My outlook on this subject.......
While i see the points of people arguing ''whites'' are infiltrating rap,i still think it's ignorant as hell to make such a big deal about the 1 white rapper,that happens to be in my opinion the most ''original'' to come out nowaddays,makin' it big...While being white might have made him more ''marketable'',he's a talented ass person who either way had to get his turn in the lime light....if he was black,yeah,most likely he wouldnt have ''sold'' as much....but he still would get alot of shine for coming original and breaking the monotany of hip hop/raps' ''bling bling,shake ya ass'' bullshit.....he's real ''hip hop''...iguess i i would say that i consider hip hop/rap as ''street culture'',and as homie said earlier in this thread,latinos played a ''HUGE'' part in hip hops' beginings..You got black people rollin' low riders & hittin' switches,but chicanos were the founders and did years and years before blacks decided they liked that style,too and decided to put them in videos.....i don't see whites taking over rap,but i believe if you got the skils,white,black,purple green yellow...YOU SHOULD BE HEARD..