$6.20 for a pack of Newports!!!

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Sep 28, 2004
Even if it were illegal to smoke cigarettes, people would do it. Look at weed. But then you just wouldn't have it in public places where it'd interfere with your daily life. So for people who didn't like second hand smoke, they'd be all right. Unless you went to a party or something. I'm relating cigarettes to weed for a second and saying if cigarettes were illegal people would still smoke them, like people smoke weed, at private places. There'd be less chance of catching the smoke. I don't like the smell of weed so I can understand that annoyance of cigarette smell.

And I buy the second hand smoke thing. My mother can't breathe when she smells cigarette smoke. She's got emphysema and never smoked a day in her life. She got it from air pollution and second hand smoke when she was younger.
May 17, 2002
I hate smoking as much as the next guy, but isn't the pollution from cars (specially them souped up V8's and shit that a lotta folks here are into) just as dangerous or more so? I really dont know, so i am actually wondering which is worse, but ya them ads on tv, are good becasue they drive a good message home for youngsters, but they are agenda motivated.
May 13, 2002
Ok, so I finally said fuck it and went to the smoke shop and bought me some supplies.

1 big bag of menthol tobacco = $7
1 box of empty cigarettes (filter and paper together) = $2.99
1 cigarette machine = $6

I smoke roughly a pack a day, so I was paying:

6.20 X 7 = $43.40/week

Now, it breaks down like this:

$7 for big bag of menthol tobacco (roughly makes 200 cigs)
That equals .035 cents per smoke or roughly .7 cents per pack.

Now, for the filters and rolling paper already together (basically an empty cigarette) its $2.99 for a box of 200. Add that to the mix and it looks like this:

Roughly .05 per cig or $1/per pack.


Unless I’m fucking up big time on my math, I will save $1,898/year.