40 hr work week too much?

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Do americans work too much?

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Apr 25, 2002
As for a 40 hour work week I don't really give a fuck, I've worked 20 hour weeks and I've worked 100 hour weeks... If I'm getting paid it don't matter... A 4-day 40-hour work week isn't a bad idea if you can get the work done for the week... It would probably motivate people to work harder...
Jun 13, 2002
LOL good thread. I just got 39.50 hours next week and had 35 this week. I work 9, yes 9, days in a row, all being 7 hour days, one 5 hour day, an 8 hour day and 9 hour day. Friday is day #4, lets see if I can last.
Oct 10, 2002
currently working 35 hrs a week in Paris. I also got 35 days of vacations and the sick days system is really not the same as in the States. If you're sick, you just don't go to work you just have to go see the Doctor so he can decide whether you stay home or not.
Generally speaking we work less than in the States although people that have higher responsabilities work a lot more than 35 hrs a week. My dad works from 9am to 10pm almost every day.
May 13, 2002
Haven’t there been strikes of thousands of people against Raffarin’s plans to extend the working hours beyond the current 35 hours? I heard that almost a million people across France participated in the strike just yesterday or the day before…you’re in Paris, right? That must have been one of the largest areas of the strike?

I read that the recent strike seriously paralyzed the country, shutting down transport and other services and that the strikes also took place in national and local government departments, banks, the press, museums, etc. That’s amazing to me since here when strikes occur it is always one small specific trade, not all the workers uniting together (especially average workers uniting with government employees!).

It seems to me that the working class in France has really been organized and having huge protests/strikes in the last few months. It seems every time I read the news I read something about a protest/strike in France.

I think that’s one of the great things about France- the people have a long history of uniting together and fighting in order to make change. Something that has been, for the most part, absent in America for the last 30 years or so. (In the 70’s, the majority of the protests/strikes were for civil rights (black, women, gay, etc.) but not so much for workers rights.
Sep 28, 2002
Shit I wish I could get 40 hrs. There was a study in which they found that working 4 ten hour days and having 3 days off increases an individuals percieved happieness without affecting productivity.

But a month off I'll take it I say august.
Jan 21, 2004
yeah we work too much....this cuases a lot of problems....for instance many children not being rasied right cuz thier parents spend most thier time at work to provide for them......

think about it like this....the old days....you needed a place to live????? you found a spot build you a house.....the work invloved would not last for more than a year so youd be set after that.....depending on how elaborate your home is.....need food???? you hunt....picc and grow veggies and fruits....the work invloved in that would not take up 8 hours a day and even if it came close to that youd still be able to do these things with your family and take breaks when you felt like it......all these things would be for you and your families benifit so youd be happy to do them.....

nowdays....you work at least 40 hours a week and you barely got enough money to pay rent for a home that isnt even yours to own and can be taken from you at any givin moment.....you buy food that wont last the whole pay period.....you spend too much time away from family or anything you enjoy doin.....you become depressed or stressed out and hate your life and job....and all this is for the benifit of someone else gettin rich.....

so essentially you become a slave....welcome to america.......
Oct 10, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:
Haven’t there been strikes of thousands of people against Raffarin’s plans to extend the working hours beyond the current 35 hours? I heard that almost a million people across France participated in the strike just yesterday or the day before…you’re in Paris, right? That must have been one of the largest areas of the strike?

I read that the recent strike seriously paralyzed the country, shutting down transport and other services and that the strikes also took place in national and local government departments, banks, the press, museums, etc. That’s amazing to me since here when strikes occur it is always one small specific trade, not all the workers uniting together (especially average workers uniting with government employees!).

It seems to me that the working class in France has really been organized and having huge protests/strikes in the last few months. It seems every time I read the news I read something about a protest/strike in France.

