high. Our homeless rate is too high. Our crime rate is too high the rate of government corruption is too high and the gap between the extremely rich and extremely poor is too high. It is just sad that you either care more for another country then you do your own or dont know enough about whats going on in your country to be pissed. If you directed all of your animosity for Sadam towards doing something for the poor and defensless of this country, America would truely be a better place