I think that’s one of the great things about France- the people have a long history of uniting together and fighting in order to make change. Something that has been, for the most part, absent in America for the last 30 years or so. (In the 70’s, the majority of the protests/strikes were for civil rights (black, women, gay, etc.) but not so much for workers rights.

Yeah, but I'm just outside Paris so i haven't seen them.
Of course the whole city was on strike, especially transportation. Some metros had 1 out of 3 trains, others none. That was a mess going to work that day. Funny thing is that same day the CIO came to Paris to evaluate the chances to become the olympic city in 2012. But the strike was maintained as some argued that it shows values of liberty.
In France, unions are really big and powerfull and they can somehow go against the government by protesting. And you are also right that this has always been the case, france always made improvments by taking it to the streets. They decide a day they can show unity and they go accross various Paris neighborhoods. Even small cities love to go to the streets!
At the same time, ppl get tired of these strikes : the scientists, nurses, students ... it seems like everybody got something to complain about. LOL when EDF (electricity) was on strike they shut down the electricity for the Ministry of Interior ! Some of them are extremists too...
Generally speaking most people get mad when a strike starts, but they do understand that this is in fact a chance to be able to stop the activity of cities.

About the 35 hrs there's a big debate going on right now cause some say (the right) that some ppl work more than 35 hrs anyway, and some wanna work more to make more money, so might as well let them choose between 35 or more.
Jul 21, 2004
Have we forgotten, that whatever work hours any government have deem worthy for human labor, it still doesn’t provide a “human” or “god” given right/freedom to do what we want or have with our lives….of course, just as long as we are not killing anyone or preventing someone from their own freedom.

We have been brain washed to accept that 40hrs is ok even brain washed to believe that we have a right to argue less is better. We have completely given the government even corporation control over our lives. Where we live, where we work, where we go to school, what we eat, where/what our children should learn. We have been limited-restricted-classed-slaved-branded to not having what the earth can provide for all humans.

Why are we working? So we could complain about our jobs….pretty much everyday…why do some people get the better ____(noun)________ ?

Here’s the question…..do you think every living person deserve to have a beautifully made home and car and eat food that everyone should have the privilege to at least taste?
Apr 25, 2002
40 hour work week is pussy shit. On a min here i work 84 - 90 hours a week a few weeks i have worked. 112- 140 hours a week. mission dictates. 40 hours is less then 1/2 of the min amount of hours i am required to pull security shifts. 40 hours aint shit, 8 hours a day, you still have 66% of your day for free time. My father worked his ass off rasing me usally 10-12 hours a day and buisness trips like 2 weeks a month. People complain about 40 hour work weeks lol.
Jun 27, 2003
I think it's all relative. If you're working some office job or some other job where you're just standing/sitting around for 8 or 10 hours a day it's nothing. On the other hand, people down in Salinas and Watsonville etc etc are bending over from 5am to 6pm picking strawberries; that shit is back breaking.
May 13, 2002
KleanKut said:
On a min here i work 84 - 90 hours a week a few weeks i have worked. 112- 140 hours a week. mission dictates.
Well yeah, that's because you're a military slave.

40 hours is less then 1/2 of the min amount of hours i am required to pull security shifts. 40 hours aint shit, 8 hours a day, you still have 66% of your day for free time. My father worked his ass off rasing me usally 10-12 hours a day and buisness trips like 2 weeks a month. People complain about 40 hour work weeks lol.
You know damn well that you do NOT want to work 90 hours a week KleanKut. In fact, EVERYONE who voted NO on this thread would like to work less hours and get paid the same. Anyone who says otherwise is lieing.

The only reasons someone would want to work longer is because of $$$, not because they feel they want to work 40+ hours a week for fun.
Mar 15, 2005
^i do same shit all the time....work up to 6 months and quit cuz im sicc of being there all the time.....i think if we were givin less hours at same salary with more vacation time then we wouldnt need to quit cuz wed have time to do the things we enjoy....this would save a lot of employers money in training and mistakes by new hires.....